We could be headed for a major dispute over the 2020 presidential race outcome even without foreign interference or fraud, because of delays in vote counting. #CNN #News
Michael Smerconish: Beware the ‘Blue Shift’

We could be headed for a major dispute over the 2020 presidential race outcome even without foreign interference or fraud, because of delays in vote counting. #CNN #News
If you can vote safely at the voting booth do it! A landslide on election night is what we need.
@Phaedra Degreef haha you know the saying “monkey see monkey do” be yourself instead of mimicking these crazy lefties.
@zjoe just stop, I’m not watching conspiracy theory video’s, or replying any further to this nonsense…It’s obvious you are getting paid to troll, and I fell for it…
Go educate yourself, then discuss with grown ups.
@Phaedra Degreef what a weird theory haha i think you are just too p…y to check if it’s true. i didn’t say you have to believe the video, you should never believe something without checking the things they claim.
@Phaedra Degreef james corbett made a good video on that, he’s an open source intelligence researcher that covers a wide range of topics maybe he can teach you to not fall for “stuff” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUwf0k28gIk
@Phaedra Degreef Democrats Push Post Office Scandal To CHEAT The Election Against Trump And Here’s The Proof https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7Ry58urtV0
November 3rd is trash day. VOTE. Take out the trash.
Bye China Joe & Kameltoe!
Sleepy bunker don is too incompetent
Man of the PIano then it time to do it again… problem is the trash is so high it would require a barge!
Biden 2020 —- plain and simple. We are all done with the tin pot wanna be dictator!
Will you blame Trump again for a black guy killing a 5 year old white boy ?
let’s vote in mass so it won’t be refuted period.
@MatterIsNotSolid I’m telling you he made no good point, he basically used that story to get attention. Your parents status doesn’t affect your eligibility for any public office as long as you are a citizen. I’m asking you again, if Kamala Harris wins the election with Biden, will you admit that you’re wrong.
@Mohammed Mogaji Your opinion. He did in fact make an excellent point and detailed it. The court should rule but the wont, in the end it helps Trump Immensely. Really nothing more to say at this point.
@MatterIsNotSolid Again there’s no case to rule on, you’ve been conned by a washed up lawyer looking to make a quick buck, that’s why it’s an oped not a fact, nobody is buying it except weak minds like you. If you sat down and thought about this you’ll know the lawyer made no point, Harris had been AG, DA, Senator and now VP nominee. All positions held by citizens of the country.
When you set aside the liberal media’s baseless slander portraying Trump as a “white supremacist” and a racist, his record is quite impressive. Here is my top ten list of Trump’s greatest accomplishments while in office:
#1. Building the most prosperous economy in US history. I hardly think that can be dismissed. Whether you like him or not, every American benefitted greatly in the last four years, between record lows in unemployment and every person with a retirement plan seeing the most ROI in their lifetimes.
#2. Repealing NAFTA and the TPTA, thereby saving millions of American jobs from going overseas.
#3. Bringing back manufacturing to our country. Biden says he is for this. Why didn’t he do it when he was in the White House for eight years?
#4. Responding quickly to my area when the virus hit and making sure there were enough ventilators to go around, as well as the CARES Act, which was a joint venture.
#5. The wall and the immigration crackdown. Anti-Mexican? The Mexican immigrant family had been getting sold out by both parties for decades, watching their jobs and wages disappear to cutrate illegal competition doing the same work cheaper. It’s not about race. The Democrats want illegals here so they can exploit them for cheap labor, and that is the real reason. So, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
#6. Pres. Trump recently signed legislation lowering prescription drug costs for hundreds of millions of Americans. Did the liberal media cover the story? I’m guessing not. Credit where credit is due is what’s fair.
#7. Just the other day, Trump made a historic and promising peace agreement in the Middle East between the Jews and the Arabs. He probably deserves the Nobel peace prize for it, but will he get it? Barack was awarded one. We’re not sure what if anything he did to earn it.
#8. Putting ISIS out of business. We need a strong leader to stand up to China, not a dottering old political hack in bed with anti-American Communists.
#9. Piercing the Iron Curtain of North Korea.
#10. Setting an example to defy PC speech codes.
I believe in giving credit where credit is due. I believe in electing the best man for the job who is the most capable of running this country. There is only one candidate who is a strong leader. The media hates him, but I think for myself. Trump accomplished way more is his four years than Biden did in eight. Trump repealed the deal Obama made that gave Iran the bomb. Trump lived up to his pledge to put America first. To hell with the media, I will be voting for Trump.
@Insomnia Pictures The only bullet point you gave that Trump could use to win votes is the economy and that’s underwater now
This vote might kill me but I’m going to the polls to cast my vote
Well you can go to Walmart and wait in line,you can have a funeral for a politician but you they don’t want you standing in line to vote,and the funniest part is CNN in the past blasted the post office as incompetent and a waste now all of a sudden they are fine,and you dumb people fall for it.Trump 2020
What is going on in Minnesota ? New Poll shows Trump and Joe Biden Tied in Battleground Minnesota
Trump has tied up the presidential race in the battleground state of Minnesota, a Trafalgar Group survey released Thursday revealed.
Trafalgar Group’s survey, conducted August 15-18 among 1,141 likely general election voters, showed Trump and Biden in the midst of a dead heat in the North Star State. Trump garnered 46.5 percent of the vote, compared to Biden’s 46.9 percent.
@Jets Tom lets go Trump the silent majority will not be silenced on Election Day even the demokkkrats are trying their best to stop us.
When you set aside the liberal media’s baseless slander portraying Trump as a “white supremacist” and a racist, his record is quite impressive. Here is my top ten list of Trump’s greatest accomplishments while in office:
#1. Building the most prosperous economy in US history. I hardly think that can be dismissed. Whether you like him or not, every American benefitted greatly in the last four years, between record lows in unemployment and every person with a retirement plan seeing the most ROI in their lifetimes.
#2. Repealing NAFTA and the TPTA, thereby saving millions of American jobs from going overseas.
#3. Bringing back manufacturing to our country. Biden says he is for this. Why didn’t he do it when he was in the White House for eight years?
#4. Responding quickly to my area when the virus hit and making sure there were enough ventilators to go around, as well as the CARES Act, which was a joint venture.
#5. The wall and the immigration crackdown. Anti-Mexican? The Mexican immigrant family had been getting sold out by both parties for decades, watching their jobs and wages disappear to cutrate illegal competition doing the same work cheaper. It’s not about race. The Democrats want illegals here so they can exploit them for cheap labor, and that is the real reason. So, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
#6. Pres. Trump recently signed legislation lowering prescription drug costs for hundreds of millions of Americans. Did the liberal media cover the story? I’m guessing not. Credit where credit is due is what’s fair.
#7. Just the other day, Trump made a historic and promising peace agreement in the Middle East between the Jews and the Arabs. He probably deserves the Nobel peace prize for it, but will he get it? Barack was awarded one. We’re not sure what if anything he did to earn it.
#8. Putting ISIS out of business. We need a strong leader to stand up to China, not a dottering old political hack in bed with anti-American Communists.
#9. Piercing the Iron Curtain of North Korea.
#10. Setting an example to defy PC speech codes.
I believe in giving credit where credit is due. I believe in electing the best man for the job who is the most capable of running this country. There is only one candidate who is a strong leader. The media hates him, but I think for myself. Trump accomplished way more is his four years than Biden did in eight. Trump repealed the deal Obama made that gave Iran the bomb. Trump lived up to his pledge to put America first. To hell with the media, I will be voting for Trump.
Safer Than Going To The Store.
Dancing around the real answer… Lack of polling spaces and extremely long lines sometimes done on purpose has increased the chances that a voter may use a absentee ballot
@J M M many agree with you, but it doesnt matter.
@Kevin Parsley …..and….are you a Greek chorus or do you have an opinion?
@J M M Thank you. Well spoken!
@PerfectlyPurePink PomPomPanties You are welcome.
If you vote absentee or by mail or absentee, call the country registrar to assure your vote is received, if you get no notice. Now would be a good time to check to see if your registration is intact. If not, go down the the county office with all proofs of residence and ID and RE REGISTER!!!!!!!! (with your mask on and hand sanitizer in hand). And for Nov. 3rd voting find your polling place ahead of time and take all supplies needed (bag lunch and dinner, hydration, packaged snacks to share, fruit, sunhat/sunscreen, outer wear for cool or cold days/evenings, comfy shoes, and a whole mess of patience and persistence) Voting in pairs is good. If you haven’t voted since Obama or before, take current voter registration card (check it beforehand is better) and have ID and even proof of residence. We need to be ready to do battle for this vote to be recorded and counted without grounds to have it disallowed or discarded. Do not be intimidated by official interference; you only need to show your name or ID at the check-in table.Their is one main person in charge at each polling place and there are poll watchers from your party to assist you or you can call to have one sent to you.
It doesn’t matter how long it takes – count every vote.
Don’t worry about the Minnesota poll showing it very tight, soon Fake News will fix that.
@takamex So…. “Fake” is anything YOU don’t WANNA agree with. That about right? Yep. I hope someday, when your oncologist tells you that you’ve got cancer, you accuse him of spreading “fake news” and skip the chemo. You’ll be doing the world a favor.
@P Smith No, Fake News is the world of the Democrat Party. The party that accuses others of being Russians while pushing for marxism in the USA, the party that does everything possible to keep blacks in their plantation as if they were property (see blacks escaping the Democrat Party plantation here https://youtu.be/oR-Yx4yF3Fw), the Party that brags about how they govern while destroying their cities (see Baltimore here after 53 years of DNC government https://youtu.be/7S_Xl2eOeeY), the party that says Bidementia does not have dementia (see him here if you still had any doubts https://youtu.be/PpMAd7uXMSY), the Party that thinks we will believe that cocaine Hunter Biden got a job for 85k per month because he was an energy expert LOL, the Party that accuses others of acting like Nazis but they are the ones burning books (see here Bidementia supporters burning books https://youtu.be/nxYjd50YB_g), and the list goes on. So the Democrat Party activists posing as journalists keep many minds enslaved through their Fake News.
When you set aside the liberal media’s baseless slander portraying Trump as a “white supremacist” and a racist, his record is quite impressive. Here is my top ten list of Trump’s greatest accomplishments while in office:
#1. Building the most prosperous economy in US history. I hardly think that can be dismissed. Whether you like him or not, every American benefitted greatly in the last four years, between record lows in unemployment and every person with a retirement plan seeing the most ROI in their lifetimes.
#2. Repealing NAFTA and the TPTA, thereby saving millions of American jobs from going overseas.
#3. Bringing back manufacturing to our country. Biden says he is for this. Why didn’t he do it when he was in the White House for eight years?
#4. Responding quickly to my area when the virus hit and making sure there were enough ventilators to go around, as well as the CARES Act, which was a joint venture.
#5. The wall and the immigration crackdown. Anti-Mexican? The Mexican immigrant family had been getting sold out by both parties for decades, watching their jobs and wages disappear to cutrate illegal competition doing the same work cheaper. It’s not about race. The Democrats want illegals here so they can exploit them for cheap labor, and that is the real reason. So, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
#6. Pres. Trump recently signed legislation lowering prescription drug costs for hundreds of millions of Americans. Did the liberal media cover the story? I’m guessing not. Credit where credit is due is what’s fair.
#7. Just the other day, Trump made a historic and promising peace agreement in the Middle East between the Jews and the Arabs. He probably deserves the Nobel peace prize for it, but will he get it? Barack was awarded one. We’re not sure what if anything he did to earn it.
#8. Putting ISIS out of business. We need a strong leader to stand up to China, not a dottering old political hack in bed with anti-American Communists.
#9. Piercing the Iron Curtain of North Korea.
#10. Setting an example to defy PC speech codes.
I believe in giving credit where credit is due. I believe in electing the best man for the job who is the most capable of running this country. There is only one candidate who is a strong leader. The media hates him, but I think for myself. Trump accomplished way more is his four years than Biden did in eight. Trump repealed the deal Obama made that gave Iran the bomb. Trump lived up to his pledge to put America first. To hell with the media, I will be voting for Trump.
We all learn to standing line mask on in Walmart shopping center Banks convenience stores drug stores government buildings School. I think we can do it at the voting booths think you can? American we can do this
A fact check by the Associated Press of Mrs Obama Speech last night at DNC Convention:
THE FACTS: Trump Administration used facilities that were built during the Obama-Biden administration to house children at the border. They are chain-link enclosures inside border facilities where migrants were temporarily housed, separated by sex and age.
At the height of the controversy over Trump’s zero-tolerance policy at the border, photos that circulated online of children in the enclosures generated great anger.
But those photos — by The Associated Press — were taken in 2014 and depicted some of the thousands of unaccompanied children held by President Barack Obama.
Well it’s official , the Great White Liberal Flight out of NYC has begun in mass. Empty apartments in Manhattan reach record high, topping 13,000
The number of apartments for rent, or listing inventory, more than doubled over last year and set a record for the 14 years since data started being collected, according to a report from Douglas Elliman and Miller Samuel, Real Estate Appraisers & Consultants.
Real Estate Prices in NYC have dropped by 30% and heading for 50% drop before the end of the year according to Elliman/Samuel
Why is this happening here and what will happen to cities like Chicago, Portland, Seattle, LA and SF. What do all these cities have in common?
The Great White Liberal Flight out of NYC has begun in mass. Empty apartments in Manhattan reach record high, topping 13,000
The number of apartments for rent, or listing inventory, more than doubled over last year and set a record for the 14 years since data started being collected, according to a report from Douglas Elliman and Miller Samuel, Real Estate Appraisers & Consultants.
Real Estate Prices in NYC have dropped by 30% and heading for 50% drop before the end of the year according to Elliman/Samuel
Why is this happening here and what will happen to cities like Chicago, Portland, Seattle, LA and SF. What do all these cities have in common?
When you set aside the liberal media’s baseless slander portraying Trump as a “white supremacist” and a racist, his record is quite impressive. Here is my top ten list of Trump’s greatest accomplishments while in office:
#1. Building the most prosperous economy in US history. I hardly think that can be dismissed. Whether you like him or not, every American benefitted greatly in the last four years, between record lows in unemployment and every person with a retirement plan seeing the most ROI in their lifetimes.
#2. Repealing NAFTA and the TPTA, thereby saving millions of American jobs from going overseas.
#3. Bringing back manufacturing to our country. Biden says he is for this. Why didn’t he do it when he was in the White House for eight years?
#4. Responding quickly to my area when the virus hit and making sure there were enough ventilators to go around, as well as the CARES Act, which was a joint venture.
#5. The wall and the immigration crackdown. Anti-Mexican? The Mexican immigrant family had been getting sold out by both parties for decades, watching their jobs and wages disappear to cutrate illegal competition doing the same work cheaper. It’s not about race. The Democrats want illegals here so they can exploit them for cheap labor, and that is the real reason. So, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
#6. Pres. Trump recently signed legislation lowering prescription drug costs for hundreds of millions of Americans. Did the liberal media cover the story? I’m guessing not. Credit where credit is due is what’s fair.
#7. Just the other day, Trump made a historic and promising peace agreement in the Middle East between the Jews and the Arabs. He probably deserves the Nobel peace prize for it, but will he get it? Barack was awarded one. We’re not sure what if anything he did to earn it.
#8. Putting ISIS out of business. We need a strong leader to stand up to China, not a dottering old political hack in bed with anti-American Communists.
#9. Piercing the Iron Curtain of North Korea.
#10. Setting an example to defy PC speech codes.
I believe in giving credit where credit is due. I believe in electing the best man for the job who is the most capable of running this country. There is only one candidate who is a strong leader. The media hates him, but I think for myself. Trump accomplished way more is his four years than Biden did in eight. Trump repealed the deal Obama made that gave Iran the bomb. Trump lived up to his pledge to put America first. To hell with the media, I will be voting for Trump.
Americans don’t type like that.
My husband said he’d wear a hazmat suit to vote if he has to.
@Jets Tom my daughter in nyc is preparing for her move out . She fears for her safety because …….libtards . Nasty ,scum.of the earth .
More and more blacks are escaping the Democrat Party plantation, see here https://youtu.be/oR-Yx4yF3Fw
@BIDEN promised amnesty to ALL illegals. Goodbye USA You’d blend right in with the People of Walmart, who have full citizenship and we have to keep anyway, so it’s whatever.
What is going on in Minnesota ? New Poll shows Trump and Joe Biden Tied in Battleground Minnesota
Trump has tied up the presidential race in the battleground state of Minnesota, a Trafalgar Group survey released Thursday revealed.
Trafalgar Group’s survey, conducted August 15-18 among 1,141 likely general election voters, showed Trump and Biden in the midst of a dead heat in the North Star State. Trump garnered 46.5 percent of the vote, compared to Biden’s 46.9 percent.
When you set aside the liberal media’s baseless slander portraying Trump as a “white supremacist” and a racist, his record is quite impressive. Here is my top ten list of Trump’s greatest accomplishments while in office:
#1. Building the most prosperous economy in US history. I hardly think that can be dismissed. Whether you like him or not, every American benefitted greatly in the last four years, between record lows in unemployment and every person with a retirement plan seeing the most ROI in their lifetimes.
#2. Repealing NAFTA and the TPTA, thereby saving millions of American jobs from going overseas.
#3. Bringing back manufacturing to our country. Biden says he is for this. Why didn’t he do it when he was in the White House for eight years?
#4. Responding quickly to my area when the virus hit and making sure there were enough ventilators to go around, as well as the CARES Act, which was a joint venture.
#5. The wall and the immigration crackdown. Anti-Mexican? The Mexican immigrant family had been getting sold out by both parties for decades, watching their jobs and wages disappear to cutrate illegal competition doing the same work cheaper. It’s not about race. The Democrats want illegals here so they can exploit them for cheap labor, and that is the real reason. So, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
#6. Pres. Trump recently signed legislation lowering prescription drug costs for hundreds of millions of Americans. Did the liberal media cover the story? I’m guessing not. Credit where credit is due is what’s fair.
#7. Just the other day, Trump made a historic and promising peace agreement in the Middle East between the Jews and the Arabs. He probably deserves the Nobel peace prize for it, but will he get it? Barack was awarded one. We’re not sure what if anything he did to earn it.
#8. Putting ISIS out of business. We need a strong leader to stand up to China, not a dottering old political hack in bed with anti-American Communists.
#9. Piercing the Iron Curtain of North Korea.
#10. Setting an example to defy PC speech codes.
I believe in giving credit where credit is due. I believe in electing the best man for the job who is the most capable of running this country. There is only one candidate who is a strong leader. The media hates him, but I think for myself. Trump accomplished way more is his four years than Biden did in eight. Trump repealed the deal Obama made that gave Iran the bomb. Trump lived up to his pledge to put America first. To hell with the media, I will be voting for Trump.
Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that ‘my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge. ― Isaac Asimov
This idea is especially cognizant of today’s society.
@Aristotle Stagirus don’t talk about yourself like that, it will be o.k. just four more years of your daddy then eight years of TrumpJR. Might as well jump on that Trump train now.
@Mark bodman yeah, you are definitely a delusional Trump cultist, having sold out on things like ethics, moral values, belief in the rule of law, belief in the Constitution of the United States, and a True Trumpian Traitor to the United States of America.
@Aristotle Stagirus yada yada yada. Come up with something original. Better yet untuck and let the hair grow back. Obviously the blood is not flowing.
@Mark bodman you don’t deal with reality and are a traitor to the USA. No point in talking about reality with you, because you exist in Trump’s Reality, like the good cultist you are.
@Mark bodman https://youtu.be/oYa8mEr3sJA
@Angelo Jones This is not the time to do so. If we vote 3rd party this time ,we get TRUMP again .If that’s what u want, Go ahead.
@Arma Ellis its apparently never the time and we must throw our support behind people who don’t listen to us or look out for our best interests in order to avoid being ran by the same types but only worse?!? Yeah.. People are tired of the lesser of two evils this time and in 2016.. Writings on the wall. I called Hillary’s loss and im calling this one even though they tried to guilt us with kids in cages and scare us with the flu.
@Arma Ellis and 4 more years of Trump is better than 8 years of Biden or Harris if you are looking for drastic change in our politics and faux democracy. The Democratic party needs to stand for something or their old tricks will fail and they will continue to lose. And the people always lose when we choose 1 of 2 corrupt parties.
@Angelo Jones in your dreams not mine
@Angelo Jones your comment makes no sense . What r u trying to say?
What makes me so damn mad is they act as if his little pissy fits actually MATTER. Hello! They DON’T!!!
So, if it doesn’t matter why are people who value money above everything else in life (i.e. billionaires) willing to fork over truckloads of money to get the results they want? Because it does matter!
You want no “shifting”? Don’t make projections. News outlets stay mum with their exit polls, Wait for the official counts to be filed. Why is it so hard to show some patience?
Greg All well, try that before the World Series or superbown. Ain’t saying your wrong, but….
@majtom58 World Series? Superbowl? I fail to see the connection.
Greg All She down the casinos, horse Racing, bingo whatever. Polls are the odds on a political horse race. In many locales you actually can legally vote on the presidential race.
Trying to take away people right to political polling is just like taking away their guns.
But I do understand. If the polls are bad for Trump, he’ll want to suppress them.
I agree
New York Times
Ex-F.B.I. Lawyer Expected to Plead Guilty in Review of Russia Inquiry for falsifying documents in order to obtain warrants
Soln: Get rid of this crying baby from the helm.
When Joe Biden lied about getting arrested in South Africa trying to see Nelson Mandela.
When Joe Biden advocated cutting Social Security for 40 years then lied about it when Bernie Sanders confronted him about it.
When Biden lied about his IQ, his academic achievements and his many famous speech plagiarisms which ended his first presidential run in 1987.
@James Hayden. Wow, the level of DNC corruption and putrefaction is beyond anything I had imagined. Thank you for posting this. That explains how in 2020 a guy w dementia in a basement can be a presidential candidate.
@takamex you are welcome but Seth Rich was the one who got these out into the light and they killed him for it. We can’t let it be for nothing.
If MR. Trump was the Captain of the Titanic:”There isn’t any iceberg.” “There was an iceberg but it’s in a totally different ocean.”“The iceberg is in this ocean but it will melt very soon.” “There is an iceberg but we didn’t hit the iceberg.”“We hit the iceberg, but the damage will be repaired very shortly.” “The iceberg is a Chinese iceberg.”“We are taking on water but every passenger who wants a lifeboat can get a lifeboat, and they are beautiful lifeboats.”“Look, passengers need to ask nicely for the lifeboats if they want them.” “We don’t have any lifeboats, we’re not lifeboat distributors.”Passengers should have planned for icebergs and brought their own lifeboats.” “I really don’t think we need that many lifeboats.” “We have lifeboats and they’re our lifeboats, not the passengers’ lifeboats.”“The lifeboats were left onshore by the last captain of this ship.” “Nobody could have foreseen the iceberg.” “I don’t take responsibility at all.”…These Are Taken From Trump’s Own Words—Not Mine!
What is the point here? So it takes longer. The point is to count every vote.
The point is that the president will say that this is due to fraud, not the blue shift and use it to declare that the vote is not sound and he will not leave office.
Because we are dealing with an in your face liar, theif & cheat. It has to be beyond clear at the start for someone like him to even consider conceding & he still won’t. He will declare fraud & possibly try to insight riots. Although from history it doesnt appear he will pay a heavy price, there’s alot for him to lose if he’s not president.. but he will be allowed to slither his way out as usual.
@dee rasta pretty much, he’s set it up so he can call for a recount. He thinks people are stupid
I never thought that I would see the day where we have a president that was openly trying to steal the election and did not seem to care who knew it. He wants the power of the office but none of the responsibility. I for one will crawl to the polls if I have to.
You have it backwards you feeble minded puppet
Your day, is filled with delusion, confusion, and bed wetting.
@Greg Maclean voting straight blue here . Stupid
@Mel Sac that’s fine it’s your right. Please have some dignity when you lose this time
The last time was Florida it was a fraud and everyone knew it tRump is the biggest cheat on earth
@Charles Meckwood Did you see this:
the last thing John Herter expected to receive in the mail Saturday was an absentee ballot request form with President Donald Trump’s face on it.
“Is this a joke?” Herter said his wife told him as she opened up the mailer to reveal a photo of Trump grinning underneath the words, “Are you going to let the Democrats silence you? Act now to stand with President Trump.”
Trump-the evil twin of Biff Tannen from Back to the Future.
The last two democratic primaries also had heavy fraud and disputes so….yeah. Birds of a feather
Vote like your life and your country depends on it.
We need to the country back from those who want to sabotage this country.
Trump then????
@Theakston Jo No, antifa, blm, democrats.
@Theakston Jo – Conservative patriotic constitutional Republicans building up our nation as opposed to socialist / neo-communists revolutionaries that want to dismantle our country. We must rebuild because COVID bailouts have left us even more deeper in bankruptcy than before.