Rachel Maddow shares video of pro-Trump characters like disgraced former NSA Mike Flynn and wildly unsuccessful Trump election lawyer Sidney Powell spreading a message of Donald Trump's secret 2020 victory to supporters at a QAnon convention, with Trump bizarrely convinced of his own lie.
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#MSNBC #Trump #RachelMaddow
“The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly – it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over”
-Joseph Goebbels
@René Olguín I defend putin by.. pointing out the DNC propagated misinformation to the uninformed masses, such as, yourself?
@Amelia The Sweet Erm…o.k
@Amelia The Sweet But he isn’t like a skipping record.
sounds like lefties today
@Brandon Mayfield I want you to bookmark this comment then come back in November and tell us why nothing happened. You have 6 months to work up an excuse, make it good.
Meanwhile Putin poisons his political opponents

I would also be afraid that they are using microwaves to mess up Navalny’s brain.
Putin is an amateur compared to the American war machine. The socialist American Establishment answers to no one and attacks innocent Americans right in front of our eyes… most don’t have a clue it’s happening.
Tell me Trump would not poison his political enemies tell me that with a straight face
@Emil Szegner Whoa…a “socialist American Establishment” that hasn’t even done universal healthcare? Even right leaning governments in Europe have all done that. Doesn’t sound very ‘socialist’ to me. Maybe the reason most “don’t have a clue it’s happening” is because it’s all inside your head.
he he h ¿rh eh æhh
There’s so obviously two realities happening here very different realities two different planets
What about the Nordstream 2 pipeline? Why is this being allowed? Big sad for our allies and huge win for Russia. No coverage tho…
@Sam Harris capitalism is part of the problem. Remember the 2008 financial crisis? I do. That is exactly what happens when you leave the market to correct itself. It doesn’t.
@TheTruth GetsDeletedHere nope hunter gave them to don jr
@Dude I am sure if he wanted to be a cheese smoking, dope sniffer he would have about the same level of access Hunter has; life is about choices.
@Sean Mitchell “What happened with covid”
Leftists sponsored gain of function research illegally in China, they made a weaponized cold variant, released it, and the leftists used that as a platform to usurp power, and cripple this nation; There is the “double-down” little troglodyte one.
No coverage??? I have read 3 stories and have seen multiple pieces on Tv….so sorry dumb delusional Sheep AS USUAL your premise is a big giant lie!!
“Minimar” ahahaha that right there tells you all you need to know about the intelligence level of the people in that room…
@Glen Forde Wish I could comment like you. Well done…
@Glen Forde I’m not sure I understand however everyone on the left seems to think our views are all about Q. That’s literally the tip of the iceberg of information circulating. Q is real but is extremely difficult to decider. I don’t even attempt it however I have see proof of Q. Q predicted things and Trump would use the same phrase. Not a normal phrase at all. There is a great awakening and a religious revival happening and it doesn’t matter what anyone says. This is Biblical. People don’t understand the Bible truly is accurate. It IS Gods word. And God wins. Those of us who know things are very grim also know God is stepping in. It’s really not about Trump. It’s the entire planet at stake here from the new world order which will be and actually already has been defeated. Amen!
@Freshface db Trump was basically standing alone against the agenda of the NWO in the establishment that makes up our sham government in Washington. Yes Q is real but microscopic compared to the manufacturers of conspiracy theory/fake news that the left worships…called bluanaon. I basically agree with what you’re saying.
@Jo Sullivan no. It’s simply what they project onto us. Turn about is fair play…
@Borvo yeah it was “reasonable” to believe the lie about Trump being a supposed “Russian agent” for 3 years. Us reasonable “deplorables” tried to explain the truth…shows who’s reasonable I know….We’ll send your participation trophy right out to ya!
She literally called Trump’s base idiots, and they cheered her

@mikey masters they are not idiots?
Powell is laughing because as she formerly stated no reasonable person would believe our
lies and further laughing because this bs is lining her pockets through “DONATIONS “
That old geezer doesn’t know how to pronounce Myanmar. He said mnyermar? He’d would have been better off saying Burma, but I bet he doesn’t get the gist of that
How is anything that happens within our political system a dictator’s (our enemy) business?
Trump invited it by siding with Putin at every turn.
Republicans are working with Putin now to attack anyone not named Trump or one of his schleppers & co-grifters. It’s out in the open and Senate Democrats, Dept of Homeland Security, FBI & CIA are doing absolutely nothing about it.
You can bring reality to some of the people some of the time, but clearly, you can’t bring reality to all the people all the time!
Gotta keep grifting to keep those sweet donations rolling in!

Congratulations, maddow taught you a new word.
3:38 New Rule: If you can’t pronounce a Country correctly, you have no right to suggest following any behavior from it.
If Sydney claimed before that no reasonable person should’ve listened to her ,whats the difference now? Smh
Editing of the sentence. It was her legal argument to be proven in a court of law.
She’s not talking to reasonable people at a Q anon event.
@James Upton citizen reporters are the best.
“Oh America, what hast becometh of thou?”
~MSNBC is Satan’s propaganda machine. The Peacock is Satan’s symbol.
Satan is known as the Peacock Angel Melek Taus/Shamash/Utu.
The castrated Crown Prince of Allah/Nanna Sin.
I have to point out one thing. At the begining of Sidney Powell’s statement, she engaged in some lawer speak. She started with the word “could”. This turns everything after it into a person musing about an interesting idea. I do agree the crowd was not capable of understanding that nuance.
“Patriots that want a coup in the US and ‘love this country just as I do’ but I don’t want the Coup in the US so maybe not love it exactly the same way I do….”
To my brothers and sisters in arms, “stand back, stand ready”. lock and load. Semper fi
Sidney Powell’s attorney: “No reasonable person would conclude that the (Sidney Powell’s) statements were statements of facts.” It could be deducted, therefore, that Trump followers are just a bunch of nuts!
meanwhile your country is becomming a communist country. Yuo will see how is live like Venezuela and Cuba…and China.