As the Electoral College is set to certify Joe Biden’s win, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel speaks to Maria Teresa Kumar about the Supreme Court’s decision to dismiss the Texas lawsuit that attempted to overturn the election in four swing states, including Michigan. Attorney General Nessel also addressed people making threats towards state officials: “we are looking for you and we will find you.” Aired on 12/14/2020.
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#Michigan #Trump #MSNBC
Michigan Attorney General On GOP Efforts To Overturn President Trump’s Electoral Defeat | MSNBC
Charge them all with sedition.
Charge them a coup charge with treason and being traders the punishment How is treason punished in the constitution?
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and …
Charge them with treason Can treason be punished by death?
Treason is a rare, but very serious crime. … Treason is defined as intentionally betraying one’s allegiance by levying war against the government or giving aid or comfort to its enemies. It’s the most serious offense one can commit against the government and is punishable by imprisonment and death.
@Kikeordaz Martinez Are you seriously suggesting Democrats don’t support Transvestites and HOMOSEXUALS?
From what happened to the surviving followers of Charles Manson and Jim Jones, it looks like their derangement is likely to last. The air accordion player reached into their shallow souls, and found something he could manipulate. I don’t know that they’ll ever be fixed.
@William H Music 2020

Over 300,000 dead. Millions homeless due to lack of a Covid relief package. BLAME MITCH AND THE SENATE!
@Harris Biden 2020 WON !!! I think it says in time of war…are we in a declared war?
@Apollo Pro Cards exactly, another one could’ve been done either way…Joe’s not going to be a savior to everything, you’re delusional and I’ll be waiting for this economy to plummet in 21 and mass foreclosures
@Nurse Blacke Then let’s audit the votes in the swing states. If we can’t do that, you have to deal with Mitch.
@McDonald Asperger I’m delusional?? You’re a trump supporter lol. I think that says it all. Go troll someone who isn’t smarter than you.
@Engage360 If that is true it should have been presented in court! And if it was why did EVERY court reject it?
If Republicans don’t want to live in a Democracy, they should leave. I’m completely serious. We don’t need this BS.
Maybe they can be persuaded to set up a colony on Uranus?
Democrats and China CCP cheated and rigged this 2020 USA election!
Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden under federal investigation.
Joe Biden’s brother, James Biden, also under federal investigation.
Judges and SCOTUS want to stay away from justice!!!
Still Nobody won. Nobody lost!!! All Mess!!
Maybe they need to relocate in Banana Republic.
That,s the Democrats problem they are haters
Not at the marker see constitutional republic you know that if you actually said the Pledge of Allegiance
“A demagogue over democracy”. Well said. Republicans abandon all claim to support law and order.
@Say What did you say what after watching your boys video? Buh hahahah
@gone fishing Who’s ‘my boy’, sad waste of skin? I’m serious when I say my dead parrot would have been more effective as President.
Not least in handling the virus….
@gone fishing ‘Buh hahahah’??? Seriously, sweetie? lol, your desperation is suweeet!

@Bidden HarryAss and they change votes from trump to Biden …lol u really think someone went to all that work just to screw with rump
We’re not democracy constitutional republic
This Kabuki Theater makes perfect sense to Donald Trump and his coterie of cultists.
@Lisa Zabriskie Likewise!
@Stad Cheven Alliterative aspersions against asinine agents are always appreciated.
@Lisa Zabriskie
Don’t give it a thought
a bot
I am naught.
@Stad Cheven Great alliteration, Sir.
Giuliani must be disbarred.
and face Justice for his bogus actions !!!
hmxr715 the leftists are the new fascists.
William h is butt hurt, bigly
@C bs
@hmxr715 ok..
126 Republicans House Representative members under oath constitution and protect our constitution and democracy Republicans congress members violated constitution and role of law
Can treason be punished by death?
Treason is a rare, but very serious crime. … Treason is defined as intentionally betraying one’s allegiance by levying war against the government or giving aid or comfort to its enemies. It’s the most serious offense one can commit against the government and is punishable by imprisonment and death.
Don’t forget the 18 States Attorneys Generals that went along with this coup attempt. Thanks.
No, they didn’t. Stop acting like like a coward.
If wasting police time is illegal how is wasting courts time knowingly legal ?
It is absolutely illegal to file unmerited and unsubstantiated lawsuits. Why they get away with it? I do not know!
@Michael Brown Sadly, I do believe they will get away with it. However, if they do, it can be used as precedent. Even with the courts accepting these lawsuits, WITHOUT also at time of filing, can be used as a precedent for ANYONE filing lawsuits to argue that it was acceptable over 50x and therefore should be allowed for me!
@Daniel Murphy who are you talking about?
@Cill Triplett UTI
Wasting police time is illegal?
mitch is the devil in a suit
@Gary Campbell Yes.
@Gary Campbell of coarse not. Humor works works both ways. A dual of wits so to speak. You can play when you get some

@Psyco Geek Yeah, last time they invited him, he declined.
@Andrew Gause The Devil is the great deciever. You think that because he wants you to think that. Don’t fall prey to the great deciever.
@Mike Gallo it was a joke.
Yes, the mayor is right. this was an attempted coup…peace.
We need leaders like Gavin to restore faith in the system — California Gov. Newsom’s Businesses Received Millions in PPP Loans ABC News: He’s of the people and fights for them.
Can treason be punished by death?
Treason is a rare, but very serious crime. … Treason is defined as intentionally betraying one’s allegiance by levying war against the government or giving aid or comfort to its enemies. It’s the most serious offense one can commit against the government and is punishable by imprisonment and death.
And like everything else Donald is involved in…it FAILED!!!
@Cheryl Aaron ; I agree, but this was Michigan’s attorneys general, not a mayor.
They’re a shame to the american people all 126 of them need to be jailed, leading to corruption!!
@kevin Bernard I don’t think a court will go down the traceability and audit trail rabbit hole because then the voting machines and tabulating machines also get called to question, not just the ballot printing which is 100% compromised if you read a few affidavits of evidence……because the cia and establishment are in on it. I think dominion software is in the new today and runs elections in 30 + states, the same software that was “responsibility” for the treasury hack you are hearing about today as breaking news is in dominions back end.
@Kevin Dusenberry and then you crazy desperate losers can live in your religious fascist dictatorship and live happily ever after . Loser.
Also the three people above me in this thread that have @ me are Chinese AI bots. Not Americans unless they can prove it
@Kevin Dusenberry ain’t nothing chinese about me you lil chow mein chad, but if you want, I can whack ya upside the head so hard you either lose the slanted eyes you have, or gain the ones you dont have…
@Kevin Dusenberry Happy now ? Did you explode…? Have a Happy End of the Year, with your vaccine, of course !
“INTERNAL TERRORISM” is exactly what Trump personifies.
Also known as DOMESTIC TERRORISM by the intelligence community.
@Harris Biden 2020 WON !!! we should be peacefully demonstrating for arrest for treason and sedition! Starting right now!!!
@Sean So … stupid! You’re the traitor!!
@Judy Bargenquast your right I’ve had it up to my earlobes with these zombie’s.
“All these individuals should be held accountable.” This is an attempted coup. We need to see this whole gang and their enablers in orange. 20 years in a federal pen is not enough.
I agree!!
When things were at their very worst:
2 Suns, Cross in the sky, 2 comets will collide = don`t be afraid – repent, accept Lord`s Hand of Mercy.
The first sign – the Earth will spin faster.
The second sign concerns the sun, which will loom larger, brighter and begin to spin.
Scientists will say it was a global illusion.
Beaware – Jesus will never walk in flesh again.
After WW3 – rise of the “ man of peace“ from the East = Antichrist – the most powerful, popular, charismatic and influential leader of all time. Many miracles will be attributed to him. He will imitate Jesus in every conceivable way.
Don`t trust „pope“ Francis = the False Prophet
– will seem to rise from the dead
– will unite all Christian Churches and all Religions as one.
One World Religion = the seat of the Antichrist.
Benedict XVI is the last true pope – will be accused of a crime of which he is totally innocent.
– banking collapse was deliberately masterminded by the Antichrist
– Antichrist will step in and create a false peace in the state of Israel by joining them with palestine in an unlikely alliance.
– „He will recite extracts from My Teachings, which he will passionately proclaim from every secular stage in the world, until people sit up and take notice of him.“
The Book of Truth
@joseph ka Allahu Akbar. La hawla wala quwata illa billah
Simple: ask those congress people prior to seating them if the election was a fraud. Their answer will determine if they are seated or not. You can’t have both.
Simplest logic man. Thanks.
Can treason be punished by death?
Treason is a rare, but very serious crime. … Treason is defined as intentionally betraying one’s allegiance by levying war against the government or giving aid or comfort to its enemies. It’s the most serious offense one can commit against the government and is punishable by imprisonment and death.
A great idea!!!!!
Very good point. They all won their seats…does it mean they didn’t?
They should all be tried for treason and sedition.
@pat Riley If Pres. Trump were allowed to do all that he wanted to do, the economy would have more than just skyrocketed.
Obviously, you do not believe the Democrats when they say they are socialists and have no understanding of what it is, but, at the same time, you protect and embrace it yourself. Interesting.
Here’s something that you are not supposed to see:
Thinking About Voting For Bernie? Watch This!
Why Bernie Sanders’ Communist Misadventures Still Matter
what’s wrong with socialism
“bernie tax plan”
tanked economy sweden CNN:
@WARRIOR OF GOD Maybe you will like this?
EXPLOSIVE! Hillary FINALLY CAUGHT! Declassified CIA Docs Show MASSIVE CORRUPTION Involving Clinton!
@S D When did I say I embraced socialism. I am a student of philosophy thats why I can’t stand throwing around words they don’t understand. As for your video “evidence ” you can plenty of other video saying exactly the opposite. They are just people’s opinions . Can you tell me what Trump wanted to do for the economy. Or is that just another thing you know nothing about. Just for your information about my political beliefs. I do not believe in political parties. I believe that independents should govern. That they should vote on legislation after fair and educated information is given. Not on whag some party hacks tell you. Tha how it was at the birth of democracy
@S D no. Not right.
These Attorneys need to be disbarred and stripped of any possibility of being involved in law or politics. Then tried. This is disgusting.
@Doug Smithart Again, I’m not a Democrat or a Lefty, so I use rule of law, law and order, justice and mercy and the like. So such questions would never come up. Why hold someone accountable for “crimes” which were never committed or existed?
@Doug Smithart Have I what? Want to see some real crimes?
*Senate committee report on Hunter Biden raises ‘criminal financial, counterintelligence and extortion concerns’*
*Hunter Biden, Burisma, and Corruption: The Impact on U.S. Government Policy and Related Concerns*
Tucker: China saying that they have operatives in high American offices
*WATCH: Tucker exposes scrubbed video of Chinese professor saying they have people at top of America*
SPECIAL REPORT: Inside Joe Biden’s corruption scandal and the social media cover-up
*HUGE UPDATE: Dominion Voting Systems Uses SolarWinds — Same Company CISA in Rare Warning Reported Was Breached, Compromised and Should Be Disconnected!!*
@S D you don’t think it’s under threat from trump, with his ties to Russia? He does not speak out against him ever. Putin blackmailing trump? Opinion, but believe it is possible.
You have to face facts and get real!!!!
All these doe not mean Biden is the president-elect!!
Still Nobody won. Nobody lost!!!
1. The inaugural committee has failed to pass resolution and not agreed to consider Biden as President Elect.
2. Biden has been refused all access from the pentagon.
3. GSA did not give even $1 to the Biden’s transition team.
4. Kamala Harris knows this very well and has not resigned her position.
5. etc…..etc………
@S D that’s cool. I always wanted to learn mandarin. When are they gonna take over. Will we have more Chinese takeaways. Love the sweet and sour pork. Will we still need visas for China?
Those congress”man” need to be tried for treason. All of them.
True . Georgia republicans-“don’t vote for the republicans on the Jan 5 run off , don’t give these republicans candidates your votes” this is the head of the Republicans saying this maybe listen? The election
has been decided already. Can treason be punished by death?
Treason is a rare, but very serious crime. … Treason is defined as intentionally betraying one’s allegiance by levying war against the government or giving aid or comfort to its enemies. It’s the most serious offense one can commit against the government and is punishable by imprisonment and death.
They took an oath they violated and need to NOT be seated in the House in January.
They are not just congressmen. The lovely and delightful Mrs. Jackie Walarsky Republican congresswoman from Indiana is a Trump sycophant too.
Yeah, all of the political candidates in DC should be removed for treason, corrupt, compromised by Ccp, obstruction of justice, etc.
I believe they should be tried for sedition.
All those Attorneys should be Reported to the Bar.
They took Oaths.
Can treason be punished by death?
Treason is a rare, but very serious crime. … Treason is defined as intentionally betraying one’s allegiance by levying war against the government or giving aid or comfort to its enemies. It’s the most serious offense one can commit against the government and is punishable by imprisonment and death.
Quite right. And it will be a sad day in American history if they go unpunished.
We don’t people accountable for anything in this country…
Our prison are all country clubs, we spend billions coddling the worst of humanity in this country with politicians being on top.
The House Members too a separate oath as well.
these ultra right-wingnuts have to be put in their place, once and for all
starting with that Kyle W
Why not penalize $$$$ these losers for squandering court time….