Miami-Dade officials update on Surfside condo collapse after death toll rises to 22.
Crews looking for survivors in the rubble of a condo that collapsed outside Miami last week found more bodies on Friday, raising the number of confirmed deaths to 22 as 126 people remain missing.
Miami-Dade Mayor Daniella Levine Cava said she has signed off on the demolition of the part of the building that remains standing because it poses a threat to public health and safety, although no date has yet been set for the demolition. The top priority remains search and rescue, she said.
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#CondoCollapse #Surfside #Miami
Damn. I’m not sure if anyone under the rubble is still alive. It’s already been a week. That Florida heat is impossible to survive in down there without food and water. Plus, the hurricane is coming.
@Kiwi Kiwi no it has nothing to do with Russian human right record, I haven’t been there, so I cant judge. But the Bible is surely not permitting gay marriage, but why The US the so called the God chosen country legalized same sex marriage?
@Angel Chen Idk, but it’s kind of weird how you’re basically defending the abuse of human rights. You’re trying to divert the topic from Russia’s poor human rights record to continue on your anti-American rhetoric. And this is why I hate every country
@Kiwi Kiwi I have friends In XinJiang they told me those were actually radical extremists under name of religious, they killed civilian regardless of their ethnical background if they supported the government. They are now more save then ever before, and majority local people support this polocy
@Angel Chen Okay but they weren’t radical extremist. It’s so blatantly obvious that you have been brainwashed by the Chinese media. And that’s not even the only people they’ve abused, how about Hong Kong? We all know what they’ve been doing to the people of Hong Kong. Or do you think that that is acceptable as well?
@Kiwi Kiwi violent protesting is not acceptable in anywhere, same as in US, right? scission of the country is also against of the law in America? I think it is not suitable to this discuss this in this channel as the topic is Miami building rescue.
The pets that are still there, cats usually hide and won’t come out unless they see their owners, my hearts broken

@C W if you had a loved in the rubble. You wouldnt be saying that.. If your child was in that rubble. & i said what you just said. But was standing right beside you. You would be pissed…
@moon man J you poor soul.. You been watching to much to many movies
@Shawn Staton

its a targeted blasting to bury several people infected with the virus in March 2019 so that nobody will know that corona is made in USA and thats why the whole rescue team had to have corona test once per hour and there are 6 guys from rescue team got corona during the rescue, they never wanted to let anyone out of the ruins live
The people who broke policy and had pets I would think took them when evacuated.
Such an ongoing tragedy. Sad
The Governor needs to slow down for the sign language interpreter to keep up.
The Astros are stealing her signs.
Hi dear
@J T D I don’t think it is funny, I just found her to be very good at ASL. I’ve never really had any experiences with deaf people or sign language but she does such a good job with it, I found it distracting
its a targeted blasting to bury several people infected with the virus in March 2019 so that nobody will know that corona is made in USA and thats why the whole rescue team had to have corona test once per hour and there are 6 guys from rescue team got corona during the rescue, they never wanted to let anyone out of the ruins live
@Bill Coyle ok, that makes sense, there’s still a bunch of people that are definitely making fun of it so I think the comment is still useful.
When will we see arrests being made?
@effe’n aey man bruh that’s not Fox News. This guy is just stupid
@Bigbooga Suga It’s possible. People are digging into who lived there. Anyone who doesn’t believe it’s possible hasn’t researched past the official narratives of 911, the Oklahoma city “ferilizer” bombing, WACO, & countless other tragedies, incl the PANdemic.
Of government employees allowing it? Fat chance. But, the American people will lose from having government pay off victims.
its a targeted blasting to bury several people infected with the virus in March 2019 so that nobody will know that corona is made in USA and thats why the whole rescue team had to have corona test once per hour and there are 6 guys from rescue team got corona during the rescue, they never wanted to let anyone out of the ruins live
@Keen Bav where’d you come up with that one?
God bless all those families and all the people out there risking their own lives to help this disaster…
Man I hope it doesn’t flood in that area. I can’t imagine the conditions those bodies would be in with flooding and then the humidity.
Probably can’t be much worse than having a building collapse on your body. They are probably all squished like pancakes from the floors falling down on each other.
I had a dream last night of evacuation of huge flooding

Bloated bodies floating

omg JJ i don’t want to be debby downer but the thought of it reminds me of Hurricane Katrina when bodies were out rotting in the street and you could see them on tv.
@Lark faxxxxxx
It stopped being a rescue a week ago.
Exactly, sad but true.
Maybe somebody was buried near a fridge full of bottled water, and they’ve been living off the water
@D. Lawrence fridge full of beer would be better
GREED! At the cost of people’s lives —— ACCOUNTABILITY must be made.
@moon man J I do not farm.
Hello, how are you?
@Joseph Hodges
@moon man J I resemble that remark.
its a targeted blasting to bury several people infected with the virus in March 2019 so that nobody will know that corona is made in USA and thats why the whole rescue team had to have corona test once per hour and there are 6 guys from rescue team got corona during the rescue, they never wanted to let anyone out of the ruins live
If we find one person alive ? We’re going to celebrate. … happy 4th in advance.
every living one would be a evidenc, so nobody will “survive”
All those officials including governor, mayors, etc shall get fired due to inability to rescue a single people alive from debris.
You are assuming that there was anyone alive. Does the governor or mayor have engineering experience or experience working on buildings that have collapsed?
@Joseph Hodges Exactly. So many just jump to wrongful accusations of the government officials.
Whoever didn’t want to pay to maintain the building to code is at fault. Do you blame the officials when a lifeguard can’t save someone from drowning at the beach or the lifeguard?
@G Henny The whole building is at fault since they are condos and not apartments.
@Joseph Hodges oh you right
Ok. So at what point are you going to bring the k9’s out to help sniff and search for bodies.
Rescue dogs have been there from the start looking for the living. Not sure when the switch will be made by cadaver dogs. Maybe they already started
The official looks giving a speech of presidential campaign, little action for saving lives
Guess I missed Biden picking up a shovel. He’s all about Shovel-Ready jobs, but he don’t wanna get dirty.
Wrong. He’s has Done incredible job managing this crisis. It is a search in recovery at this point.
@Mizz Mix The disaster happened on 24th June, but its 3rd of July now. A normal human would die without water. The local goveronment is lack of fast response for the search though a cordon was setup immediately.
@Gareth Xue there were several safety issues that were a hindrance as well as fires.
@Mizz Mix Rescue from collapse should be a routine training of the team. Search has not completed after 10 days of only one building collapse; while the covid death toll is world No 1. The system needs a change, cannot save citizens lives.
Can you even imagine how terrifying this was? My heart breaks for everyone who died and for the survivors and their neighbors and families. Having lived through several big earthquakes, you feel like the house is going to collapse on you, but it doesn’t. But I still have PTSD from them, whenever the house shakes a little from a truck goes by. But this? This was like a bomb going off. Just unbelievable. I hope they figure out who was responsible and some people are brought to justice.
This sht happened at night aswell, I call foul play
So what about the 140 counts of negligent homicide?
That’s the most interesting hand signing I’ve ever seen.
Lmao the facial expressions make it 10x better
I like the Gov. and he knows how to pick his staff, I am not deaf but she is into her job.
I hope they find more people and pets.
Why can’t they run one of those bomb squad robots through the building. They could open the doors in order to give the animals that can walk a fighting chance.
Gov de Santis is a true leader.Florida is so blessed to have him at a time like this!
Having a photo op is being a leader? Then Biden must be one helluva leader. DeSantis had to praise his appearance. You’re a child, right?
The governor isn’t paying for the demolition. The taxpayers are.