Michael Cohen Helping Manhattan DA Investigate Trump Org: Source – The Day That Was | MSNBC

Michael Cohen, the former personal attorney for President Donald Trump, has entered into an agreement with the Manhattan District Attorney's office to provide information about the president's business operation, a source told NBC News Wednesday. The New York City prosecutors are investigating the possibility that the Trump Organization falsified business records. What might this mean for President Trump and his associates?
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Michael Cohen Helping Manhattan DA Investigate Trump Org: Source – The Day That Was | MSNBC

Michael Cohen Helping Manhattan DA Investigate Trump Org: Source - The Day That Was | MSNBC


    1. Watching the low IQ sheep on the MSNBC clown show fantasize about bringing down Trump for the next 5 years will be hilarious

    2. @Chadillac Mainstream Media left on repeat,🍊♂🛇🔁… yet,
      😍look at all these 🍪salty🍪🍼little🍼🍞bread☭boys🍞 coming in low-brow and gobbling it up.
      Also earnestly looking forward to 🎉4+ More Years🎉 of witnessing the bumbling herds of Politically Libtarded sheep frantically search for a coherent argument.

    1. @D Sep Record low poverty since 2001, historic record low unemployment, 2 wins in elections and SCOTUS win on asylum. So much good news for America is bad for the DNC and Biden. I suppose 3 years of the Russian collusion delusion didn’t slow his plan to MAGA.

    1. Watching the low IQ imbeciles on the MSNBC clown show fantasize about bringing down Trump for the next 5 years is going to be fun 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    1. Don’t confuse strength with Bullies. Men are being pushed down by liberal Anti-American, lesbians to act more feminine.

    1. 😂😂 I was so confused about the music I was trying to figure out where it was coming from and I totally missed everything they said

    2. It’s a compilation. I guess they want to make it clear it’s not from a single broadcast. It’s quiet enough that it doesn’t bother me. Remember, October is _Ignore Trumpo the Clown Month._ Drive the narcissist crazy!


    2. Hayden, thank you for demonstrating the depth of your bias and intellectual dishonesty.

      Cohen lied about things HE did himself. That’s why he’s in prison.

      But there’s an even worse type of lying occurring right here. It’s you Hayden. You just made up a lie about what Cohen did. You even believe that lie yourself. See Hayden, you’re one of those people who is willing to lie to himself and believe your own lie. You believe your lies so deeply that you become angry when others don’t believe your lie. It plain to see in your posts.

      You’re mentally sick Hayden. You need to seek help.

      Now, go make up another lie why I’m wrong. But seriously, you need to seek help before you lash out and hurt someone; we’ve had way too much of that lately.

  1. If they are found guilty, the entire assets of Trump org should be seized, like any other asset that has been obtained illegally.

    1. Sadly they only do that to the poor and powerless. Just look at wells Fargo. Not to mention 2008 and the bank CEOS and wallstreeters that walked away with millions in tax payer dollars for ripping off the whole world.

    2. @Canuck Fundy And its really scary when they say a sitting president can’t be indicted. I don’t belive that’s in the constitution. It should be easy to get rid of a president as corrupt as this one.

    3. @Hayden H I am not American. Nor do I have allegiance to either side. Anyone who is elected to represent and serve the ppl, but serve only the corp donors who stuff their pockets, IMO are criminals.
      And if you are naive enough to believe the BS that Fox is spewing, then you should closely scrutinize your own gullibility.

    4. @Patch r Something needs to be done. If Congress won’t do their duty, then the courts need a free hand to hold him accountable.
      The Founding Fathers never envisioned the other two branches of Gov subverting themselves to the executive. Time is running short to stop this train wreck before it plunges off the bridge into the abyss.

  2. 0:57 in.
    AMI, Trump Organization, Deutsche Bank – Let it flow!
    And best? President Pence would not be able to save him with a pardon, nor any of his family.

    1. Right, pathetic crooks please don’t leave his Administration out. American is being run by Con Men. They definitely need to investigate the US Treasury Department under his Administration.

  3. Anyone else notice the creepy music in the background of the video? Think it was intentional? It sure helped build suspense.

    1. @NNA S We all have our opinions. I disagree, dot asked for their help on national TV – within 48 hours their intervention began; THAT’S public indisputable facts. In MY OPINION that was clearly IMPEACHABLE TREASON. I fail to understand how ANYONE doesn’t see it the same. May as well end this exchange here, have a nice day.

  4. The orange one has been engaging in deceptive business practices for over fifty years.
    Threats, extortion, witness intimidation, and payoffs have kept him out of prison.

    1. I had to check I didn’t have itunes or spotify running on my computer in the background, its kinda got an eerie feel to it which is appropriate.

  5. 🍕 I’m like a smart person I know the biggest words believe me I’m a very stable genius I’m the chosen one

    1. @Logical Conservative The only logical conclusion that can be made about you, is you’re one of a few things 1: a troll 2: drunk 3: looking for an argument 4: high 5: a maga hat 6: a bored kid waiting for class to end


    3. @call me Ishmael aww darn. I’m sorry to tell you, but none of that bull that you just typed is an argument. Please try again.

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