Former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg continues to consider internal polling before making a decision on getting into the 2020 race, according to new Axios reporting. Aired on 11/11/19.
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Michael Bloomberg Weighs Internal Polling Before Jumping Into Race | Morning Joe | MSNBC
No more big money guys please.
I think the people have learned a big lesson when they elected a businessman last time. I would like to have him on the inside in a cabinet position. but waiting till now and then jumping in to the fray is bad. for everyone including him.
Considering democrats in the media are suddenly throwing their support at this guy (and other rich dems like Bernie), they haven’t learned anything.
Elisa Castro nice propaganda
Trump is poor man’s Michael Bloomberg.
@pie worm Worm pie Enjoy it.
@VladI Just know that you’ll never be as successful as Trump
@pie worm Worm pie El Chapo is richer than El Trumpo, so your admiration is misplaced.
@VladI El Chapo’s money doesn’t count. He gained it through illegal means
@pie worm Worm pie Wait till you see Trump’s tax returns before judging how much money he made and by what means.
Im the deciding vote right now.
7 for 8 against
Bloomberg is a Wall Street predator.
@Ken Shaw Oh yes I do. Wall Street has a political agenda, Bloomberg is a member of that financial elite, a plutocrat an oligarch. Your problem is you don’t know a Wall St. predator when you see one..
@ihopetowin What predatory thing has Bloomberg done? If he’s a predator you should be able to present the evidence.
You do know it’s been 38 years since he’s worked for an investment bank and he made the overwhelming majority of his money after that, right?
@Ken Shaw You just don’t get the point do you? The democrats have two factions, Wall Street Dems and Worker’s Populists. Bloomberg is a Wall Street Democrat. Wall Street has a political agenda. Wall St Dems work within that agenda. For example, Obama was a Wall Street Dem he surrounded himself with bankers, he took instruction from bankers and plutocrats, the Clintons are Wall Street Dems, Bill signed away the Glass-Steagall Act in 1999 (A New Deal Act) to free up bankers to do their dirty work in toxic derivatives, and there are many more. Is any of this getting through? Part of the political agenda is the collapse of FDR’s New Deal and the use of a school of economics based on austerity, it’s called the Austrian School. FDR used the American System of Political Economy as devised by Alexander Hamilton to create the economy for the the New Deal. It is the system that made the U.S. the most powerful industrial country in the world, defeated fascism, gave rise to the biggest middle class in the world and with the continued work of JFK, New Deal economics put a man on the Moon and technology from these scientific efforts bloomed. Wall Street Dems don’t do anything like that, they just assist Wall St to parasite their way, stealing billions and billions of dollars as they go.
@ihopetowin Long ridiculous screed aside, you made a claim. Can you or can you not support it. If not own that you lied and do better. IOW, since I know you lied, DO BETTER!
He won’t get my vote
The fact that this guest can say “donate a couple million dollars to a super pac” to back a moderate is a prime example why super pacs are disgusting and can definitely influence candidates.
I hope you feel the same way about the Super Pacs that support Sanders.
Ken Shaw Bernie doesn’t have super pacs
@Kirkland brand Meeseeks I didn’t write that. LTR
even more moneyed centrists to dilute the corporatist vote? Sure, go right ahead.
The best idea. Bloomberg should buy FOX-News. That will help the blue wave.
@Mighty Mouse what? Sarcastic? You aren’t American?
@Mighty Mouse : I had some Sarcastic neighbors who never mowed they’re lawns and there cooking smells lowered hour property values.
If you don’t love America, go back to Sarcasia!
@Tom Senft

yes, because the only way that demtards can win is to own the media. loser!
Why on Earth would he run as a Democrat? His values are traditional Republican. He should run as a traditional Republican.
You have been backwards
We are screwed up enough by greed ! We don’t need more of the same !!
Bloomberg for president ……….. Hahahahahahahahahaha
Bloomberg: “I don’t want to pay taxes.”
YOU never really know, I guess, but the rest of us are quite sick of billionaires buying politics.
We need to be phasing out billionaires, not having them run for president.
Bloomberg was buddies with Epstein, he needs to jump into the race so any investigation into his past will be considered “political persecution”, it has worked well for the Bidens.
Behold.. Exhibition #1
This..this is the reason why I’m with #BernieSanders
Absolutely no. We don’t need another selfish billionaire running just so Bernie or Warren doesn’t get in. Sorry!