Senator Jeff Merkley (D-OR) speaks with Nicolle Wallace about how his state is handling the catastrophic west coast wildfires, and blasts Trump for denying the science around climate change. Aired on 09/15/2020.
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About Deadline White House: Before getting into cable news, Nicolle Wallace worked in politics, including as President George W. Bush’s communications director during his administration and for his 2004 re-election campaign. Those experiences helped contribute to the knowledge and unique point of view she brings to this program. Wallace leads dynamic discussions on the political stories driving the news cycle with Washington insiders and well-sourced journalists. She also provides in-depth reporting while delivering up-to-the-minute breaking news to viewers.
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Merkley Who Drove 600 Miles Around His State To Survey Wildfire Damage: I Never Got Out Of The Smoke
Future Trump comment.’’ these radical leftist starting fires to make me look bad“…
@Ed Diggs how is domestic terrorism committed by Trump supporters funny?
@Lurking Grue ugh… you can look up the arrest records and charges…
don’t fall into the rhetoric.
Lucifers minions of democratic scum lit the fires
@John Christopher no confusion here. I went ahead and looked up the word terrorist for you since they didn’t include it in your indoctrination course materials. Terrorist- a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims. This is as good a summation of BLM and ANTIFA as can be expected. I’m not sure what they are giving you to be so ignorant, but it’s not worth it.
And antifa vampires who molest chihuahuas have a special machine made from the bones and blood of republican children that creates hurricanes. Q-anon said it so it must be true.
Climate is taking the moisture out of the forest, that in a nutshell is the problem
Oopsie.. Ha ha ha.. Haaaaaaay, I got strawberry linguini, wanna see if we can spank Michelle Obamas knob?
thom wessels if your not from Cali, you have no idea
@Dennis Dietz Or Oregon or Washington.
SoCal Surfer16 so you from Huntington Beach knows all about the woods, lived 15 years in the Oregon woods with no running water or power
Capitalism is destroying this planet
@John Brattan “Do these things that the prophesies are fulfilled.”
We don’t do stuff for free. Got bills to pay.
Climate Change
The made up catastrophe used by globalists & socialists to instill fear and guilt to tax, regulate, and remove our freedoms while pretending to be saving the planet.
@Brian Nave Your ignorance is showing.
Thank goodness somebody finally addressing the President on national T.V. asking the President for help not just help for now but help for in the future to combat climate changes that are brought on through bad Leadership and a ignoring ear from a President who says don’t worry it will get colder I mean really WTF. Vote Biden it’s time to start making changes what do we have to do loose the whole west coast. Prays to the Californians.
Is Oregon getting any federal assistance to fight the fires or is the fact they are a blue state the assistance is slow in coming.
@William Bailey The wildfire season is much longer than it was back in the 197ps, with more acreage burned, and hotter and more intense fires. California’s fire season is now 2 – 3 months longer than in 1970, and 5 * the acreage is burned.
Climate Change
The made up catastrophe used by globalists & socialists to instill fear and guilt to tax, regulate, and remove our freedoms while pretending to be saving the planet.
There shut off
@Brian Nave Guess you didn’t notice these fires are much bigger and last longer than any time in recent history. Same thing happening in Australia and Canada. Yup, it’s all the fault of socialists.
Trump says that he is the chosen one, but didn’t share that it was Satan who chose him.
Right on.
Yep, apparently Satan’s nickname is Putin
Climate Change
The made up catastrophe used by globalists & socialists to instill fear and guilt to tax, regulate, and remove our freedoms while pretending to be saving the planet.
Brian Nave I watched this. Unfortunately this young kid will only get trespassing since he was not witnessed starting a fire. Any person, intentionally starting a fire, no matter what party affiliations, with such dry conditions, should be sent to a labor prison for life.
Ty Senator Markey…appreciate all you are doing for our state of Oregon. It’s a hard time.
Agreed. It’s a horrible time for Oregon. Merkley is one of the good ones.
We had to evacuate the hospital in Silverton last tues. that was an experience I’ll never forget. Just opened back up yesterday
*The only honest thing Trump has done, is that he has inadvertently highlighted the True Hidden Nature of this GOP! **#NastyBrokenGOP**
Wigg Picker Hi Wigg,, haven’t seen your trolling face in a while. Still part of the trump cult eh? Why not try stretching your mind and list something,, anything good that trump has done? Let’s see if you can find something Mr Hater..
@Noah Ludford
You post corporate beast system social media fake news because you’re one of Tinkerbells cesspool guppies
@Wigg Picker And you are a Recucklican, I win.
@Noah Ludford
You lose, brimstone is your destiny, shitwalker
Bring back the C.C.C., Civilian Conservation Corps. Nationwide A.S.A.P.. This is why.

Great idea. California has the California Conservation Corps and has several centers throughout the state, a few of which are fire centers that house fire crews. One of them is in Magalia, just north of the town of Paradise. They do great work. I know several other states have them as well.
It should be renamed to Civilian Conservation Party (CCP).
Really we have a president in USA Biden Harris 2020
Lol. The biggest crook to ever enter DC. China eating our lunch come on man they just gave hunter 1,5billion they seem fine to me
Stupid Troll

@Anthony Wolmarans I’m not a troll but the truth hurts some people. Usually the ones who love hearing b.s just cause you like hearing it. Aerosmith says it best. Talk to yourself and you hear what you want to
only 1200 hours of this trump horror show to go ,,,,, its time to dump the trump
Trump will win about the same as before; 30 states to 20.
According to trump all the fires are a result of someone not raking up leaves in the forest

seriously he really said that 

This is just like Bush and stem cell research. he virtually blocked it all, so many many people suffer from illnesses that could now be cured. Republicans

Only to protect big pharma…
Christopher Reeve might have been able to make another SUPERMAN…
‘How can Trump claim he’ll keep us safe as president when he hasn’t kept us safe as president?’
Donald tRump may be the only person who could protect the world from Donald tRump.
“As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.” ― H.L. Mencken
@ari saez that’s true and sadly funny at the same time
So it’s the plain folks fault that Bunker Bonespurs is in the WH.
@John Buick “Democracy is a pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance.”
— H. L. Mencken
Obama would have taken part of that ride with you. I’ve never seen Trump roll his sleeves up.
He’s never worked a day in his life.
Best Senator the United States has ever had. We love you Jeff.
Merkley is a great Senator for Oregon.
josh grant thanks it’s been a long year.
@A. S. Yes, yes it has! I saw a brief glimpse of the sky yesterday, now it’s gone. Two households in my family came within 5 miles of losing their homes this week. Pheww!
I refer folks who care to Jane Fonda’s Fire Drill Fridays which sensibly addresses this issue and more. They need your help.
Senator Jeff Merkley is a good man who knows what he’s talking about. We need more people like him in Washington.
He’s my Senator. He will always have my support! I would call him the hardest working man in Washington (dc), except he’s always busy doing town halls in every corner of Oregon, listening to the people.
@josh grant He’s my senator too and Jeff Merkley is one of the best for sure. He does do town halls to ask the people what they need or to hear and actually listen to their questions and concerns, Jeff is okay by me!
@james kenyon Do you get his emails? I’ve gotten a response every time I send him one, from his staff maybe but I know the word is getting thru. America could use a President like Merkley, but I would be jealous to lose him.
Trump was gonna bring a rake to CA but then forgot he needs it for his hair.