MSNBC chief legal analyst Ari Melber analyzes the Republican push to out the whistleblower, explains the laws protecting them, and details why exposing the whistleblower in the manner they're attempting to would be a crime. Aired on 11/13/19.
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Melber: When You Hear Advocacy For Exposing Whistleblower, You’re Hearing Advocacy For Crime | MSNBC
Why can’t they subpoena Pence, Bolton, Pompey, and Trump?
Well why is william taylor democrats star witness? The guys never heard trumps phone call and has never met trump. Whole thing is a sham being used as a smear campaign against trump. Its almost sad how you guys have grown so desperate as to treat someone who has nothing to do with the allegations like an actual witness. This whole thing is actually gonna boost trumps 2020 campaign because anyone with 2 brain cells can see this whole things dumb.
@Dittzx . Pls don’t feed the troll. For all I know, could be working for Putin’s grand plans for turning Americans against each other.
@COO415 You’re Right, my bad.
It was ok to abide by the laws when it benefited the right… that it is not……gasp
they are absolute hypocrites. the law only applies to their political opponents apparently.
The whistleblowers appearance is a moot point, the horse has already bolted.
@niecers I don’t like your masters,the jews. Sue me, boomer.
@Ben doverman
But your party is for isreal, remember?
@niecers “my” party, LOL. No, I’m ALT-right. We are right wing, but we do not bow down to Israel or the jo0s.
@Ben doverman
The he’ll you dont. Fool.
His name is E ri c Ciaramее lla by the way.
exactly. IF you could do it safely. there is a bounty on the head of the whistleblower! and still, they want to bring this person in ‘to testify in person’, in violation of their own law and at the risk of that person’s life. smh.
This administration hasn’t mentioned corruption in the US much less in other nations. In fact there’s an anti corruption bill sitting in #MoscowMitch’s office that Trump doesn’t support. Multiple Trump appointees have resigned b/c they were brazenly corrupt.
Current Baghdad protests have been fueled by gov’t corruption & failed trickle down policies. Yet Trump hasn’t bothered getting involved nor mentions corruption in Iraq, Russia, Latin America, or Philippines just to name a few. Trump& his enablers want to cover up Trump’s bribery.
You have no idea what you are saying
@LG Roots Wrong ….try again.
@LG Roots
Trump claims his interest was corruption in Ukraine yet hasn’t mentioned any reference to corruption not having to do with his self interested motives. If Ukraine is indeed a concern what he heck does Guiliani have to do with anything? Shouldn’t the work of “corruption” be done by the officials who already know what’s going on in Ukraine?
This is insane. What Republicans are doing is enabling the executive power to act as an autocrat.
Lol am chasing you round your videos Ari, you making me feel like a stalker, stay still!

“Shut up about the hearsay if you’re blocking all the witnesses!”
–Senator Clair McCaskill
(an innocent man does not ignore Congressional subpeonas to block witnesses and access to documents.)
He is innocent until proven guilty.. Article 1 and Article II – Separation of Power is the reason he does have to comply… Articles 1, 2 and 3 protects the The Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches as Separation of Power and Schiff knows. He is abusing that right by denying a fair hearing by asking the Administration to break the law… so instead of legal its political and why the impeachment wont’ fly.
The GOP wants to know everything about everyone just in case another Abraham Lincoln (or whistleblower) comes along.
@Rodney Williams Marvin Ask not what your country is doing to you, but what you can do for your country — JFK
@Wesley C. Actually the quote is “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”
@Wesley C. You’re right, the only President to spend more time at war than Lincoln was Obama, the first President in U.S. history to spend all 8 years at war, dropping 26,000 bombs a year on 8 different countries. And they gave him the peace prize? You have fun supporting the globalist establishment. It’s funny how everyone on the Left loved Trump until he disrupted the corrupt republican/democrat buddy buddy system. They will do anything to stop him. I’m surprise he hasn’t been killed.
@Spurious Effect Yep, some guys just can’t get enough, and when they do they just can’t get it to stop. Better get a spare finger to point with.
I think the worry that the whistle blower fears retaliation is supported by the news that Trump wants to fire the IG for doing his job. And not putting Trump’s interests above everything else.
anyone can google his name, has nothing to do with naming him, there are pictures of him on google front page a day ago
this is about surfacing claims and accusations and naming the crimes hes accused of, the people have no listed crimes or actual proof of crimes, so this will all amount to nothing
Everyone knew his name for 1.5 months.
His name is E ri c Ciaramее lla by the way.
ah “snitches get stitches” republicans
The whistleblower is the new Clinton for the repub rabble.
so now they want closed door hearing..
I can’t wait for you season finale of this reality TV show.
*Advocacy to hear from the whistleblower is advocacy for Vladimir Putin’s Russia. Trump Jr already released the whistleblower’s name on Twitter last week*
Link or it didn’t happen.
GOP: “the WB must testify! This is all hearsay!”
also GOP: “trump admin officials with first hand knowledge or parts in the plot dont have to testify because of ‘absolute immunity'”
Republicans = Repugnant Repulsive Traitors to America siding with a corrupt and treasonous president.
Bank-robber thinks it won’t matter that he’s been caught red-handed, as long as he smears the person who called 911.
Is Trump in 2019?
I wonder where Donny jr. Ivaka, and Jared are at this moment. Hmm
The whistleblower is as relevant as the person who finds a dead body in an alley and called 911. Especially when the murderer has already released the notes where he confesses!

Or, I robbed a bank, but I didn’t get the money no crime!