Dasha Burns talks to voters in Kent County, Michigan where some are “voting blue all the way up and down the ballot for the first time in their lives.” Aired on 10/16/2020.
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MI Voter: If Republicans Won't Criticize Trump, I Am Not Going To Vote For Them | MTP Daily | MSNBC
Make it simple : vote blue.
That is a constructive outlook, and one I share. Country not party
YES!!!! Country and people over party
this got me stoked… I live in NH, which is currently a dumpster fire where ever the brokest fools fight for trump 

Meanwhile, trump sells t-shirts saying “I’d rather be Russian than Democrat”.
If Trump wins American democracy is over.

unfortunately your comprehension of the electoral college is typical I lost the election so I’m stamping my feet.

I think it’s brilliant the mob does not rule.
Why do you think we’re called the United States of America??
Another question what would happen to the small states when they no longer have a say in the leader fr the leader of the Free World……
Our forefathers knew populations would Gather and therefore think alike.. not that there’s anything wrong with that but what does that do for the smaller States.
We are a representative Republic each town city state has a say in the leader of our country
Most of the time if you win the popular vote you usually win the presidency..
It amazes me you can’t see the Simplicity in the Electoral College and its benefits… mob mentality will never rule, I can’t make it any simpler than that..
And something tells me you already knew what I just said.
As Joe would say come on man.
@Earnest T Bass mob rule from Trump minions is hilarious
just remember what l said champ, when you lose all branches of government there’s going to be changes and all you’ll have is the Courts which sadly for Republicans like facts and precedents, something definitely lacking in the GOP. Trump has effectively banished the party from governing for decades. All they stood for, small government, low taxes, accountability, transparency is all in the toilet thanks to your deity Trump 
@warpedjaffas1 you’re entering 5th stage TDS
Isn’t that a gross exaggeration lol? Trump can only be in office for 4 years if he gets reelected.
@warpedjaffas1 I would lay off the Rachel Maddow Show for a while
My whole family has said they will never vote republiKKK’con again after what they have seen with trump
@Chad Bruce I.e., you’re supporting the fascists and the racists.
Allan Burns Lol you’re supporting Antifa and BLM who like to burn America business down. Also murdering babies. Also letting China back in the United States to take out jobs. Taking away Guns, Take away capitalism, Anti Christ, Highest Taxes ever recorded. List can go a long ways. You obviously haven’t done your research on Biden if you want to see who is racists. If Trump was I doubt Ice Cube, Shaq and Kanye west would be supporting him
@Chad Bruce Your Crazy Uncle’s fav deflector slogan!
kassie Thanks
@King OfTroy HEY my last name is ramos – don’t yell at me !!!
My brother told me that he voted straight blue for the first time in his life. I expected him to vote against Trump but he’s lost faith in the Republican Party because of its support for the president.
McConnell and Lindsey has to go – Biden has to win in a landslide – I mailed in my vote for Joe Biden – Trump paid $130,000 to Screw Stormy Daniels and only paid $750 to screw AMERICA
$130,000 vs $750. Stormy vs America. It seems Stormy is more valuable than America in Trumps world
Yep, sounds like something trump will do
Well said.
@Automatism in your empty brain I think
Dennis You Are Great!
Real patriots criticise a crappy President, they don’t bow to them.
“To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.”
― Theodore Roosevelt
@machineunit 45th doesn’t need any difamation. He is a bad joke himself. Work hard and pay all your taxes, because 45th pays less taxes than you and they need your money to pay Ivanka’s salary.
Could you give me the reference of this wonderful quote?
Please share this on Fox News and all Right Wing media channels. Thank you
@machineunit HA HA! Tell us the real picture we should paint of this president, thanks for the laugh. I’ll go get the brown paint or maybe it should be orange. That is hilarious this president has created his own legacy you cannot blame anyone. God Trump supporters are the biggest crybaby victims ever!
@Dionisio Areopagita you’re dumb if that’s why you want to hate him. Obama and Biden signed those tax laws that allowed Trump to take advantage of paying less. Taxation is theft anyway. Literally everyone in America tries to pay less in taxes so for you to hold that against one man is laughable.
Please count me in. I’m exactly like him. If Republicans are not criticizing what that criminal is doing with his cronies in WH, then I am NOT voting for Republicans. I’ve voted for Republicans all my life. And this is the very first time I’m not casting any support for the Republicans.
Its a free country……!
Thank you

So, you claim to have voted for Republicans all your life? Quite frankly, I firmly believe that you are full of it.
Darn straight.. vote for those who have a brain of their own and a spine.. not the ones with Trumps hand pulling their puppet strings. Vote for integrity, vote blue.
Nah, I like my money and property.
Biden has spent his entire 47 year career endorsing legislation that has sent jobs to China. Your solution is to vote for Democrats who will never hold China accountable for slavery and human rights violations? Higher taxes, crumbling public schools for the masses while Democrat leaders send their kids to top private schools, government healthcare that’s good enough for you people while these politicians get top notch healthcare. No thanks! I’ll vote Republican.

@Ricky Spanish YEAH we know
You’re all ignorant, uneducated FREAKS… “Ricky Spanish” like I would get my life this is Dump commenting from a private account 

THATS as bad as the scrams who use their “black friend” as reason to NEED to use to N-word… YOU. ARE. TRASH.
@Chris times have changed Chris! Now it is indeed Biden who will save us from you psychotic freaks

Trump administration rejects emergency aid for California fires, including biggest blaze in state history
@machineunit on Federal land? Really? Isn’t that Federal government AKA Trump administration’s job?
@D Ross As a Canadian, I will welcome the idea. Doesn’t Blue states contribute a lot more to the Federal tax dollar?
@Freedom Life Yep. And they’ve got a lot of motivation and a better outlook on life.
ANd Trump doesn’t even seem to know that more thna 60% of the forest land there is Federal Land!
I’m not voting for Trump or ANY Republicans this time. They’ve been despicable and cowardly.
@Sasha Hall thanks for your deep thoughts.
@Scott427 Smith haha. No more profound than your words, sweetie! Run along.
@Scott427 Smith I guess Fox isn’t media huh. Too bad so sad.
Scott427 Smith Trump did very well on his own fake news.
U shouldnt have voted for them in the first place. None of their policies affect u in a good way
It’s not a matter of criticizing Trump. None of them will take a stand against him.
@ninibon1967 looloo
That’s only registered republicans, not independents and democrats
@KL intelligence.
We have a virus seating over our country, and a adminstration trying to take healthcare WITHOUT replacing it, so I’m just wondering what does it take?
@Logan McLean No.
Fools Obama created this and we got what we wanted and it was good we are.not going backb
The guy is absolutely correct… the GOP were crickets on the whole kidnap thing…so that makes them complicit
Republican politicians and Republicans in general said nothing concerning everything Trump did in the last three-plus years… I have no respect for ANY Republican any longer… I WAS an INDEPENDENT voter for the last 50 years… Now I’m a DEMOCRAT…
@SEE. Welcome to the party of sanity, intelligence and integrity.
Crickets because law enforcement did their jobs. This is why defunding police is a bad idea.
@Logan McLean cops should not be defunded … local and state governments fund them … not the fed… if a cop breaks the law he should face the same punishment as anyone else .. not time off with pay … no different than taxation without representation … in the constitution …no responsibility …. no pay…
I was an independent voter until Trump came along… I voted blue down the list YESTERDAY.. I feel the same way if Republican Senators don’t criticize Trump and tell the truth they don’t deserve my vote either.
I’m a Republican. I did the same yesterday morning.
Those senators are cowards
Agreed. Will be doing the same tomorrow. Hopefully this causes a meaningful reset for the GOP. THANK YOU FOR VOTING!!!
And you know what? That is what it takes. Those Republican leaders really thought low of our Republican voters, as if they could do anything they wanted, but the Republican people are standing up and making their voice and vote count! Thank you, good Republicans who know good teamwork.
I used to be a Republican. Then they ran dump. Today I voted straight blue.
Republicans Party are not deserved to be in White House.
They’re plainly committing Felonies by themselves.
@Rick Ton sorry… Im a yankee. My kinfolk are of french descent from Massachusetts
@Rick Ton you remind me of the young lady that was having a cow over my Trump sticker yesterday. What is w you people? You cant be reasoned with. Oh well… I told her I loved her and drove off as she had her meltdown
Oh…btw… My boss is one of our best friends and she is African American
That was a good attempt at English, Wendy’s is teaching you well.
@Rick Ton Like Who? Name one from the Republican party. Come on man… show your ignorance.
I voted yesterday. I did not vote for a single Republican.
I voted yesterday too and did not vote for a single Democrat and I’ve always voted Democrat.
Country before party.
@Nathan Baker – THANK YOU

@fruff30 <—- The inc3ls have arrived
@fruff30 <—- The inc3ls have arrived
@Cory Allen <—- The inc3ls have arrived pt 2
Republicans against Trump. Vote for country and vote him out. How can we wake up to all this chaos every day and he actually enjoys it. Got to vote blue this time !
@Chuck Anya – Republican Voters Against Trump(RVAT)… https://www.youtube.com/c/RepublicanVotersAgainstTrump/videos
If Republicans won’t criticize Chump, they don’t deserve their jobs OR our votes.
Criticize? They could keep him in line if they chose to. Republicans have been working towards this time for over 5 decades. They’ve destroyed our country to privatize it into their own pockets.
Kent County for Biden!
Latinos for BIDEN2020
If Biden gets in we won’t have any jobs. The jobs will keep moving to China since they have won his Patronage.
@Chris Meanwhile, back in reality, Trump is in debt to China.
There is no Republican party. There is only a Trump cult.
Heather No he is clown
@ken adams Don’t just hope… actively make it happen. You have more power than you think you do.
You ARE DEAD ON.. IT’S ALL TRUMP PUPPETS which are scared to stand up to him….BRAVO GUYS AND GALS
@Chris Komrade Kristofer, you follow orders well. The Kremlin is so proud of you!
@Chris Suffragettes motto was ‘Deeds Not Words‘
They burned, bombed, vandalized, got arrested, and disrupted a sporting event. They learned Jiu Jitsu so they could fight against the police and those who tried to stop them. The press demonized them.
I’d say BLM are in good company, and there hasn’t even been any bombs.
America is the world’s covid epicentre and it’s economy amongst the worst hit. Trump’s lies and incompetence have cost America dearly. And Republican Congressionals supported him every step of the way. Vote them out.
Not only America, the whole world. I was planning for a early retirement in 5 years, but with the market and economic outlook like it’s now, lucky I can retire in 10 years.
N Mitch looking away