Former NYC Mayor Mike Bloomberg appears to be actively preparing to jump into the 2020 Democratic race, starting with filing to run in Alabama. The panel discusses. Aired on 11/8/19.
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Michael Bloomberg Sizes Up A 2020 Run | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Another old rich centrist, no thanks.
@Mike Bond Seriously? Centrists in the Dem party constantly capitulate to the Repugs, who have become completely uncompromising, so the Dems do ALL the compromising, bc the centrists are spineless weaklings who wilt under criticism from Fox “New.” Obama had TWO opportunities to veto the disastrous Dubya tax cuts that nearly drove our govt bankrupt, ruined the economy, and have created the WORST wage disparity since the Industrial Revolution. Centrists ensured that Obamacare played ball w/ the rapacious Ins Cos, & made sure that Pharma cld continue to price Rx as high as they wanted. Centrists are allowing the Repugs to get away w/ contempt of congress, so of course none of them are testifying. Centrists allowed the ERA to go unpassed, did nothing about Jim Crow laws, did very little to fight for marriage equality, barely supported the Civil Rights Act. Centrists enabled Moscow Mitch to steal a seat on the SCOTUS by doing nothing about it. Centrists have done a great deal of harm to our country, bc rather than standing up for what they believe in, they let conservanazis run roughshod over the Constitution by “compromising” all of their leverage.
Lester Walker troll
@Kitten Diotima you have many of your statements misaligned with documented facts and history.
@Kitten Diotima If you don’t understand that authority is a myth, that government, by definition, is a violation of your rights as a sentient being, and that we are all free-range tax livestock, then we’re not going to agree. It’s not left vs right, it’s “ruled” vs “rulers”.
he has my vote !
The rats are panicking

Who are the rats? Wealthy people or MSNBC?
Will Hirsch

Stop watching FAKE NEWS
Never ever, ever again another billionaire for president……………..
Bloomberg like Batman arrives to save the rich from being taxed. This is the problem with America, the 1% have too much power in the media and politics and try project their own selfish goals as those of the rest of America. The tax cut for the rich has woken Americans up and you can’t put the lightening back in the bottle. The rich in America are under taxed compared to other rich countries and the USA has some of the worst poverty in the western world despite being the richest nation in the world after China. The 1% are not the majority and the majority now want a much fairer society and that means the rich pay more tax. The corporate American media can try and spin this as a white knight arriving to save the day because the media is an industry full of billionaires and millionaires but the people are seeing through this bs now.
Sage Bias
Simple, So They Can Stay Rich
That’s a No Brainer
Glad Anericans are learning the dangers of billinionaries with politics
he would be the first you dope
Trumps tax bill didn’t help middle-class!!! The rich can afford a higher tax!!! Next president will undo all trumps bad policies!
Oh goody. Another old establishment billionaire white guy.
Fletchoid Yeah goody Another old establishment white guy. Well better than Joe Biden.
Pedophile Joe will be the nominee.
He’s Jewish
multimillionnaire wanna help billionnaire like Leon the crying man.
We have tried everything else … from Neo-Nazi Trump to bailing out the world’s biggest banks to the tune of multi-trillions of dollars … what we NEED NOW is a Populist Progressive! Pocahontas2020
Really MSnbc?,.. Michael Bloomberg isn’t a Bernie Sanders 2020 President.
MSnbc and CNN both are black balling any type of news regarding Bernie climbing poll numbers or news reports announcement policy by Senator Bernie Sanders.
I think we gonna have to BOYCOTTS MSnbc and CNN real soon.
Lester Walker hopefully you find it in you to believe our future and not a compulsive, embarrassing liar
Kai Chilvers Lester Walker is a troll! He’s been posting this same message everywhere. He’s either a Russian troll or is a Republican troll.
Lol. This comment made me laugh out loud. The billionaire crying was my highlight of the week. Was just hilarious and weird. Especially since she never even mentioned him. Lol
Oh another billionaire who wants to be president lol
Hey stupid Paul…Google- How much is Trump worth? I typed that slow for you…Your brain has turned to cottage cheese watching idiots like morning blow.
Ok, Bloomberg! What do you bring to the table other than a few billion $? Another out of touch old white rich guy thinks he buy the presidency.
What’s wrong with being a multi billionaire and running? It’s an advantage.
Well at least oprah isnt running
@Joe Perkins Barely…
These pundits are so out of touch. Bloomberg will not win the primary.
These pundits are wealthy, just like most ppl in Hollywood, the television/movie industry pays super good $$$, and the ppl who control things – exec producers, producers, presidents, veeps, CEOs, talking heads – make the most money. They may hate Repug social policy, but they LOVE Repug tax cuts, and they will do anything to keep them. Morning Joe might as well have a Biden 2020 sign on their back wall – or now i guess a Bloomberg 2020 sign.
@William H Joe is just Hilary 2.0 in virtually every way
A couple of primaries most of these candidates will be out.
@Carlos Carlos Bernie Sanders going to win who you think.
@Carlos Carlos Bernie
We go for years thinking that they’re sane, thoughtful, realistic, practical thinkers. Then, one day, they say to themselves, “Hey, maybe I should run for the Presidency”.
Stan S. That was incredibly funny. Then one day they say to themselves, “Hey maybe I should run for president (before I croak).”
He is no less a reasonable candidate than any of the others.
Stan S, HAHAHA! I agree. Anyone who wants to be president should immediately be disqualified for mental incompetence.
I am not an ageist but it’s time to let younger people take the helm and steer your country in the direction of sanity and hope. Enough of this dinosaur culture fostering outdated, selfish views. I say that as someone who is 70 years old.
Yeah, you’re right… we don’t want maturity and experience. We want immaturity and inexperience.
I’m old too and agree totally!!!
Let me consider him for a mo….nup.
Yolande very very funny I loved it .
Really MSnbc?,.. Michael Bloomberg isn’t a Bernie Sanders 2020 President.
MSnbc and CNN both are black balling any type of news regarding Bernie climbing poll numbers or news reports announcement policy by Senator Bernie Sanders.
I think we gonna have to BOYCOTTS MSnbc and CNN real soon.
(Hey look at me. I’m a billionaire I can buy my way in the voters mind.) Money has to be taken out of politics.. is the only way that truly the people is governing. Governed by the rich, for the rich is not the right way…
A physical impossibility. Taking money out of politics is like taking light out of tbe sun.
@Johnny Zeee I wouldn’t agree with that. Look what we have now with Trump, money and darkness.
@Johnny Zeee at the moment it is because no one has challenged it enough, but maybe if it is challenged now things can and will change.
@Johnny Zeee There are many countries in the world with public funded elections. Sure, it would be a monumental change to do that in the US, but that’s the only way to avoid people just buying elections…
Then why does commi Bernie Sanders raise money
Another billionaire? No thanks, we have already learned our lesson. One sociopathic plutocrat was more than enough.
Mike M. Yes, we have learned our lesson. This cat will not sit on a hot stove again. No thanks.
The only way Trump can win if he rig the system which he already did the first time.
Either way the superdelegates can push Trump back in when we didn’t want him the first time and what makes you think those ignorant superdelegates won’t do it a second time?
How are the two comparable because they arent. Oh we have already had a dude, let’s not have a dude again.
Trump wins 2020 election easily
Why would we be pining for another billionaire? Look at the one who’s in the White House now (assuming he really is a billionaire, which I doubt.)
Lester Walker Troll! Give up posting the same stupid message.
@AwesomeBlackDude Bloomberg running will be a huge help to Bernie, though. So in that sense, it’s a good news !
@daedalron it wont help any of the candidate
@daedalron Bloomberg is not a socialist Democrat Bloomberg is a Centrist right Republican. Vote Bernie Sanders 2020.
Veronica Stewart Trump: “I’m a multi billionaire…it’s like a simple genius I’m sure you’ve heard of it”
no Morning Joe, we dont want Bloomberg.
@Andrew_Owens He was not a good Democratic candidate
@G D why?
@Kevin macomber He is not Trump. And he is not Bernie. I could vote for him, but I could also vote for Biden or Klobachaur.
They are just trying to muddy the water so there is enough candidates that no one gets 51% so then the super delegates can vote their establishment candidate
@Martin Moore take a guess
@Martin Moore it isnt
@The Home Plate Special It is, support is only lower when the questions are negatively framed towards med4all.
More Oligarchs USA style? Hahahahaha! The people are not fooled. In Hebrew: Ze lo tov!
Is this to protect the conservative interests in the DNC? Are Sanders and Warren preforming too strong?
implying warren has a strong performance to begin with
@proxycodone Strong, as in, has been running at times ahead of Biden, i.e. in front, yes, that is worth implying. LOL.
He should join, this will be a blow for the media hyped Buttegieg and Biden, they have 50 votes more to split.
He needs to show his taxes, have psychological testing, background check, complete physical. No children in his cabinet, no business ties to any of his Businesses. Awful lot to ask for him to run for president.

We the people are learning about vetting our public official!!
And a drug test should be included
I genuinely believe Mike Bloomberg is the only candidate who will win against Trump. Warren and Sanders are too progressive and without the ability to withstand Trump’s constant diatribes. Another Billionaire yes but at least he speaks in complete sentences and has a Proven success business record.
Wouldnt his wealth be detrimental to his campaign tho? Lots of voters will have to toy aroun with the question of whether his agenda will include protecting large business interest.