After issuing a warning this past week, that the Michigan Capitol "is not safe," Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel says. "we have to do better to protect the seat of government here in the state of Michigan." Aired on 01/15/2021.
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#MichiganCapitol #DanaNessel #MSNBC
Michigan AG: ‘Have To Do Better To Protect The Seat Of Government’ In The State | MTP Daily | MSNBC
Is Trump a symptom or cause of all this? I think a combination of both, but without him, we definitely would not be where we are today.
I think thats kinda like asking was Jim Jones the cause of his followers standing in line to literally drink the Koolaid, Surely there would not have been 900 people deciding to take their lives that day if it were not for the actions of Jim Jones. My next statement is not a defense of trump supporters, but there exist the potential within all of us to be manipulated to think and behave in ways that we wouldn’t believe we ever would. I think im a mentally stable guy, but i will use myself as an example, and this is not to offend anyone who’s religious, but i am former Christian, the central belief being jesus died and was resurrected 3 days later, whether that is true or not is unimportant, but it goes against every single thing that you have ever known and have every seen, you have never been to a funeral and thought, well give it a few days, and maybe this person will come back to life, But billions of humans willingly believe in the resurrection of jesus, I use this as an example to say that if we can be convinced that people come back from the dead, then what cant you get humans to believe?
The money kept rolling in and he kept lying
The latest, most virulent, most horrifying and most deadly variant of COVID is spreading in the U.S.A. This is due to the incompetence, ineptitude, distraction, ignorance, callous disregard, hatred, racism, entitlement, misogyny, privilege, classism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, lack of foresight and zero due diligence of the Office Of The President and Vice President Elect! They have blood on their hands! THINK OF THE DYING CHILDREN! ACCOUNTABILITY! Let. That. Sink. In!
@The King Maker Trump’s more than 20,000 lies; including his daily, multiple lies that the election results were “fake” is one of the reasons that Trump’s followers engaged in insurrection and sedition. Trump’s soul is paying for his lies and his fascism. I understand your position on Christianity and you have the right to your belief. It’s not mine; however, I honor whatever belief you have. In my view, people who engage in insurrection and sedition are responsible for their behaviors.
@Samudra Manthan The President-Elect, Joe Biden, and Vice-President Elect, Kamala Harris, had nothing to do with the issues that you stated. These issues were all the responsibility of President Trump who was, and is, completely inept. Vice-President Pence had a role in dealing with COVID-19. The 375,000 Americans dead due to COVID-19 and the rising number of American deaths due to COVID-19 occurred because of Trump’s inept behavior and Pence’s willingness to enable Trump in his inept response to COVID-19. .
Shoot first please save democracy
And yourself the riots are everything the constitution is against and trying to save people from
Shoot only at Republicans seems to be the message by the radical left.
When you allow seditious lies to go unchecked in public offices you allow your government to fall. Paraphrase from James Madison. The point is you need to hold elected officials accountable for lying to undermine their government.
@Joey Budinski Again I feel you have written dems when you meant to write trumps cult. Please do not continue but please it would be only polite if you could spell my name correctly. US is the land of the free with the best democracy and no control of the media. It is a capitalist, free market economy and I am sure Rupert Murdoch and Fox news would be insulted that you think they are controlled by the dems.
As well as threatening and intimidating their own government officials.
@Joey Budinski NO YOU ARE WRONG .
@evil khor geez give me a break
@Hope&Peace No hope for you.
@Mr. Greenjeans (EDIT: I’m leaving this here, despite the fact it’s an absurd answer by me.) Yeah, no it’s not. They are being relocated to a museum the same way they are at the end of every presidency. Presidents get to choose what they decorate the White House with and removing the art from one to the next is actually a really good sign. It means Trump is leaving.
Stop spreading disinformation.
@David Lee I am not referencing items from the White House; I am referencing the Secret Service discussions on how to handle the president if he refuses to leave.
@Mr. Greenjeans I would like to show the difference between internet thugs and what the world could aspire to be: *My apologies. I misunderstood your comment and was wrong. Obviously, I could stand to read a bit more carefully which replies are referring to which comments. cheers*
@David Lee Thanks. I have done the same elsewhere … and apologized. You have my respect.
@David Lee Provide that information that the Lincoln Bust was being taken to a museum and for what reason? So Peter Navarro is personally taking items from the WH to a museum? What are the hired movers too overwhelmed and need help by Peter Navarro??
She’s absolutely right. It’s time for debate. Do it!
A lot is going on , but lets be very clear, every death, every riot , every violent act that happens is the Direct result of the lies that have come from a single individuals mouth and he must be held accountable.
State the lies and show the proof.
Otherwise, you’re just another low iq dem voter.
The latest, most virulent, most horrifying and most deadly variant of COVID is spreading in the U.S.A. This is due to the incompetence, ineptitude, distraction, ignorance, callous disregard, hatred, racism, entitlement, misogyny, privilege, classism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, lack of foresight and zero due diligence of the Office Of The President and Vice President Elect! They have blood on their hands! THINK OF THE DYING CHILDREN! ACCOUNTABILITY! Let. That. Sink. In!
@Samudra Manthan It has to do with the virus that was released from the communist Chinese. They are the ones to blame.
We look forward to our new Biden administration because they have promised an end to the COVID-19 nightmare that we are now facing.
@T. R. Campbell I can see you’ve been paying attention and are fair minded. How do you think we can help grapple with all of our anti-government groups? I have lost friends who have become deranged and disconnected in a q anon way but in the left. When trying to reason with them and show them any nuance over a protest, event, or action by the police or government I was met with a bizarre ferocious rage and accusations. I don’t know what to do. I just know to speak the truth and use nuance and avoid attacking people as you’ve done in your comment.
@David Abrams I think the best way to deal with some of these people is to put forth good solid policy. As I’ve said before, Joe campaigned on the fact that he is a unifier and he can reach across the aisle and work with Republicans. I think this might be political speech from him because we really haven’t seen too much of that during his 47 years in DC, I’m gonna take him at his word.
I believe if he can speed up the vaccinations so if we can get out from under this COVID-19 nightmare that we’ve been in, that would be a very positive step. I don’t know why there are all of these strings attached to the Inoculations, the vaccine should be distributed to state health department, pharmacies, and doctors offices the same as the flu shot. There are forms that go along with the COVID-19 vaccinations because the two vaccines in use now require two doses. So if Joe can get those states to ramp up their game that would be a big deal.
I also believe Joe has to ramp up a policy and procedure to return our supercharged economy to what it was before COVID-19 struck the world. Joe has a solid foundation on which to stand because of what Trump did is he implemented our iconic JFK tax plan. Trump added some things of his own like getting rid of some draconian rules and regulations. Do you have announced a plan the other day to open the schools and to begin opening restaurants in business. This would be very positive and would begin an economic recovery.
So he can get those two things done, increase COVID-19 vaccinations and restore the supercharged economy that will go along way in silencing a lot of the wing nuts.
I fear however that there were so many different factions within our party that we might end up having Another circular firing squad. Some are going to put forth so many outrageous radical ideas that unity is going to be hard to come by.
Time will tell. Stay healthy, be safe and use caution.
This is a sad commentary on the American people who have been brainwashed by whoever and whatever else they have bought into!!!
I agree. Donald Trump, the outgoing President of the United States of America, has lied repeatedly on a daily basis about the results of the election that Trump lost. Biden had 306 Electoral College votes to Trumps 232. Biden won the popular vote by 7 million as he had 81 million votes compared to Trump’s 74 million votes. The only “stealing” of the election has been done by Trump. He lost 64 lawsuits about the election as there was absolutely no data support his claims which were all lies. May God have mercy on Trump’s soul as he and those who took part in the insurrection and sedition which Trump “led,” will pay spiritually for their behavior.
The latest, most virulent, most horrifying and most deadly variant of COVID is spreading in the U.S.A. This is due to the incompetence, ineptitude, distraction, ignorance, callous disregard, hatred, racism, entitlement, misogyny, privilege, classism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, lack of foresight and zero due diligence of the Office Of The President and Vice President Elect! They have blood on their hands! THINK OF THE DYING CHILDREN! ACCOUNTABILITY! Let. That. Sink. In!
Trump’s deception has been enormous. Trump supporters were trained to turn out for his rallies wherever he went, because they felt that he represented and cared about them. They found fellow Americans there, that held a lot of their same views and from that, they labeled non-Trumper people to be “Commies”. Trump had four years to cultivate the rally “feeling”. Then, he invited those same people to another rally in Washington and says, “it’s the most important one of all”. People attend the rally where he tells them that if the Democrats take over it will be the end of the USA. (Same thing that he told Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Putin about their countries). He said he would go with them to the Capital and so some would have assumed that he was at the front of the mob. Not necessarily known to most participants, Trump threw a bunch of heavies into the mix at the rally. Some in military gear but also showing representation from military and government figures. He watched his favorite soap opera on TV while people died. I vote to Impeach him and more if possible. Trump is also a traitor to his followers and his next move will be to throw them under the bus.
That’s why the checks and balances have been undermined and pinned as ‘freedom of speech’ unfortunately the uncheck items are the ones that seep into the sponge of a brain these people have.
Because of the Republican Party, January, 6 will be a Federal holiday for the safety of the government employees being attacked by a Republican thug.
how does the michigan capitol not have metal detectors? every government building in west virginia has metal detectors and police stationed by the doors.
Who’s job is it to ensure the safety and well-being of all the citizens living in Michigan?
EVERY State.. faces the same State Capitol security issues next week. I say, CLOSE those Capitols next week. Law makers can meet ONLINE as they well know how to do by now, LOL.
only democrats and liberals are in danger. the left should think long and hard as to why that is
@frictionRx9 because the right has gone off the deep end and considers murder and insurrection the right way to take a loss?
@frictionRx9 Because domestic terrorism is on the rise.
@frictionRx9 So, have the courage of your conviction(s) and tell us why insurrection and sedition against the United States of America, led by Donald Trump and his right-wing followers is the fault of Democrats and liberals. Trump lost the election to Biden by 306 to 232 electoral votes and Biden won the popular vote by 7 million votes. Biden had 81 million votes and Trump only had 74 million. Trump lost; however, he has lied about the results of the most secure election in American history on a daily basis. Trump was impeached for good reason.
They closed everything for the virus. Close it down until the unrest has calmed. We as teachers work from home. Why can’t the people in the capital building?
Offense is the best defense.
Go after mob’s nest today. Apprehend all personnel, their weapons and all equipments.
Why just stay around your government like sitting duck.
Set up hotlines for all residents to report any suspicious activities.
When there’s a left and a right, the truth is always somewhere in the middle.
False. That’s the fallacy of the middle.
Republican lies and right wing media are literally killing us
They have metal detectors at the entrance to the hospital in my area. The state Capitol should get some asap.
Anyone that has worked for companies like Dell has to walk through a metal detector to go to work, even if it is in the warehouse. This was commonplace 15 years ago!! There are metal detectors at grade schools, middle schools, and high schools across America.
So: schools have metal detector, but not State-Capitol?
Yes, trump cult is totally dangerous.
People are so lucky to live in Michigan with the great leadership they have in Govnr Whitmer, AG Nessle, the others
“THANK” Trump for all this mess !