Travis McMichael, Greg McMichael, and William Bryan have been convicted for felony murder for the killing of Ahmaud Arbery.
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Justice ain’t done yet. Let’s wait for the sentencing.
@Wes Urry Wtf is wrong with you dude
He’s mocking Nicholas Payne above him
@Juice I think he’s being sarcastic.
@Maurice Rthe punishment for malice murder in the State of Georgia is life imprisonment or death.
general population justice will probably be served
That “wooh” tho
Ric Flair would be proud
Was AA’s dad.
ROFLMAO!!! Couldn’t happen to a bunch of nicer guys….
and their new suits, haircuts, and glasses make them oh so sexy in jail, don’t drop the soap.
@Don B Oh Im pretty sure the soap will be tied to their feet in jail
@Kieran devine , JUSTICE!!!
@Don B I suppose they could get lucky and get the death penalty.
Now lets get the justice that little 8 year old boy and those old ladies deserve up in Wisconsin!
Wonder why you would post this under this video
@Thywest That’s what judge schroeder should have done in the rittenhouse case!!!
@Robert McAree seethe boomer.
Wtf does that have to do with this case. Completely different state.
@Robert McAree
Nothing ain’t gon a happen inside it never does this guy well be put in P.C with all the other goofs and lowlifes
Stay tuned
Which guy??? There were three accused and three convicted!!!
No Thanksgiving at home for these murderers.
We pay taxes for free education yet, you didn’t take advantage of basic english, Lord.
” ooo that justice systems Hurts doesn’t it? Stings ooo.”
Gotta love how they think using the sad puppy dog face will make anyone feel sorry for them….there gonna rot in prison if the system works
Hard lesson to learn
justice done right
I was confident they would be found guilty!!!
the pain in their faces is oddly satisfying….
his dad with the ‘woo’

This is such a win! Guilty on all counts. Justice.
“You, my friend, will be the belle of the ball. Don’t drop the soap! Don’t drop the soap!” – Michael Scott, The Office
As someone who supported the outcome of the Rittenhouse trial, I do support this decision as well.
we are in agreement
id rather see rit guilty and this guy not guilty but i respect juury I guess
@Alisdair how so?
@Alisdair I’d be happy to hear your reasoning behind that statement
@Gotham City I’d like to understand why you think that’s the case?
That was a satisfying video! Made my day.
From what I know of this case, these convictions seem to be the correct verdicts.
To all those who want to be vigilantes, take notice. Guilty!

Now let’s make sure those 12 individuals on the jury get protection. There’s going to be some pissed of racists.