Memorial Service for Dwayne Haskins, Jr. of the Pittsburgh Steelers | USA TODAY

The parents and family of New Jersey native Dwayne Haskins Jr. will hold a public memorial service to honor the memory of the Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback who died tragically.

RELATED: Dwayne Haskins 911 calls reveal fearful wife and panicked witness

Haskins was killed April 9 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, when he attempted to cross an interstate and was hit by a dump truck. He was 24. The Florida Highway Patrol said in a crash incident report that Haskins was also struck by a second vehicle.

A 911 call later revealed that Haskins' wife called authorities from Pittsburgh to let them know that Haskins had run out of gas and was walking to get assistance. She called 911 after not hearing back from him.

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Memorial Service for Dwayne Haskins, Jr. of the Pittsburgh Steelers | USA TODAY


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    3. Way to disrespect the Dead trying to sale Crypto this a Memorial service Going On Here have some Respect Rip Dude

  2. Here lies an Olympic athlete who could outrun a truck or go around it in a split second who could outthink and outsmart and outwit in a millisecond who was finely tuned young fit healthy and wealthy and acutely aware of his surroundings. So why was a married man out at 6 30 am in a strange area with unlimited financial resources and a smart phone with locating services looking for a gas station walking on a busy highway in the fast lane in the dark? Either he was intoxicated hung over doped up or out cheating on his matters nothing if he was a star player there is no intrinsic value in that when you risk your life to avoid being apprehended. It’s time to tell the truth what happened instead of telling how great he was

    1. @Mischa Raine I live not far from the scene. I travel that same road everyday. Trust me there are zero gas stations close by. There are road rangers you can call for help but they are dispatched by FHP. There is no logical explanation why a fit young athlete would be walking in that lane on that busy highway when there is room to walk on the side. No way he would have not seen or heard traffic. There seems to be no toxicology report. It’s very suspect

    2. The truth will come out. I don’t think the parents liked the influence his wife had on him. I hope he had a prenup. He was assaulted by her in Vegas and charges were recently dropped. For all we know she could have been in the car w him and they were fighting. Prayers to Dwayne and his loved ones. Such a senseless death, may others learn from it. He is gone and he may have made bad decisions but who are we to judge. Rest in Peace.

    3. @Joe Hewitt the airport is in the opposite direction he was heading..he would have seen the planes landing

    4. @Janet Ernst I’m not demeaning the guy and it’s very tragic but the family deserve the Truth. There is something much deeper to this or maybe the family be are hiding it to keep his legacy clean

    1. @Tasha Williams the is the second service where the body is at display.There will be a third one the next day;I would assume the body will be at the third service but don’t quote me on that

  3. Rest in Peace Dwayne. My prayers and condolences to your parents, your sister, loved ones, friends, team mates and the legions of fans. We will miss your smile and child like innocence. May God watch over you, may you be at peace.

  4. From the reading of the obituary, “Left to cherish is memory”…. did not include his wife. Whether they knew her or not, she was his wife and they should have acknowledged her….not very God-like…..

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