Rev. Al Sharpton slams the president for attempting to manipulate the census count. The brazen attempt directly disenfranchises communities of color.» Subscribe to MSNBC:
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Memo to Trump: 'You've Been So Desperate To Sabotage The Constitutionally Mandated Census' | MSNBC
Rev as ever talking complete sense,Trump your cards are marked….
They do get it. This is a challenge to those who are pushing constitutional rights while in violation themselves. So if the Pres. gets pushed by reps or govs, etc. over citizenship status it will cut both ways, but be a deeper wound to the state doing it.
It gets rough for me as well, but I love the comments about a topic that is strictly emotional and not even remotely fact-based. They are fun.
Right, they always present a few words or phrases and call it a day thinking that they won something.
Yes, they can maybe do that, but they are still technically (by the Constitution) not “legal” and therefore no protection or rights of citizens is expressed, offered or guaranteed. In other words, they are living on a privilege. The government is within its rights to correct that situation and this amendment is more or less a mandate to the states.
How many of you cretins know that “Rev.” al was a LITERAL cocaine trafficker, and a LITERAL ‘fed, in-order to get his captured-surveillance removed? You people are f’ ing s c u m of the earth for supporting this piece-of-f ‘ing s hit.
The SOB Trump campaign is on a life support, November presidential election he will be gone by the grace of God.
@Lisa Elissa wake up you are blind
@Greg Inman Are you alright? Suuuuure you are!
real american preach brother
Trump will ONLY BE GONE at the will of voters …including those who sit on their butts and do not VOTE. NON VOTES are votes FOR Trump.
God will have nothing to with it, it depends on people
Daily Reminder: Trump said Covid-19 was a Democrat hoax that will miraculously disappear.
@Agent Orange so when will the cycle end? This back and fourth nonsense in politics does nothing. Also, all those things you said about trump are in no way true.
How many times are you going to make the same statement on every video?
@0 FøX And Putin deals harshly with bots that under-perform.
@Rachel Porter you would know must be in the 35 million dollar muller report… keep your tin foil hat on tight
@Phinneas Bluster yeah i can give u a source but regarding what? i said a couple things here lol
Trump is scared of competition that’s why he wants to cheat
Get ready to hear the name Seth Rich again
@0 FøX Don’t leave Trump with your wife, since you love him so much!
@Cidalia Borges – “Cheat” ??? You Liberal DOLTS are really out of touch with Reality. Prepare yourself for another 4 more Years of President Trump leading America.
@RAP What are you ‘right wing’ Trump sycophants do when Trumpty Dumpty loses?
Hopefully commit ‘hara-kiri’!!
Cidalia Borges he cheated on his wife ” Stormy ” LOL
& etc.
When Mr. “very stable genius” will be out of office, not just the US will celebrate, but the whole world

Trump = Law & Order, Low taxes, Protected borders, Patriotism

biden = the complete opposite!
Other blacks who support Trump;
– Candace Owens
– Leo Terrell
– Shaquille O’Neal
– Mike Tyson
– Harris Faulkner
– Herschel Walker
– Don King
– Kanye West
– Jimmy Walker
– Stacey Dash
– Jimmy McMillan
– Jim Brown
– Azealia Banks
– Jason Nichols
– Larry Elder
– Terrell Owens
– Diamond & Silk
– Rev. James David Manning
– Latrell Sprewell
– Burgess Owens
– Lawance Jones
– Byron Donalds
And many many more!
There’s a very BIG movement called BIack voices for Trump. Maybe you heard of it. Where’s basement
I can’t wait for
I’m looking forward to seeing this uglyness pass ? We can rid ourselves of this Monster ? Unite & vote my fellow Americans ?? We are above this Gangster in a sit & tie ??
Susan Boeing Trump 2020
bingo_fuel: The truth is the only people who think Trump’s foreign policy is tough are his moronic supporters. He’s made the USA a global laughingstock because he’s so inept and easily manipulated. He’s made the military and the diplomatic corps weaker and that’s greatly reduced the USA’s status abroad.
Muon Neutrino #BidenHairyLegs
Let’s face it, America today, is leaderless. In fact, America has been leaderless since Trump was sworn into office. President Obama was America’s last president. What we have now, is a mentally impaired Russian asset, masquerading as president. And he’s obsessed with only two things: lining his pockets with millions of taxpayer dollars, and holding self-aggrandizing rallies in order to feed his insatiable ego. America won’t survive another year with Trump in office, let alone another 4 years.
@Zk nö assumptions. Facts
I cannot stand another 5 months of him ?? LIES & CORRUPTION ? This is the LAST AMERICA NEEDS ?
@Susan Boeing democratic sanctuary cities and districts are corrupt and bankrupt and Catholic Nancy Pelosi and Maxcine Waters lives in a mansion behind walls with police protection as Americans are suffering as all the democrats have is division race baiting trying to overthrow a presidency and economy and AOC thugs and criminals rioting burning down the system with black businesses looting smashing murdering robbing and because of that radical Marxist Nazi AOC innocent black babies and black children are murdered in the streets the democratic party has no leadership and they are failures
@I HACKED TWITTER_. wow, your movement is so big I never heard of it
David J
This is a young black man who had an argument with his friend and decided to make a video. On Point.
Watch “Baltimore Man Says Donald Trump Is Not Against Black People He Is Against Globalist” on YouTube
The Real Obamas..
Watch “Obama Deception Part 1” on YouTube
Watch “The Obama Deception Part 2” on YouTube
Watch “The Life and Crimes of George Herbert Walker Bush (w/ Lamar Waldron)” on YouTube
Officials at the Post Office confirm that the Mail is being slowed down. Isn’t this a felony?
@polarisman09 Very broad sweeping statement. You probably believe in the official 911 story.
@Joseph Nagle Absolutely Not
@Ken Bugbee All backed by facts, Videos you are just too dumb to handle the Fact’s
@Cori MacNaughton A commi
@Joseph Nagle No research the History of Maritime Law
In Trump’s second book, Surviving at the Top (released as Trump’s empire was crumbling under massive debt in 1990), he described his temperament in ways that wouldn’t seem to bode well for America.
“I get bored too easily,” he wrote. “My attention span is short and probably my least favorite thing to do is to maintain the status quo. Instead of being content when everything is going fine, I start getting impatient and irritable.”
This is Trump openly admitting to being an agent of chaos and destruction. Placing an extreme narcissistic sociopath like Trump into any position of leadership, where his actions will have a direct affect on people’s lives, constitutes a criminal act.
The economic fate and national security of America should have never been placed in the hands of a mentally impaired, and emotionally unstable demagogue, who will take a wrecking ball to anything, simply because he was bored…
real american …..Are you talking to me? I’m standing here. Are you talking to me?
Trump is doing what liberals could NEVER do….enforce existing immigration laws and start bringing manufacturing back to America !!!!TRUMP 2020 !!! YEA BABY!!
@yomama yodaddy he’s a racist.
@Paul Tomlin
@Bruce Lee
another intellectual attempt by you. Any knows history. But you and your racist ilk seem to stop functioning around 1920. Nice try 

Trump seriously needs to realize that; pride comes before a fall.
.. & who’s ‘ Diamond & Silk? Is that a husband/wife team … or just one very versatile stripper? lol
Greg Inman Coming from a Republican, I have to ask you, Is your “ Pride “ invested in what YOU have for yourself today only? That’s it.. that’s my question
@Legend Furong Reported – go away.
@Carriemchardy Carrie The left has lost the support of neutral voters, hahaha, look at the silent voters waiting for the election! You panic!
@Carriemchardy Carrie I hope you can watch more CNN polls and be disappointed!
He doesn’t care for the country he is more worried about losing face to all his racist supporters
@SCswamp 88
*Economy* – Agent orange inherited a growing/recovering economy and has been riding that wave ever since. He didn’t create it. He’s went bankrupt 6 times. No American bank will lend to him.
His “charitable” foundation was dissolved because it was being used as his personal piggy bank.
He moans about how “little” Jeff Bezos contributes. I don’t believe this is about money. Rather than focus on one person all agent orange had to do when he simplified the tax code was to set the tax rate higher for people/businesses earning that much money.
*People of colour* – He was sued for racially discriminating against people of colour. Why is his administration mostly white males?
*Education* – The “university” he started was never opened and was sued for fraud because it was selling fake degrees. Struggles to read a teleprompter or note in his hand (I’ll be fair, he may simply have trouble understanding and saying the words). His advisers have to dumb down the briefings because he either couldn’t understand them or wasn’t interested. Give him a picture book anytime but don’t write anything down and expect him to read it.
*Law & Order* – something that gets used against other people, not him. He has a laundry list of charges and a jail cell waiting for him.
*Pandemic* – From the start this has been a “Democrats” hoax and will magically disappear, and still the infection and death toll rises. All throughout Fauci has been advising and that advice has changed as we have learned more about the pandemic. I don’t blame agent orange for the decisions and actions of the state governors and mayors, they locked down their cities, to contain the pandemic, when agent orange didn’t want them to. He then did the least destructive thing possible, he went golfing. He incited protests/riots to “liberate” some of the cities run by Democrat governors.
*Americas reputation* – it had one. Is used to be seen as that shining star to aspire to. It is now seen as a banana republic run by Putin.
Liar, you lick the devils keyster like a patsy slave
All you serpent traitors are finished
Who stole the blm money and destroyed the movement? Trump? No. The white liberal. Who still uses the black pop for their own agenda? The white liberal. Who chose the nazi fist as their symbol? The white liberal. Do you even remember his name? Blame the white liberal
@G. Munoz that’ll do karem
“It’s Biden’s fault I lost the election”
– Donald J. Trump
@Kahnica Cole You are boring spreading the same troll message in every thread. Do you really believe somebody will believe you? Here are people with brains so save your breath.
He would blame Obama and Hillary .
Save those biden 2020 signs!!

They are so Rare they actually may be vaIuabIe in the future!!!
> >Debate-BowI 2020<<
Trump = Law & Order, Low taxes, Protected borders, Patriotism

biden = the complete opposite!
Other blacks who support Trump;
– Candace Owens
– Leo Terrell
– Shaquille O’Neal
– Mike Tyson
– Harris Faulkner
– Herschel Walker
– Don King
– Kanye West
– Jimmy Walker
– Stacey Dash
– Jimmy McMillan
– Jim Brown
– Azealia Banks
– Jason Nichols
– Larry Elder
– Terrell Owens
– Diamond & Silk
– Rev. James David Manning
– Latrell Sprewell
– Burgess Owens
– Lawance Jones
– Byron Donalds
And many many more!
There’s a very BIG movement called BIack voices for Trump. Maybe you heard of it. Where’s basement
I can’t wait for
Wanna bet Biden won’t win? He is as dumb as this faux reverend.
45*’s desperate and is pulling every dirty trick in the book.
@Tin Tizzy – The Dems have many faults but you are just spewing unfounded nonsense.
@gcmgome That’s what everyone does on here you must be new lol
@vincent james You’ve been debunked continuously and still the Putin obsession. That’s taking it deep.
@Helen Smith good call
Look at all the new fake accounts trying to push the failed fake news.
Trump has Reverse Midas Touch. If he touches Gold it will turn in Dust.
He got the greatest economy in a platter by Prez Obama but he destroy it by his incompetency and Buffoonery.
@captainkona Americans don’t want to learn Russian language, Republikkklans do.
It’s estimated that 40% of the Republikkklan party has pledged their loyalty to Russia and would start killing real Americans if Russia told them to.
The Republikkklans have been traitors in the past and have no problem doing it again.
@captainkona Didn’t China give Ivanka 7 patents after visiting Maralago ?
The home of your Russian President.
Prepare to hear the name Seth Rich again. There were once democrat patriots too. They walked away 4 years ago.
@Gabe Dudley It’s estimated that 40% of the Republikkklan party has pledged their loyalty to Russia and would start killing real Americans if Russia told them to.
Republikkklans have always been traitors because it’s in their nature, Confederate flag waving traitors.
@William H Music 2020 Trump inherited a good economic from OBAMA. Improved it a little more…then got us into a recession and now we’re in a deep Depression. Trump is the worst president in the US history and that’s a fact.
May the Lord hear you brother may he hear you and open the doors for Joe Biden to get in office and change things enough is enough united we stand United We Stand Biden 2020
People’s powerful votes are as important as recognizing there is a great need to stop the saddest era in American history. Be vigilant on a daily basis, focus on the ballot whereabouts, be on guard for impending irregularities and manipulations by Trump and Co., be completely aware of brainwashing talks, interviews, speeches by the deranged man. People’s Power Must Save USA in November or Never!
“racial jungle”Joe Biden is in delirium and stealing oxygen from the living and sane among us.
The Lord is watching how Biden supports the murder of unborn babies and he is frowning . Don’t think he is opening any doors for him.
Knowing you’re being cheated should only strengthen your resolve to go out and vote and banish this dope back to where he came from
Phinneas Bluster well a lot easier teached than Donnie in the Bunker , putting cream on his Bone Spurs. Who needs a big mouthed coward to run our country. But he has give us Putin…
Phinneas Bluster I’ve no time for people who have to be weened off the tit at the age of 26 to then go and start a new relationship sleeping with their sisters

Callo Mallo …… Say there Mr. Callo Mallo….
Patriots think you’re shallow, brains of marshmallow, place neck in gallow ….Then pull chord. American patriots need to be saved from your endless cacophony. God bless America and God bless Donald J Trump our best president ever.
Eddie Sanchez ……Not to mention how much he likes it when he’s in the pool and little kids rub the hairs up and down his legs. He learned about roaches that way. Come on man.
Seth Rich. Prepare to hear that name again.
I hope he sees this. But if he does he still might not understand
How many of you cretins know that “Rev.” al was a LITERAL cocaine trafficker, and a LITERAL ‘fed, in-order to get his captured-surveillance removed? You people are f’ ing s c u m of the earth for supporting this piece-of-f ‘ing s hit.
You are a lost soul
You can’t stump the Trump

He’s to busy buying the stupid voter for a few hundred dollars.
@ Per Jensen and it’s sad that their votes and potentially their lives can be bought for such a paltry sum. Question: Was 30 pieces of silver actually a decent wage to betray ANYONE?
He has lost his mind illegals where never whent to be included in getting money from the government lol.
Thought about responding. But that “lol” at the end tells me you lack the intelligence for this conversation.
@Ichijo Festival, and based on Gary’s punctuation and spelling, I believe you are correct in that he has low intellect.