As the positivity rate in Miami-Dade county has gone from 12% in mid-June to nearly 20% now, Mayor Carlos Gimenez joins Chris Jansing to explain what happened and discuss the communication between Florida leaders that may be confusing residents. Aired on 07/08/2020.
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Miami-Dade Mayor Responds To Criticism Over Handling Of Virus | Stephanie Ruhle | MSNBC
Mayor Carlos Gimenez should be recalled for bungling the response to the pandemic. He was too busy licking Trump’s boots to realize how many people would die because of his irresponsibility.
What about your insane governor?
@Nancy M Ross Nearly 4,000 Floridians have died from COVID-19; less than 1,500 people have died under my “insane” governor. What’s your state’s death count?
Trump , put Baron in a public school and then you can talk. Don’t send anyone to a war you won’t fight in yourself.
@Elizabeth notthe queen They cannot handle the truth
@Nicole Cordova Agreed 100%..The only thing that stops Republicans from trashing Trump for being a fkn creep is because he ran on the Republican ticket.
Not sure they realize that no President in History can be impeached.
Trump has given any future President the power to block all evidence and subpoenas.
I personally do not want either party to have that power
@Elmosweed Agree! Popular voting system! America’s politics and PARTIES need to be reformed and rebuilt! Republican’s just banned from politics! God Bless stay safe!
@Nicole Cordova – you think America should have a 1 party system?
How did that work out when the Democrats Crashed the Economy with their Subprime Mortgage SCAM, and then gave us the Worst Economic Recovery EVER for 8 years under that Snake Oil Salesman Obama?
They’re working on school choice.
Idk why these politicans get interviewed, it it just so they can say nothing for 10 minutes
I don’t know why some of them even agree to appear on this mouthpiece for the democratic party leftwing dirt merchant fake news channel
@frictionRx9 Maybe the mayor should be held accountable since it’s his city that has so many new cases – And if you don’t like it you can always switch to Fox News oh yeah hes already been there giving the same information
@frictionRx9 if you’re fer reel then god have mercy on our lost cause. Ie LIFE
@frictionRx9 but yet you are here. Where do you live? I don’t believe you live in the United States.
I am disgusted by the way they blame everyone but themselves. They could have acted more quickly.
3. TESTING IS A FRAUD – Covid PCR Testing cannot detect Viruses:, as per inventor Kerry Mullis:
@Yashar’el in Captivity lol but why would they do that? it makes no sense to send the economy into this mess
@m4ng0 Do Billionaires care about the average person???
@Yashar’el in Captivity i would hope so because they rely on the ‘average’ person for them to get rich…surely they’re not going to be doing any of the work the ‘average’ person does so not sure how the virus correlates with billionaires..i mean im sure a lot of the rich have lost considerate amounts of money during this pandemic.anyways, just looking for more information about your comments cos it’s an interesting take
State of Texas Health and Services Covid pdf Case Directive:
Florida Reportable Disease Case Definitions Archive: Download pdf 2020 Jan – Case Definitions for Select Reportable Diseases (page 45).
If the government would have paid people to stay home like they did in Europe we wouldn’t have had massive layoffs, a recession, businesses fighting to stay open. Instead, we gave all that money to the 1% and now everyone is scrambling to make money so they don’t get evicted
the problem is, our government is too busy stealing tax payer money. we know it now. Now what?
Don’t forget, Europe also has some form Universal Healthcare….
Canada paid the people first, unlike trump, and healthcare is free, unlike US, im safe in Canada and i still dont want to go for a haircut .
You know, if back in April, we as a country all just committed to all the things necessary to starve the virus, we’d be able to re-open our economy by now. But nope…America squandered all that because t’rump was out there calling it a hoax, saying it would be gone by April, and taking “no responsibility at all.”

And there are people who want him re-elected?
That was why so many on the left and some on the right were pushing to have a NATIONAL response instead of a state by state response. We all would’ve been on the same page, doing the same things at the same time. We could’ve gotten ahead of this thing. The lag is literally killing people.
Come November , he’s another out of a job!
Drained the Red Swamp, or we are ALL Doomed!
Your mask mandate is not enforceable. The only way is to shut down!
Young ppl?? A lack of trusted leadership says it all. But repugnants will blame all others rather than themselves or trump.
Don’t souly blame it on the young people… if you had set a good example and enforced the mask wearing there wouldn’t be as big a problem mayor
Agreed. That’s how other countries did it.
We opened up businesses for everyone as if there wasn’t a global pandemic, then a bunch of people got sick… Damned young people with their hula-hoops… when will they learn?
Lunchbox Gaming lol right!
they learned from Pence who said it`d all be over by Memorial Day
Get off my lawn with your Atari video games and Rubik’s cubes and covid-19!
Is this some kind of American game show: and here’s our next contestant tonight on the blame show.
Well said
True…But “The Blame Game” seems like a more marketable title
Vote Blue in november and live longer
MORE BLAME for U: Part of the problem is how the Media just ignored “peaceful protests” in fact, they encouraged them, but NOW you can’t gather in small groups anywhere, especially Democratic run States & Cities! Why doesn’t MSNBC ask anyone, about why they don’t shut down these large gatherings for peaceful protests. These “protests” or large groups of Statue tear down parties, are still going on and not one word from MSM. Why is that?
Pam Deshane , were all playing , you me , the media ignores because its bias , all of it , left , right . It ignores what it wants to ignore , and feeds on a perception that you might have picked up from , parents , streets , struggle, etc: and latches on to it , fuelling it , until it’s ideology and people with a different ideology becomes your enemy. .. where all being played. Keep safe
These people should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity. All these leaders, regardless of which Party, knew the facts.
Invoke the 25th Amendment You want to prosecute all politician? You mean you want to punish Biden because he didn’t have the power to stop Trump being stupid? He didn’t have the power to stop Trump saying ‘It will just go away’ and refusing to wear a mask. You MUST be a Republican, you are dumb enough.
Part of the problem is how the Media just ignored “peaceful protests” in fact, they encouraged them, but NOW you can’t gather in small groups anywhere, especially Democratic run States & Cities! Why doesn’t MSNBC ask anyone, about why they don’t shut down these large gatherings for peaceful protests. These “protests” or large groups of Statue tear down parties, are still going on and not one word from MSM. Why is that?
@Pam Deshane Trump open up the economy protests and Trump rallies were the main cause.
The virus seems to think politically or it’s racially targeting blue states. Total “alleged” death count of New York, New Jersey and Massachusetts-55,885 Total Deaths for Texas, Florida, and Arizona-8567 deaths. Sure seems political to me.
@Pam Deshane Hey troll girl where you do live because you sound like a trumper . If you watched multiple news media instead of trolling where you’re not welcome, you’d know the truth.
Turning this into a political issue and blaming the leaders does not shift the blame from every single individual failing to use their OWN brain and take care of themselves and their loved ones. As the virus knows no bounds, neither does stupidity.
The lack of self discipline and sense of entitlement, is the main difference between European success and American failure in bringing rate of infection down.
They just followed their ‘leader’, and we all know what he is.
“We’ve done everything we could to ignore the health professionals and it’s all the young protesters fault!”
Florida Governor DeSantis spreads death in schools.
Why are you keep saying “in Europe they open the schools,in Europe restaurants are open,in Europe the shops are open” I live in the Netherlands and when we had a lot of people infected with Covid-19 we(government) closed everything ,schools ,shops, restaurants everything was closed. the government said stay inside and wear a mask and wash your hands.a lot of people thought it was nonsense but still almost everyone did it and that why we flattened the curve and now we can begin opening schools shops restaurants etc.WE DID NOT OPEN WHEN WE HAD A LOT OF PEOPLE INFECTED!!!! and our government didn’t go against the experts thinking they know better.. so they said to the whole country this is what we are going to do and this is how we’re gonna a government suppose to do
Same in Germany. We shut down a town of 70 000 people because a meat procecesing plant had 600 infections. Florida has 10 000 a day almost for 2 weeks + and they still arguing about mandating MASKS.
@Abdul Abdullahi yes it is an incredible tragedy what happens in the’s like they really don’t care so many unnecessary deaths
Same in Australia
@Ray Unsernow you can see how important a working honest government is..but what I don’t understand even if Trump says “no need to wear a mask” with all the unnecessary deaths that the people don’t think by themselves I must wear a I said I live in the Netherlands and we also have many problems but 130k people dead and still refusing a mask..I think it’s criminal..can you imagine In Switzerland so many people dead and people don’t wanne wear a mask. I mean that they just don’t care if people die because of NOT wearing a mask.!!!
@Steve Logue I think if we look at the USA we appreciate our government little more..I think it’s a crime against humanity what happens in America. And now you have the Black lives matter and it’s good but I think America has a much bigger problem’s not black or white but nobody cares for other human life period…
Let me guess: he’s a right winger. That would explain his vacillating and dumb decisions. Can’t Florida elect decent, smart, compassionate people to higher offices?
Not until the young people start running for office and actually voting instead of complaining, saying they’re going to vote, then never show up to actually vote. In my book, if you don’t vote, you can’t b*tch about how things are going.
@Doc Lewis 100% fact.
Why do you expect the young people to act like responsible adults when the ‘leaders’ aren’t?
It is amazing that right wing politicians don’t seem to understand human beings. If they had opened one type of business at a time instead of everything at once, people probably would have taken it more seriously. Of course we have a large group of morons that listen to Trump and Fox News and there seems to be no way to stop stupid.