A condominium building partially collapsed in Surfside, Florida. Many are still considered missing.
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Families waited to hear news about missing loved ones Thursday morning as rescue efforts continued after a 12-story oceanside condo collapsed into a heap of rubble, leaving residents trapped and at least one person dead.
About 70 people crammed into a room with chairs and blue gym mats on the floor at a reunification site set up by the American Red Cross. Family members and building residents listened to police give updates in anxious silence. Young children slept in blankets. Surfside Mayor Charles Burkett confirmed at least one person had died.
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#miami #condocollapse
Must’ve been filmed with a flying potatoe.
@Nineclicks dan quayle livs!
even 720p doesn’t look this bad
I guess what you mean son. “I’m disappointed because it didn’t show me what I wanted to see: people still alive with broken arm and legs or missing members, bodies without heads, etc.”
The drone shows what most of us need to see. What else you want idiot?

@I know You’re Right why do you have to equate not wanting to see video akin to having vaseline smeared all over the lens to you want gore?
1 pixel camera. recorded with a toaster.
Absolutely devastating
This drone fooage is so blurry it was totally pointless to post this video of it.
It was also shot illegally.
There was better footage captured by neighborhood security camera.
@Nick Johansen why is it illegal?
I thought the footage was from the 1980s and the video just got mislabeled.
a Larry Silverstein business owns the building
Lol. You WERE kidding, right?
That is Cleary an explosion. Very interesting timing with this infrastructure deal…Infrastructure just collapsing…
I sincerely hope any more missing people were just out on errands or something.
Wow. Somewhere, there’s an alcoholic, whose inability to leave a bar until closing time just saved his life.
“If I hadn’t gone drinking…that could have been me!”
over 50 missing and unaccounted for right now. Dozens in the hospital already

@angiebby1122 always.

“I HAD a condo in Miami”
-Bruno Mars
And *THIS* boys and girls, is why having REGULATIONS and BUILDING INSPECTORS (and heavy FINES for violators!) is a *GOOD THING* !!
@WWZenaDo stopping abortion could save lives too…so where do you stand on that?
@Geen R exactly, and that goes all the way up to Defense Contracts, NASA and the Space Shuttle corruption, Naval ships’s engines stopping at the middle of the sea, COVID relief money ending in studies of “fish reproduction”, political activists buying Multi-Million Dollars Properties, and an interminable etc.
@David L It would be interesting to take a look at the inspection records for the construction of that building, and I’m sure that will happen as the investigation into the collapse moves forward.
@Rapture Bound Nature/god aborts millions of babies on its own, but apparently you’re unaware of that. In fact if the human birth rates were *LOWER* this accident wouldn’t have happened, because there would have been FEWER PEOPLE to crowd onto the beach properties and therefor less pressures to build structures too tall and heavy for the underlying soil to properly support.
@WWZenaDo I’ll take that as a long winded evasive guilt motivated yes you do support the killing of babies because they take up space.
So how long have you been a god? First year or a seasoned pro?
solid 420p camera bro.. i actually went to fix my buffer quality when i realized it was just trash footage.. well done..
This is so devastating condolences to everyone hope they find more survivors
How did this happen? If a building cab just collapse than I would not ever want to be in a building EVER again. So, what happened???
Looks like an explosion. Smells fishy. Sorry if I sound crazy
Resolution quality is similar to this construction.
It’s had a sink hole scene 2019 what did they think was going to happen.
I would not rule out the possibility of a sink hole !! Florida is known for them !!
“Build your house on solid rock, NOT on sinking sand.”
I saw the film of that coming down. It came down in two sections the middle and then the right tower. And with the speed that it all collapsed – if anyone was inside I would not expect many survivors. And it came down at 1:30am, so …
I think that is doctored big time.
@Sislertx Why would you think that? Looks very realistic to me. And I’m sure there will be other cam footage discovered.
This is horrible. I pray for the victims and their families.
I guess USA today doesn’t know they make drones with REAL cameras now, instead of what is clearly a photographic potato!
Exact same building three buildings to the north, could check out structural engineering of that one.