Michael Moore joins MSNBC to rebutt the recent punditry that on the way to win the White House in 2020. He argues that the "working class" definition, as moderates discuss it, is flawed, and that the candidate needs to inspire young people, women, and people of color.
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Michael Moore On How To Defeat Trump (Hint: It's Not Being Moderate) | MSNBC
Bernie is the only candidate that can win
Phil M trump
@The Jews Laugh at You That’s your idea of humor…Interesting.
That’s what you have been told, in one regard by international standards Americans are very right wing, what you call the left, the Democrats, are politically about the same as the UK Conservative party, you have not one socialist in US political power and the closest you come were the Roosevelts. Even Bernie who describes himself as a democratic socialist is at best a Social Democrat. From a US public viewpoint when you cut through the propaganda BS the vast majority of US citizens are in favour of Bernie’s policies. I however have a concern about age, I think therefore that Warren may be a better choice with maybe 1 term with Bernie as VP.
Teisha Hickman You have to have humor with this nonsense. So many of these people are starving for political content that they are blind to reality
@Darth Wheezius That is my point! That most Americans are NOT “Progressive Liberals”! Most Americans are Independents! That’s nothing I’ve been told but, how Americans have responded…Most Americans are moderate or slightly conservative but, not progressive or liberal!!!
listen to moore .. he IS RIGHT
Sahar Mustafa No, he is left, far left.
Yes. He did a brilliant analysis !!!!!!!
@Steve Thornton No he isn’t. Moore is an independent, he voted for Clinton and both Bush’s
Michael Moore is correct. Trump’s white good ol boy base is not who the Dems need to cater to.
Michael Moore is right, just write off 60% of the electorate is a great strategy for winning elections , focus on blacks trans women instead
Ok, everybody in this thread answer this. Why would his base respond to the left’s catering when he already continues to cater to them?
aM Just pay lip service to social issues that you used to run against and promise the donors not to change anything. A war hawk republican light candidate who doesn’t campaign will work this time!
Trump is a very stable genius with ah big brain who is saving us from windmill cancer. Thank Jebus we’re out of Iraq and Afghanistan and the wall is being built.
Speak man, you hit it on the nose!!!!!
God, I hope you are right. We can’t have Trump for a second term.
You right wing nut jobs have been screaming that since the 30’s SoCiAl SEcUrITy iS SoCiAlIsM, MeDICaRe Is SoCiAlIsM, ObAmA CaRe Is SoCiAlIsM.
touchwood108 TRUMP 2020!!!

@Jeff Kazanofski oh, Boris, kindly stfu & get another job already!
Finally they have someone that makes sense! Thank you Michael Moore. Educate the media and congress!
Please listen to Moore! Tell everyone you want Cuba’s health care system (and their economy). This will save Trump MILLIONS in campaign funds.
@jon doe
The same Cuba that is starved of medical supplies by US sanctions but yet still reaches a higher proportion of it’s population than the US and where the average family doctor is more highly trained than in the US? That Cuban health care system? The Cuba which teaches medicine free of charge to medical students from developing nations, that Cuban healthcare system?
Darth Wheezius Better trained? I’d love to see the stats on that. What a joke
Moore is 100% correct; hope the Dems listen to him…
actually the real message , if your White , your voting against your best interest if ya vote DEMS
Actually the real message is if you are rich and white you may be voting against your interests, better go buy some more “moderate” politicians. The policies advocated for will benefit 90% of the US population either directly or indirectly whereas both the moderate and Repubic positions have only benefited 10% of the population financially only for the last 39 years.
@Darth Wheezius , the DCCC just terminated its White Women in the name of Diversity ,, LOL Dude , the last party anyone that a White Person should vote for are the DEMS
We need to get rid of the electoral college. I live in SC and know my vote for POTUS won’t matter.
@The Jews Laugh at You
The founding fathers set the system up to concentrate power with wealthy male white(non Irish of course ‘coz they were the “wrong” type of white apparently) who were in the main slavers, think it through then ask this question;- “why is one Americans vote more valuable than another’s” then follow that with;- “why is it that a rural vote is worth more than a NY vote” you can only come back to the conclusion that it is a throwback to the white male land owners origin of the structure. You already have the Senate to balance States interests.
@Quiet Entropy How come it’s okay for the “heavily populated urban areas” to not have a voice? At least the majority of American voters would have a voice if we abolished the electoral college.
@The Jews Laugh at You So it’s okay with you that the majority of Americans no longer have a voice in our Presidential elections?
Darth Wheezius You know what is hypocritical of you? If the electoral college worked in your favor you wouldn’t have a problem with it. Now you pull the racism nonsense out. Tell me which culture doesn’t have racist tendencies? Instead of feeling sorry for yourself you should be thinking about flipping 100K votes. But if you prefer, cry me a river
Gail Lengel These have been the groundrules since the founding of this country. Learn how to play it. It’s not going to be overturned. Instead of whining you should be thinking how you would flip 100K votes
Moore is right in terms of who the Democrats should appeal to but it will be ignored because the leadership in the party think they know better. That working class white voter the Dems try cater to, most don’t even recognize their right to exist as Americans. Losing can become a habit if you don’t learn from your mistakes.
@SugaryCoyote How does a natural born or naturalized citizen “earn” the right to be an American? Stop trolling.
@Toe Tote can you imagine the howling and whining form white Americans if they’d been held in slavery for 250 years then supposedly ‘ free” only to be treated to 100 years of Jim crow and then be blamed for every ill in the country when they’ve NEVER been given a fair shot !! people like you make me sick !! take the money from the rich families and companies who got rich on the backs of slaves. with 300 years interest too . how about that moron !!
@Michael Gilbert sr “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.” It’s the fourteenth amendment.
@ justin linnane – can you imagine black Americans actually realizing all races have been in slavery somewhere in history? Yeah me either…they don’t want to miss out on the $$$$$, it appears that’s all they care about.
@justin linnane Black Americans were better off directly after slavery than they are now. More black people got married and stated married after slavery ended than today. The black family unit is all but gone.
Yes Micheal you got it!
No he hasn’t.Not enough people in the political center who voted for Trump,or for the GOP,will be prepared to vote for somebody seen as far left.Sanders will alienate at least as many as he persuades.Dems need somebody who alienates the fewest and attracts the most.Sanders is not the one,as he has fans,not supporters,who are computer savvy,swarm over websites but less likely to stand in line to cast their vote.
Michael Moore, where have you been! what we need from you is “a mother of all documentaries” of the Robert Mueller Report before the next election …
Like well before because the showing in congress still leaves many people confused and they may need the actual movie rather than having to read the +400 page book and seeing bits of the interview of the author after. Author interviews where the author explicitly tries not to talk about his book means many Americans are just as lost about Mueller’s report now as before his testimony. A Michael Moore documentary movie would likely have the clout to get some swing voters as well as clarify even to the hard core base that Trump is still very much a criminal only escaping DoJ indictment because of his position in government (based off an opinion not law).
Brilliant idea!
Michael Moore make sense, he predicted the result 2016 and was 100% correct.
Um. Given 2 choices that are neck and neck in polls, predicting the winner is not an extraordinary ability. Many people predicted Trump’s win, even among democrats. I suppose you think predicting a coin toss correctly is amazing also.
Yes. We need the votes for 2020, not the votes of 1980. It’s a new world. Let’s adapt.
Adam and Eve rode dinosaurs and the atmosphere is a Chinese conspiracy to take away your guns and end Christmas.
” Evolution is just a theory. “
“The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese to make American manufacturing non -competitive.”
@Timothy Allen Mildly entertaining.
Dems need to listen to Michael. He is usually right 9 times out of 10. We need a fighter out there with real ideas and plans to move us forward and that is not Joe Biden. I love Biden but he is not going to fight for us. He is too moderate. We need a Bernie or Elizabeth or Kamala or, or I wish Michele Obama would run. Come on people, we are fighting for our future. If we lose again tRump is going to go full dictator.
Sorry to be the spoiler! Bernie will NEVER, EVER win. Bernie was done wrong by Clinton in 2016 and Bernie still done wrong in 2018. The media, the special interest and just the fact that he is a socialist will hinder his chances. Looking it from outside unless the economy tank or an unpopular war breaks out…Trump will be reelected with easy.
Nobody from the Democratic Party has the charisma that Clinton, Obama and Trump have. People might hate Trump, but lets be real; Trump policies so far are making the country better even if people want to deny it. Numbers do not lie. The lowest unemployment, highest GDP, military is all Trump because Obama reduced readiness to WW2 levels. And for those that say Trump is riding on Obama’s success……Trump had eliminated EVERY SINGLE economic policy from Obama’s era. Therefore; the good economy is due to Trump. I do not see anybody right now that can defeat Trump. The only person is Michelle Obama.
Two paragraphs of complete nonsense,Trumpenstein’s orange monster inherited his economy just like Obama, difference is Obama inherited an economy that had crashed by 10-20% in a year flat, the second worse recession in US and global history, and reversed it over 8 years, this is not an opinion just go look at the numbers between 2007 and 2018, numbers do not lie only if you know how to read them.
I appreciate this clip. This perspective is something you don’t here on most news outlets.
I can hear urgency along with a touch of panic and a hint of exasperation in Michael Moore’s voice and it sounds ominous but what’s scaring me is the resignation …
Mr Moore.. you just gave the world some insight and hope in plain and simple terms. Thank you.
Moore has the pulse of the people better than anybody I’ve heard from. Listen. Learn. I wish I could say that to the candidates.
I’m not a Moore fan, but he’s 100% correct here. Have you looked around lately? Younger people and women are the majority of workers.
And, hopefully, the majority of voters.
Thank you Michael.. Tired of trying to explain this.