Menstrual Leave? | TVJ Smile Jamaica

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Menstrual Leave? | TVJ Smile Jamaica


  1. I thought WOMEN are fighting to inform us of their EQUALITY.. three days every 28 days for Women and what the Men would be offered…we are uniquely. Built aswell….SO NEXT 🤔the LESBIAN TRANSGENDER SELF GENDER AUGMENTATION(choice) and Fashionable choices as needed..

  2. So, I am supposed to hire someone for 3 weeks out of the month? LOL. I would just stop hiring women. If a woman has a medical issue, that’s a different story.

  3. Some women can have 2 periods in one month, not all women have the same experiences. You can have a period at the beginning of a month, finish and then start again at the end. There are some grey areas to look at.

  4. Wi juss reach yah suh kaaz wi nuh care bout ooman fram maanin. Mi like how ppl show dem ignorance doe. Gwaan taak.

  5. Back in 1988/89, when I attended Montego Bay Community College, I didn’t do one of my exams. Too much pain, I couldn’t think.

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