NBC News correspondent Heidi Pryzbyla, former Obama administration veteran Rick Stengel, DEMOS’ Heather McGhee, NYT Magazine correspondent Mark Leibovich, and LA Times’ Eli Stokols on the next steps for Democrats following Mueller’s testimony
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Message To Democrats: This Is How You Do It | Deadline | MSNBC
“This is how we do it ” is a song by Montell Jordan in case anyone wants to know!
no one cares BJ
Good track and Mr Maga can go gargle trump’s tangerines
I think I like that song. Now how I have to look it up
@Tracy DuPree it really is a great song. it gets you pumped
Fantastic …. Sounds like a plan !
Let’s roll boys. She’s right, Puerto Rico knows how to depose a corrupt leader. The rest of the country needs to take note and do likewise.
Balthazar21 Funny How Dems are up to their elbows in PR $ … didn’t the Dems have a trip down there while POTUS waited in the White House? Why is there corruption wherever Dems go?
Balthazar21 I’d go to DC to protest. We should!
@Katherine M.
There are no protesters because every is working two jobs to pay the bills.
@Maharajji NKB oh, there are plenty of crimes coming out of the current administration. This investigation so far has netted 19 guilty pleas and convictions and has spawned fifteen separate investigations that are ongoing. Not to mention the corruption of nearly every cabinet officer he brought in that caused about half so far to resign. Pretending that none of that is real is insane. Seek help.
@Rondalyn Reynolds no. It isn’t. When I was a kid, my father worked as a junior engineer at a brewery. He made enough to buy a house for us in a nice neighborhood, a new car every few years, got us the first color tv in our neighborhood and he could save money for my sister and I to go to college. What kind of job does that take today?
Are we a country of rules of law and our Constitution?
Then Trump must be impeached!!!
People like you don’t even understand what the constitution is and you surely don’t support it. The democrat party wants to put the constitution into a paper shredder, and every time Nancy pelosi mentions the constitution it makes me angry because she would just love to do away with it. President Trump is the best president this country has had in some years, and you don’t have to agree with that to be an intelligent person, but to hate him like you do exposes you as who you really are. A pathetic, shriveled raisin brained buffoon, programmed by democrat propaganda. If trump had done anything wrong he would be out of office already. How many democrats who hate his guts and desperately want him gone have investigated him? If they had one single shred of evidence of anything, he would be gone already.
You mean deporting all ILLEGAL ALIENS, nation of laws.
Hypocrisy of the communists is astounding.
Richard Parker so you agree Hillary Clinton did nothing wrong and Bill’s impeachment was BS. Also, you liked Obama cause he brought America out of recession, the stock market made increasing gains, unemployment was dropping, and he lied a little while increasing his personal wealth. Am I right?
Kelly Brown Your own party smartly voted against impeachment. Go take your TDS pill today.
Proud of Puerto rico !!
BERNY !!! the time has come.
( actualy buying insuline in CA for 1/10th of us price with seek’s) ok then go back
@bean01 true it might have been cameroon or cambodgia but it’s a tiny bit far
@deborahdoesscrap there should be association that orgenize trip
in french :
easier from reuter :
i hope you find a way pal
@mike swiental sory man but if you belive in this corupted pathologic liar then you are simply a lost cause
Pray for your own soul !
@mike swiental Mob rule? Perhaps you should read the Constitution: “Freedom of Assembly,” “Freedom to Petition the Government for a Redress of Grievances.” What they did was perfectly legitimate. There is no “deep state,” Comrade Putin.
I think you guys should stop talking about it. If no is going to do anything about it, then stop talking about it.
Tommy Bib no. Talking is good. It plants seeds in people’s minds .
@debrabelz I agree, but if you’re going to plant the seed, water it, maintain it, and put the yield to use. Otherwise, stop planting seeds.
Mueller has given America a gift. His investigation has opened up cracks in the system. All countries looking closely at these events will benefit if they use – the operative, word is USE – this information. America will benefit if it uses wisely the gift of information given to you, despite Barr doing his darndest to change the narrative to support Trump. Get your egos out of the way and look with vision to how you want America to be in the future. Get out of your bubble Congress!
Are you guys crazy? Mueller was an embarrassment!
We have nothing
But keep this going because the news said so
*chuckle* Let us know how this works for you.
I did not Vote for President in 2016 because of Hillary.
But not in 2020. I will Vote “D” this time.
And I urge you to do the same.
Put Donald in a cell Vote D, if you can
@A R just wait till 2020….

@Buttercup Horn But….but…..but…..

The live children !…
The rich. !….
Obummer !…..
We coming for your unborn babies bi..otch…..
With our 15 million, and RBG won’t last 5 more years….
We comin’ to build the wall….
You’re welcome to climb over it to get out, and be on your way…..

15 million….
“Odds” are, it’s gonna be about 75 mil to 60 mil…..
But Trump won’t voluntarily resign, both because he likely can’t do it on a psychological level, and because it immediately exposes him to significant legal peril.
@andrew chambers And you are underestimating the American people. Trump is a liar and conman, and yet you want that mobster like person as president. Also don’t forget, you are losing the youth and your old base is dying off.
Joy Phillips I guess you’re too dumb to be embarrassed by your own stupidity.
Pence will pardon Trump if he resigns. Resignation would be a strategy for normal times but Trump is part of a coup supported by Russia, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, and U.S. republicans. Trump won’t be leaving power until he can pass power to his children. American democracy is on life support and soon to be dead.
You mean PRISON?!
Public sentiment is everything. Take to the streets, Democrats!
And do what exactly..?? Burn your own cities to the ground….oh yeah that will show us…

@gifted_ ruler Troll. Go back to the hole you crawled out of.
@gifted_ ruler that’s what they did in Puerto Rico, huh?
It may well come to action in the street by millions of Americans to get Trump out of the WH.
Exactly. Peaceful demonstrations every week. Before the next election, it will not help afterward! Right in the face of the swamp master. Nothing will happen if Democrats play strategy games that they don’t know how to play anyway. And failed to play over and over again. Trump and his crime mob need to be voted out of office. Attack him from every side, his appointees are a joke, they are corrupt, they fail. Stick it to his face every day. Go to the companies that suffer from his trade policy, let them speak out. If Donnie gets under pressure, he bows down. North Korea – no success, just smoke screens, and funny pictures. China – a stupid tax war that has accomplished exactly nothing. Jobs are not coming back that way to the US, they are rather moved to another Asian country. The concentration camps at the border, call them, what they are. Trump throws kids in cages, just because his hilly billy mob needs another chant for their racist rallies. Don’t answer to his Twitter rants, just throw facts at him every single day. And repeat them over and over again until it sticks.
@Richard Parker While I agree with your larger point that because Trump has a passionate base protests would lead to violence, your other comments are despicable and disgusting. Your statement that Democrats are not Americans is (apart from being dead wrong) completely anti-American. Your comment is the heart of Trump rhetoric and the root of what people are upset about. The majority of Americans disagree with your views and have every right to do so. Take your threats and baloney talking points elsewhere.
@rolandbcool he is right the country doesn’t need a civil war if they are not happy get out and vote the Russians didn’t pull the lever the American people did
Mary be careful what you wish for a lot of innocent people will get hurt or die
Remenber what trump said in his book ! “Even if you lose, act like you had just won.” Remember ? It’s just smoke and mirrors
This is what he does every time. Never admit you lost.
@andrew chambers Trump is not cleared, he committed at least 13 ( might be more) counts of obstruction of justice, he is willing to use people like you to win his second term, because he thinks he will be able to stay out of jail. A second term will not help him, he can still go to jail and he should go to jail along with Mitch McConnell and Ivonka, DJT jr. and Jared and Steven Mills and Kellyanne Conway and Steve Munuchin (the creepy ugly guy that works in the Treasury) the head of the IRS ……… Mueller is a twice decorated Vietnam veteran, that wanted to go to war while your cowardly hero Trump lied about his foot just to get out of going.
@Jeannette Sikes You mean that war where mie lie got slaughtered with all the women and children?You mean that war where agent orange was sprayed on USA soldiers?You stuck your noses into a war and tied one hand around your soldiers balls anyone who draft dodged that war was very smart
@andrew chambers Anyone who draft dodged that war is a COWARD and if you agree with that then you are NO PATRIOT but a cowards coward. This country SENT most of those MEN to war. It takes A REAL PATRIOT not a coward to want to go to war. The men that went there was because they were sent by this government and did’t have a rich ….. daddy to get them out and they had no control over the conditions, but they sacrificed and served their country with valor no matter how they felt about it, now that is what is called being a Man and not A COWARD. By the way you said “your” does this mean you don’t live in this country? or that you are not a citizen, if so the I think you should mind “your” own business and keep “your” nose out of our business, Trump is a coward.
People should go out to protest in the streets. Your voice is your power, it’s understandable that you have jobs but your alternative is a lot worse if Trump wins the 2020 elections. Witness the power of protest in Hong Kong and Puerto Rico.
@Ellie Y Russian troll!! Get lost!! Go look for rubles elsewhere. We ain’t giving u any. No rubles, no vodka, no firewood … U sure are gonna be cold tonight – and guess what?? You’re gonna turn a bright shade of BLUE!! MUA hahahaha!
@Ellie Y Trump will be in jail maybe if he’s lucky, he’ll share the cell with Epstein and the teenage pictures.
Kim Tu I guess the the Republicans will show up with their guns and Bibles to save the divided nation again. Newsflash: The Republicans won the first civil war and we will win the next one the antiAmerican Democrats try to start.
@rolback Did u actually put threats of guns by Repukes ….go back to the 1700s …you have no business talking like it is almost 2020 ….Repubs are losing …can’t keep your boy Trump controlled. ..he is rogue n he will b defeated by cerebral humans ….
I am so proud of Florida Rep, Cathy Castor ….her office call us n let’s us know where to meet every time there are protests ….she actually called me last night to hear her meeting & Q&A afterwards …..Are your Reps working for you ?
Many Puerto Ricans hold jobs, many times two or are small business people. They work!
The U.S. has had almost 3 years of Trump and done nothing 2stop him
Scott Cramp So you are against the peaceful transition of power in the USA because your feelings are hurt? Take your TDS pills and grow up.
Considering the actual base are foreign internet trolls, good luck with that.
Americans are lazy, privileged whiners!! Why wait for 2020?? Demand they change the DOJ ruling!!
Carrie It’s based on a MEMO – not even an actual policy. Trump is death by a thousand cuts.
PR, Hong Kong, France… now let’s roll.
Case not closed by a long shot… OPEN INVESTIGATIONS… pay attention and cut the spin.
MSNBC is really out there being anti-Trump. I hardly ever see their “news” programs.