Menendez With Rep. Engel Launching Probe Of State Dept. Watchdog Firing | Andrea Mitchell | MSNBC

Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ), ranking member of the Foreign Relations Committee, joins Andrea Mitchell to discuss the latest developments in the firing of State Department Inspector General Steve Linick, an issue he is probing with House Foreign Affair Committee Chairman Eliot Engel (D-NY). Sen. Menendez tells Andrea, "I am deeply concerned that my understanding is that the Inspector General may very well have been on the verge of completing an investigation into emergency justifications for arm sales to Saudi Arabia." Aired on 5/18/2020.
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Menendez With Rep. Engel Launching Probe Of State Dept. Watchdog Firing | Andrea Mitchell | MSNBC


    1. @Vance Watley I G Horowitz caught FBI lying 17 times getting Fisa warrants..Comey Mccabe Brennan Strzok getting caught lying under oath to congress..Obama setting up Flynn in a perjury trap..Obama weaponizing FBI DOJ CIA to take out an elected president..Just to name a few ..Either you don’t know because fake news protects Obama. Or your fake and not an American

  1. When you do things by the book, you usually don’t fire everyone who is in charge of making sure you do.
    Just sayin’….

    1. @Whicker Boy There is now a swamp in Washington the size of Lake Superior. Go shoot up Drano!

    2. @Sam Bullock mr. Bullock I’m just going to say this one time…he was President and could do what ever he wanted hypocrite. When Trump uses that logic you Republicans say not one word. If Trump is the king than Obama was the king also. And could do whatever he pleased because as Donald Trump says I’m the president. Kick rocks

    1. That’s the logic behind Flynn. “you wouldn’t have arrested him if you weren’t looking”

    2. @Vance Watley
      Also an important differenciation is that stonewalling is not the same thing at all as firing an Inspector General.

  2. Intelligence, defense, HHS and Dept of State all got their Inspector Generals fired? What crimes and corruption is trump trying to cover up this time?

    1. You don’t know??? All the IGs were blowing the whistle on Trumps lackeys Criminal acts.

    2. @MeanGeneSanDiego and all turn out to be fake made up blowing..The latest one was Dr Brights..Did you see who his lawyer was..It was the same chick that falsely went after Kavanaugh..Go check it out.Lawyers name is KATZ

    3. @Crystal Giddens –you sore Trump doesn’t fire every journalist not in FOX Nooz’s employ? He’s out to fire Obama & he doesn’t even work for him–hahaha! I’m still waiting for him to try to fire President Zelenskey or WHATEVERRRR…. (you’re dumb)

    4. @Crystal Giddens– “people get fired all the time”…yeah, people who investigate….ANYTHING (especially Trump & Plump-peo)

    5. @Joe Paleface –Trump & Poop-peo are worthless wastes of fat deposits, not to mention insane Vampire Ghoul Julie Onnie–the poorest excuse for a lawyer that ever orchestrated treasonous overseas election interference (it’s all in his phone; they’d oughtta get Tim Apple working on THAT treasure trove of collusion)

    1. @Whicker Boy Go fill your head with trashy Fox news propaganda. They’ve got plenty of dim witted spin doctors on their network that will spoon feed you lies.

    2. @Whicker Boy Wow
      A completely alternative reality huh.
      Seperate from the Factual world in every way.
      Do you believe in the Q ?
      Or the Illimanati ?
      Or Obamagate , Pizzagate etc…

  3. This Secretary of State acts waaayy more like a secretary of WAR than anything else. How embarrassing for Pompeo not knowing his role in government.
    The department of state is about
    deplomacy not blowing up generals, secret invasions, and
    Missle deals to Saudis.

    1. Check some over seas bank accounts… These politians and the koshner clan have been making lots of illegal gains from hanging out in our white house working for themselves

    2. Yea , I just heard the DOJ subpoenaed his E-mails and he acid washed his server , destroyed 30,000 E-mails and destroyed his cellphones with hammers .
      Should we arrest him ?

    3. @Penny Grensavitch yea , while we’re checking out accounts , let’s include Foundation accounts , right ?

    4. @thomas fletcher Did all that. Real investigation, real investigators ( not fired) and came up with NOTHING. Too bad Pompadoo couldn’t survive the same and had to cheat to avoid jail time.

  4. Now as a tax payer, “THIS” is the type of investigation I’m willing to pay for. GOP can’t justify another inconsequential investigation in President Obama(VP Biden).

    1. GOP always knew those investigations against Obama, Clinton, etc were just to gin up the base.

    2. Even that stupid corrupt Bill Barr came out and said exactly that in his lame pre-rehearsed pro-Trump speech earlier. ==> There’s no such thing as Obamagate and even Barr said he won’t go there.

    3. @Ellen Kortman I was stunned. do you think that maybe he is starting to realize what he got into.? I think the durham inv is being conducted just in case impeached trumpee gets arrested after he leaves office. They want to say that comey and the FBI set him up. All defense ploy

    4. @orphan 200 Barr maybe feels the heat and he know he will be investigated for what he has done in favor to the moron in office

    1. It’s the result of moving to fast. The Luddites, troglodytes and unchangeable imbeciles all got enraged about seeing a man their grandparents once sold being President. Trump is the back lash of “brown man bad” mentality that still is strong in the US.

    1. @JSTR he’s not the first, and believe me I tell you, when all is said and done, he’ll be far from the last

    2. @Firstladyntrng 1 – So, does that make it right? Something should be done. Actually if regulations were ‘followed’ to the letter, spirit, and intent of the black and white, this wouldn’t happen.

    3. @JSTR you misunderstood me. None of it is right or legal…He and his wife can afford a butler

  5. Another trump block on congreeional oversight, from an increasingly lawless administration

    1. Hey round as a basketball guy, you should write bumper sticker slogans so the rest of us can identify the morons on the road.

  6. If the IG is in charge of looking for wrong doing within the WH and cabinet members etc…how/why can any President have authority to fire them? They need to be a separate entity in order to do their jobs.

  7. Many sterling reputations taken down by Trump and his henchmen in the efforts of the Cult45. Hope they are re-instated with the New Democratic Administration under Joe Biden. Go Joe 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸. We need you! ✌🏼✌🏼✌🏼

  8. Sounds as though Pompeo has something to hide??? He doesn’t want the IG to see all of what he has been doing behind the scenes! This man has no shame !

  9. Without doubt, this is third world stuff. Never thought I’d see a first world country become a third world country…… The world is really not flat… keeps spinning!

    1. Well when he pompeo confesses the department he is in charge of are just liars cheats and Thieves.
      Then you have to assume that he is of the same pursuasion.
      He’s as shifty and dumb as his boss.

      Pompeo “Look, the best experts so far seem to think it was manmade. I have no reason to disbelieve that at this point,” he said.

      But when he was reminded that US intelligence had issued a formal statement noting the opposite – that the scientific consensus was that the virus was not manmade or genetically modified – Pompeo replied: “That’s right. I agree with that.”

  10. “If you have a person who has a problem, the easiest solution is to get rid of the person. No person, no problem.” – Stalin.

    Some things never change….

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