New York Times diplomatic correspondent Michael Crowley breaks down the current dynamics in Russia as thousands protest the imprisonment of Putin critic Alexei Navalny. Aired on 04/21/2021.
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#MichaelCrowley #VladimirPutin #MSNBC
Michael Crowley: It’s ‘Not In Putin’s Interest For Navalny To Die’ | Deadline | MSNBC
Wannabe Strongmen are always the weakest, aka Putin & Trump..
@manniefaces indeed. And every time putin shook his puppet’s hand he grabbed America by the pu$$#. But never underestimate putin; he’s more of a snake than trump will ever be, and he is not afraid of using his military might. His ultimate goal is reestablishing the russian empire.
Aka demoKKKrats
@K Cooper, prolaby because you kkk member demoKKKrats actually made it all up.
@Justin Bradburn The white supremacists were representing the Republicans at the Capitol Building, the Oath Keepers and the 3%er’s, let’s just say Trump’s entire supporting klan.
I don’t know about Putin, but Trump’s weakness has become his brand. Since Putin came to power 20 years ago, he has been re-elected over and over again for whatever reasons. In contrast, when Trump was chosen by the electoral college despite his loss of the popular vote in 2016, his party had control of both houses of congress but soon lost first the House, then the White House and the Senate. His childish refusal to concede an election he clearly lost and then inciting a sad and angry mob to try to overthrow the government really makes him the biggest loser. And a very weak man.
Ukraine should be offered nato membership
Ukraine could replace Turkey.
Bravo for the stare into the screen right after calling him a weak leader. Most people would feel uncomfortable saying that and the body would reflect it, she showed conviction in her statement.
A good player knows how to read their competition and when to make their play. Never let ’em see your hand… Previous Player or “The Former Golden Shower Prez ”, ” didn’t telegraph his moves, he broadcast them..
We’re watching Navalny die, just like we watched George Floyd die and we couldn’t do anything about it.
Thats right.
Thats right.
Yeah you could. You can step in.
But getting it on phone is more important.
Proof Meghan McCains pro-Navalny t-shirt is working.
Be Well Everyone.
Have some pudding…..
What’s in Putin’s interest and what Putin thinks is in his interest are not necessarily the same things.
Almost all russia don’t like Putin. They want change
*What did trump give putin! That’s what the conversation should be!*
After the Russians murder Navalny, they can return to their primary duties of drinking obscene amount of vodka and helping republicans destroy America.
*The thugish control of Russia is so sad for the Russian people! And to think that could have happened here and almost did! Still Can! Vote!*
He’s such a KGB coward
We can handle it!
Just take a moment to imagine how Trump would be reacting to both of these dire issues. He would totally cave to Putin on Ukraine and Navalny. He wouldn’t even mention him publicly lest he make Putin mad.
seemed to have a good hold on Russia..
With weak Biden, he makes a move on Ukraine, started the pipe line again and to top it off, he makes a joke of Biden… It’s great. He is compleelty fine with the concentrations camps in China. And now he even blocks you from speaking bad about China…
Trunp must have got his playbook straight from ol Vlad, it sounds strangly like the same childish statement lil Don said
It appears that the people everywhere are standing up and demanding change…These are exciting times! Onward! X