Michael Moore Defends Sanders: ‘If We Vote On Fear, We Will Lose To Donald Trump’ | MSNBC

Michael Moore, acclaimed filmmaker and campaign surrogate for Bernie Sanders, joins MSNBC’s Ari Melber to discuss the 2020 election. Moore criticizes Mayor Pete Buttigieg and Senator Amy Klobuchar for dropping out of the presidential race ahead of Super Tuesday to endorse VP Joe Biden, arguing “the coalescing” of the candidates “is clearly obviously intended to try and stop Bernie's momentum” and not about who “can stop” President “Donald Trump” from reelection. Moore argues the Democratic establishment is “worried about Bernie Sanders policies.” When pressed on Biden’s surge in delegates won after South Carolina, Moore argues “South Carolina is not representative of the United States.” (This interview is from MSNBC’s “The Beat with Ari Melber, a news show covering politics, law and culture airing nightly at 6pm ET on MSNBC. ). Aired on 3/2/2020.
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Michael Moore Defends Sanders: ‘If We Vote On Fear, We Will Lose To Donald Trump’ | MSNBC


  1. These “News Anchors” are so bad at hiding their bias against Bernie Sanders.
    I really do want to trust the media but they make it so hard.

    1. @You’re Made Up Ulyanov You need to study some history of the U.S. Before FDR, this country was doing horrible and people were starving, even before the Great Depression. FDR was called a communist but in fact he is credited with saving capitalism. Bernie isn’t as radical as FDR so go learn something. This is crony capitalism where the people in power twist the system so they stay in power without competition. That isn’t even true capitalism.

    2. The reporters on television are rich. The New York Times and Washington Post are probably not filled with rich people until they’re on TV. I’m not a big believer in these cries of “media bias” ordinarily. It’s the cry of the people who hate truth and facts, for the most part. But the media misbehaved when it came to Sanders. Chris Matthews just resigned right before his show last night. That said, candidates have the right and obligation to themselves, as candidates, to form alliances against opponents. That’s part of that they do, and any front runner should expect. It would have been nice if Elizabeth Warren pulled out of the election to help a brother who can win when she can’t. But she didn’t do that. I love Warren. She’s a smarter, more effective version of Bernie Sanders in my opinion. She’s even a capitalist. I think superior women are still overlooked by inferior men. But even so, he’s got a shot at winning, and she doesn’t, and she’s only hurting the other progressive by staying in the race. Still, it’s all fair. It’s playing out. As far as we know so far, nobody’s cheating other than Trump and the Republicans, as always.

    3. And to think, Ari is one of the better ones. Not good, mind you, but one of the better ones. Compared to the rest, he almost seems unbiased. Some of these other hacks out there in the MSM, should outright fired for intentionally misleading the public.

    4. @jollyandwaylo Whatever makes you feel better. Anybody who praises Castro and the SOviets is a hardcore communist and not a social democrat.

    1. @Greencloud8 what’s new? dumb people do dumb things and then run to tell everyone…Intelligent people shut their trap to ensnare dumb people like you.
      or, why you are a loser.

    1. Sharon Formation – yes. That is so correct. They are attaching to Biden due to continual corporate poisoning and financial pressure to the media, whose own inflated salaries do not mirror the financial stresses of most of working America! These anchors and their owners are getting so arrogant. All they know and protect is the status quo! This change to the people’s real lives and voices is virtually unknown or unwanted to today’s anchors and news bureaus!

    1. I’m going to the bathroom and take a big Biden and play with my Bernie then I’ll wipe my warren

    1. @Christian Amor agreed Christian. They must continue to serve up this illusion that our vote still matter. They don’t. The system is totally corrupt & deceptive and is not what our forefathers had in mind. We live in a Democracy in name only. A sad time for our country

  2. DNC, the establishment and CNN is going to rig it for Joe Biden like they did for Crazy Clinton.

    1. Bernie crazy people can’t seem to comprehend this FACT although it’s happened already in 2016 DEJAVU

    1. @Whammer79 So you are saying Teachers, Nurses, many Doctors, two former insurance execs, over 200 economists and other workers that all support Bernie was to get a free ride? LOL Next joke?

    2. @Just Me There are teachers, nurses, Dr.’s, etc that support Biden and also support Trump. Your comment/argument makes no sense. But neither does supporting Bernie, so I can see why you’re having trouble with it. Let’s agree to meet back here in Nov. and we’ll see who was right.

    3. @Whammer79 I didn’t say there isn’t any teachers, doctors, etc. that support Trump but you are the one that said “all they cared about is a free ride and they aren’t interested in paying their own way ” which is not true of his biggest supporters of which I named many of them and by the way I personally know Republicans the are very lazy never worked a day in their life some of them on drugs but I’ve never implied all Republicans are that way!

    4. JULIE WALSH, did you think the same thing when Trump promised he would eliminate the national debt in eight years? Huge tax cuts that mainly went to the already wealthy and increases in military spending to produce trillion dollar deficits for as far as the eye can see despite cutting vital services like the pandemic response team, etc.
      Also, Medicare-for-all would bring health care costs down as similar plans have around the world. It takes out the corporate profit model and replaces it with seeing to the medical needs of people. All people.
      Most of Bernie’s plans make sense, some would be expensive, but all could be done and improve the country if they are done right. And few of his plans will be carried out without a broad base of support. So, knock off with your overwrought capital letters and sky is falling prophecies. Biden will not win against Trump, and it is Trump who will bankrupt our country (our country, assuming you’re not a Russian bot).

    1. @Ryan Dub The popularity of non traditional party candidates like Bernie and Bloomberg is proof positive that the DNC is out of touch with the will of the people. Neither the donkeys nor elephants know what the people need and want. Screw the DNC brass.

    2. Obama was the one, not the DNC. He talked to them before they dropped out on behalf of Biden to secure a deal and give them some positions in the administration.

  3. “A society grows great when old men plant trees under which shade they know they shall never sit.”
    B🌟E🌟R🌟N🌟I🌟E🌟2020 ☮

    1. great quote, thanks for all the tax contributions from the millennials to fund health care of the boomers and gen x for life

  4. MSNBC on Ari’s mic probably saying “Don’t let this man talk sense to our audience, interrupt him different questions before he fully answers the one you just asked”

    1. “Bernie basically turned a town hall hosted by FOX NEWS into a rally. Let that sink in.” This was typical of the comments in FOX News’s YouTube channel on Bernie Sanders’s FOX News Town Hall. The comments were almost unanimously praising Sanders. For those who don’t think he can get independent and conservative voters, think again.

  5. BERNIE will bring back honesty, decency, and help for all AMERICA our only hope for teal change.

  6. “How do you explain South Carolina?” How do you explain the three states that came before it where Bernie won the popular vote? It’s 3 to 1 between them and their acting like Biden is the good bet? How is that even logical?

    1. @Ryan Lock – Agree and Bloomberg’s ego is getting in the way too… but if it is going to come down to Biden vs Sanders then having a Warren and a Bloomberg hanging on seems to even out the splits on both sides a bit.

    2. Because the producers know EXACTLY how long people will listen before they click to another station. The media is just as corrupt as any other large industry.

    3. Because he started rambling. Because he sounded like sour grapes. Most of all he sounded desperate. Much like all of the paranoid Bernie fans. Bernie fans need to support their candidate and stop the whining. It’s pathetic.

  7. Biden is as exciting as a can of soup. He’s also responsible for a horrible bankruptcy bill whereas a school loan cannot be discharged. I’d love to see Bernie and Joe debate that.

    1. And Biden’s war on drugs and all the wonderful things he has done for credit card companies.

  8. I feel like Michael could have done a much better job there at calling out the DNC and supporting Bernie. He needed to hit the nail on the head a bit better. Anyway, Bernie 2020!!!!!!!!

    1. Well, for those people still sleeping (if you will), hearing him say the *actual* thing might freak them out and push them away, even though Moore has a history of telling the truth and standing up for people.

  9. ” Are you arguing something sinister about the Democratic party?” YES,should have been the answer.

    1. What did the DNC promise Beto, Klobuchar, Buttigieg, to endorse Biden? VP, a cabinet slot? Like Michael Moore says, “This is a hail Mary move.” The DNC is out to get Bernie. If they hand Biden the nomination, it’s game over. Voter turnout will be worse than 2016, and Trump will win. Ironically, even Trump says the DNC is out to get Bernie.

    2. Is Bernie a Democrat? No? Why would the DNC ever oppose Bernie? Maybe, just maybe they are still a little upset over 2016 and Bernie bailing on their candidate in the general election.

    3. @Tim Countis You couldn’t be more right and I also wonder what was promised to Amy and Mayor Pete to get them to quit before Super Tuesday.

    4. I was thinking the same thing. They dropped out right before Super Tuesday. Think of all of the early votes they tied up.

  10. When they question how Bernie is going to pay for his policies , did they argue about how much it cost for the wars America has been in

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