Michael Moore: To Crush President Donald Trump, Michelle Obama Needs To Run | MSNBC

Activist filmmaker Michael Moore says that only a revolution will defeat President Trump, and the one candidate he thinks could "crush" him would be Michelle Obama.
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Michael Moore: To Crush President Donald Trump, Michelle Obama Needs To Run | MSNBC


  1. Seen from Europe – Michael Moore has been on point every time he has been interviewed for the last 5 years

    1. @leicanoct What’s that suppose to mean? Trump never been in politics, doesn’t have no experience. Nor much education in politics. Michelle Obama does have experience in politics. Well educated women. Her qualifications Trump’s, Trump.

  2. I think he’s on the money except for the Michelle Obama part… I don’t think it is pessimistic as much as it is respect for the task at hand. Trump needs to be crushed. Building a platform that Americans can get behind is a real task that has to be accomplished by November 2020. 4 more years of garbage is in the realm of possibilities, no matter how much we don’t want it.

    1. The pedovore satan-worshipping and sacrificing to clowns, all a GMO crop from the c i a farms, are going down. Can’t you see it yet? You will, soon enough! It’s HARVEST time! The bad GMO corn is about to be harvested, thrown in a bin, dehusked and roasted. And, it’s going to be glorious! WWG1WGA

    2. There is simply *NO* way that Moore would be throwing Michelle Obama’s name out there unless he is privately collaborating with her. Also, am I really the only person who sees the absurdity Moore proposing the exact same strategy that he derides Tom Friedman for? You know, the thing about winning not being the same as wanting a revolution.

  3. If Pelosi doesn’t come out from behind closed doors and lead the Dems to impeach Trump, she will be more despised than trump!

  4. Wanna crush trump? Make sure he’s gone forever? Easy, squeezy. Take back the senate while retaining the house. Even russian asset Mitch McConnell doesn’t matter then. Both are null and void.

    1. charlielauffer What about Russiarussia? And FISA? I have a question. “The Special Counsel found no evidence that any ‼️ American—including anyone associated with the Trump campaign—conspired or coordinated with the Russian government” in its efforts to interfere with the 2016 election, the Attorney General said.
      “ANY…” ‼️ That means? Does this mean that they (Barr c.s.) stop investing the Clintons, the Clappers, the Schiffs, the Strzoks, the Pages, the Comeys, the Brennans (Uranium Deep State crimes)?!🤷‍♂️📣 Most people hope: NO WAY! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸Never never again‼️

    1. @Gareth H Greatest economy ever in the history of the USA… Trump has done more for America than any past presidents

    2. Ogba Icheku What about Russiarussia? And FISA? I have a question. “The Special Counsel found no evidence that any ‼️ American—including anyone associated with the Trump campaign—conspired or coordinated with the Russian government” in its efforts to interfere with the 2016 election, the Attorney General said.
      “ANY…” ‼️ That means? Does this mean that they (Barr c.s.) stop investing the Clintons, the Clappers, the Schiffs, the Strzoks, the Pages, the Comeys, the Brennans (Uranium Deep State crimes)?!🤷‍♂️📣 Most people hope: NO WAY! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸Never never again‼️

  5. Let’s just get rid of the electoral college(EC). Or as some suggest, make it mandatory for the EC for the popular vote WINNER. Not the popular vote LOSER.

    1. I don’t know what the solution is, but it’s an excellent point… nowhere else in the world would someone who DIDN’T get the most votes win!

    2. If you do that republicans would never win again.Which would be great we could get America back on top again

    3. @Hush Money…. Oh do they still belong to the US? I thought they wanted to become Independent if Trump would win. They should really do that and then they can have Micheal Moore as President . I mean after all he is soooo intelligent!

    1. She believes the centrist way is best, she’s the one who apologized for Trump but never denounced him in Missouri

    2. Sharon E Williams What about Russiarussia? And FISA? I have a question. “The Special Counsel found no evidence that any ‼️ American—including anyone associated with the Trump campaign—conspired or coordinated with the Russian government” in its efforts to interfere with the 2016 election, the Attorney General said.
      “ANY…” ‼️ That means? Does this mean that they (Barr c.s.) stop investing the Clintons, the Clappers, the Schiffs, the Strzoks, the Pages, the Comeys, the Brennans (Uranium Deep State crimes)?!🤷‍♂️📣 Most people hope: NO WAY! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸Never never again‼️

    3. @Downright Dutch Obama, George Soros, Deep State, OH MY!

      Did you reply to the wrong video? No where in this interview was Russia, Uranium 1…….. mentioned. Focus or go to FAUX News, Breitbart or the Blaze to fulfill your bogus “Deep State” fantasies.

    1. Gonzo The great What about Russiarussia? And FISA? I have a question. “The Special Counsel found no evidence that any ‼️ American—including anyone associated with the Trump campaign—conspired or coordinated with the Russian government” in its efforts to interfere with the 2016 election, the Attorney General said.
      “ANY…” ‼️ That means? Does this mean that they (Barr c.s.) stop investing the Clintons, the Clappers, the Schiffs, the Strzoks, the Pages, the Comeys, the Brennans (Uranium Deep State crimes)?!🤷‍♂️📣 Most people hope: NO WAY! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸Never never again‼️

    1. @katnip2u you are wrong and you are wrong on top of your voice. Please take your meds..you sound incoherent.. all the more reason why you folks deserve the current president.

    2. @Pat Mtc – Check out this video, it may start opening your eyes to what many of us already woke up to! “INTERVIEW WITH JUAN O’SAVEN! Q ANON! OPERATION POPPYCOCK! SUBFUD & FUDDY! CIA SUPERGIRL!!!”
      Give it a 2 minute listen, and if it doesn’t make sense to you, don’t worry .. you’re just not ready yet for what’s coming .. in the next days, weeks, months: prosecution of the globalist slavemasters. You’ll wake up when your ready.

    3. Doctor English What about Russiarussia? And FISA? I have a question. “The Special Counsel found no evidence that any ‼️ American—including anyone associated with the Trump campaign—conspired or coordinated with the Russian government” in its efforts to interfere with the 2016 election, the Attorney General said.
      “ANY…” ‼️ That means? Does this mean that they (Barr c.s.) stop investing the Clintons, the Clappers, the Schiffs, the Strzoks, the Pages, the Comeys, the Brennans (Uranium Deep State crimes)?!🤷‍♂️📣 Most people hope: NO WAY! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸Never never again‼️

    4. @Downright Dutch – From the comments under this video, the degree of geopolitical vacuum in people’s heads is obvious. And only crickets, when you say “FISA”, or that it goes both ways. Nobody here has actually listened to Mueller testimony, only got the quick “processed” version by MSM, cutting out all Mueller’s stammering, sleepy come-backs, not-knowing what was in his own report (really, written by Weissman!), contradicting, stalling, etc. Incredible spin-doctoring, especially by MSNBC the day after, making Mueller actually look competent and a victim of “harsh” questioning, etc. I made it my custom not to eat, before I do my daily scan of the spin-doctored fake news.

  6. The OLC should be challenged in court. A President should be impeached while in office. NOBODY should be above the law.

    1. Raymond Payette What about Russiarussia? And FISA? I have a question. “The Special Counsel found no evidence that any ‼️ American—including anyone associated with the Trump campaign—conspired or coordinated with the Russian government” in its efforts to interfere with the 2016 election, the Attorney General said.
      “ANY…” ‼️ That means? Does this mean that they (Barr c.s.) stop investing the Clintons, the Clappers, the Schiffs, the Strzoks, the Pages, the Comeys, the Brennans (Uranium Deep State crimes)?!🤷‍♂️📣 Most people hope: NO WAY! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸Never never again‼️

  7. *The thought of having a black woman beating a white racist man to the highest office, contains epic and biblical proportions*

    1. Racist Hahahaha severe desperation if dems would just be for real the racist talk would stop and people might listen. But that ain’t gonna happen because they got nothing genuine to offer

    1. @Bonnie Nutter making it looking racist by actually calling out racist… Get with the times. You don’t get to be popular for racism, no matter how hard, Trump tries.

    1. PADon69 What about Russiarussia? And FISA? I have a question. “The Special Counsel found no evidence that any ‼️ American—including anyone associated with the Trump campaign—conspired or coordinated with the Russian government” in its efforts to interfere with the 2016 election, the Attorney General said.
      “ANY…” ‼️ That means? Does this mean that they (Barr c.s.) stop investing the Clintons, the Clappers, the Schiffs, the Strzoks, the Pages, the Comeys, the Brennans (Uranium Deep State crimes)?!🤷‍♂️📣 Most people hope: NO WAY! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸Never never again‼️

  8. I can’t understand why in God’s name arn’t Americans PROTESTING IN THE STREETS?
    I worked in PR recently!!!
    Stop complaining and organise yourselves PLEASE!
    with love and respect from Townsville, Australia x

    1. @J Allen I live on the West Coast , what you say is true, we hate him. As for Real Americans, we’ve got you covered. Just keeping it real.

    2. @Pamela I m need to be marching to get Mitch McConnell. Out at same time. He is blocking every bill to protect America from election interference

    3. Pamela I m Real Americans wouldn’t allow the state government to allow sanctuary status to criminals. Not to mention high taxes, ignoring the constitution and every other Democratic blunder!

  9. That´s my saying!
    How can you loose an election (in 2016) and nevertheless receive the WH keys?
          *Get rid of this meaningless, pointless electoral college*
    Nowhere in the world! Everybody here in Europe says: *HUH???*

    1. Abolish the outdated electoral college and overhaul the senate so that states with more population have greater representation – more senators!

    2. Johanna Fath-Koziol What about Russiarussia? And FISA? I have a question. “The Special Counsel found no evidence that any ‼️ American—including anyone associated with the Trump campaign—conspired or coordinated with the Russian government” in its efforts to interfere with the 2016 election, the Attorney General said.
      “ANY…” ‼️ That means? Does this mean that they (Barr c.s.) stop investing the Clintons, the Clappers, the Schiffs, the Strzoks, the Pages, the Comeys, the Brennans (Uranium Deep State crimes)?!🤷‍♂️📣 Most people hope: NO WAY! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸Never never again‼️

    3. Robert Thomas I thought the forefathers left Europe to steal American Indian land and cash in on free black slave labor. 🤔

    4. @UCCI2EYvkgBuG8IGQOPkY7BA
      First of all, Hillary received _almost_ 3 million more votes than Trump, not 5 million. The 5 million figure that I cited was from Moore’s assertion as to what was theoretically possible under the current electoral college system.

      And thanks for explaining to me that Trump won more electoral college votes. I had no idea! Although come to think of it, I may have heard Trump mention it about a dozen times or so.

      Yes, representation in the House of Representatives is proportioned to population, unlike the Senate where a state like Wyoming (pop. 572,381) has the same number of senators as California (pop.39,747,267). But what I don’t get is why, in this day and age, each & every individual voter doesn’t have their vote count equally when it comes to selecting the President of the United States. And their votes are not counted equally, courtesy of the electoral college.

      My point is that the electoral college allows the wishes of the minority to decide who will be the president of the majority. Spin it any way you want, but explain to me how it is a democratic process?

  10. He makes good points especially re: impeachment. It does need to go on record for history and to continue the precedent set the past president who went through impeachment trials.

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