Ari Melber breaks down Robert Mueller's day of testimony, but takes note of why Mueller may have felt “freer” during his testimony in front of the House Intel Cmte. without it being construed as an indictment-style conclusion.
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Melber: Robert Mueller Swung A 2×4 In His Own Slow, Methodical Way | MSNBC
Trump for jail 2020
mojado vete para mejico pendejo
All Mex in Concentration camps by 2020.
Unless you’re talking State or Local charges, it’s Drumpf for federal prison 2021. The feds can’t indict him until after the new Democratic President is inaugurated.
Fox news reported what Republican Nunes said, while all other news outlets reported what Mueller said. Wow, I hope Americans were smart enough to listen to the entire testimony.
@Ruth Taylor Yeah, we are all tired of it but that’s the reality. Until the economy goes bust or some action by Trump hurts them directly, his base is not going to move. They are more emotionaly driven then thought driven.
of cors they do look 2016 election
Steve Austin are you five years old?
Steve Austin wrong Mueller said at least Ten instances of Obstruction. But some QTips and cleanyour ears
What you saw was a failing man not even familiar with his report. It was sad. Comical analysis by NBC. No one respects reporting of this quality!
Wow so trump asked mcgahan to fire the man investigating him? Jail time coming after he leaves office
@Robert Taylor incorrect
@deancj1 lol no. Cuckoo
@foreigner fan great comeback……guess you want to live in alternate universe…..your hero has 18 months….then it’s over for him.
@deancj1 Cuckoo. Cheers nutcase
Is Trump the best the Republican party has to offer to lead this country? That’s pretty sad.
Trump is not a Republican, he is an opportunistic guy who saw that he could take over the reigns of the GOP by playing to the fear card against minorities; he merely stokes the fire whenever he needs a boost. Trump’s latest diversion has been his naming of the “Squad” and his subsequent attacks against them.
He is BETTER than any boob the hapless GOP can provide. Apparently, you don’t understand. But that’s ok. TRUMP/2020
better then Clintons
Yea, thank baby jesus, D’s are offering up a bunch of has beens, never will bes and nutters
While this doesnt look good for Trump, Fox and other Trump sycophants will not change their view they will still support him. If this was any other president they would have already been impeached but Republicans will not go that way even if it’s what should be done.
no doubt. they’ll close their ears and sing a song. ofc I’ve given up on them already. I’m worried about the great middle of the country that isn’t affiliated with a party and doesn’t really watch the news.
What came out of this testimony is Mueller’s public refutation of the propaganda pushed by Trump, Barr, the Repub’s, and the Trumpists: Trump was NOT exonerated of obstruction; there WAS collusion but not rising to the level of chargeable criminal conspiracy; Russia continues to manipulate our political and electoral system; Trump can STILL be charged with criminal obstruction of justice when he leaves office. No, it won’t impact any Trump supporter’s opinion, but there are plenty of independents who’ll never read the Mueller report, have been fed conflicting interpretations of the contents, and are glad to have some solid clarification, “straight from the horses’ mouth.”
its better then support demo/comuhy
It’s funny how every analysis of Trump’s behaviors in business or government alway come back to saying basically that Trump pushes the envelope into the area of criminality, but for one reason or another he’s never held accountable.
Wado Waleli here we go but but.. Hillary, Pathetic
john herring yeah he’d be in jail or prison if he were an average joe
@Ruth Taylor ruth, you just demonstrated why Trump won the election and why he will win again. Yes, I listened to the entire hearing on my phone with ear buds. How arrogant of you to assume you are smarter than I. Top 1% in high school. Academic scholarship to UC Berkeley, bachelor’s in Mech. Engineering, masters in Biomedical Engineering, named on numerous patents. Heard enough? Ruth, the MSM is playing you like a fiddle. Reach out and seek the truth. Go to many different sources then use your brain to discern truth from error. You will find that Trump has been set up by some very evil people. Don’t let your hatred of him blind you, because that is what hate will do.
They really tried to run Mueller in the mud. Backfire! Truth is truth!
@MrDoug41 That’s because you viewed it like one of trumps race rallies all theatrics no substance
@latonya bailey What do you mean “backfire?” The old fool didn’t even know who Fusion GPS was, despite it being at the epicenter of the investigation, he couldn’t explain why he never charged Mifsud, and couldn’t explain why he intentionally left exculpatory information out of the report. Sad.
because He the mud
@Logical Conservative you dont listen well. He will not discuss ongoing investigations. 45 is a CROOK and terrible person. Always has been. ALWAYS WILL BE!
@latonya bailey LOL no. You obviously didn’t watch the hearing. He couldn’t even answer questions for stuff that was in his own report. If Trump is a “crook,” what’s your evidence for that? You don’t have any, because the investigation was a total failure. Can you explain to me who Natalia Veselnitskaya had a meeting with right after the Trump Tower meeting? Are you even smart enough to answer? Probably not.
Use paper ballots, that’s all I have to say.
Eric Rossoni
Do both. An electronic system with a paper backup for auditing and recounts.
@WTF Again?
You can do both?
Tell that to my state, Georgia.
Too many Mexicans in Texas for this to work
The Democrats were working with the Russians not Donald Trump. Accuse your opponent of what your crimes; what a classic. Putin hates trump and conservatism values, he is a socialist/fascist, kinda like a modern day democrat
Strip searched and put in a cage
for Hilary
trump supporters will listen to nunes on fox and be as ill informed as ever…..they are willing to sacrifice us to russia for trump…
Meanwhile aipac
They don’t even pay attention to the fact Nunes never even allowed Mueller to speak about what he was saying. He did that on purpose so he could grandstand that very sound byte. It’s so ridiculous.
Judy? u soo stupid girl. None of your belief have or will ever be proven because you too ignorant
I watched the entire hearing, Judy, and Mueller was a complete joke. His answers proved how corrupt his report was, and put the final nail in the coffin on impeachment.
Trump is a cheat, a liar and a crook. Chances are your vote did not count in 2016 for whatever reason and Trump has said he will approach the 2020 election exactly the same way.
William Maples go play with your racist friends the Proud Boys
Logical Conservative well that is just stupid
Danny Deal the traitor and killer is trump, but hey don’t stop believing
jack kokot lol you trolls are obsessed with Clinton; she really triggers you doesn’t she
This might be an evening we don’t have to listen to his crap about The Squad.
No doubt trump supporters will say this exonerates him.
The flying monkeys will never abandon their god
just me He will be reelected. Deal with it.
just me Because mob rules, right?
@just me Can you explain why Mueller couldn’t answer why he intentionally left exculpatory information out of the report, why he didn’t charge Mifsud with a crime, why they used false information and lied to a FISA judge, or why he never investigated Hillary’s dealings with Russians connected to Putin?
Why is Joseph Mifsud not in jail? Why do most people not even know who he is?
Trump could literally admit everything and still not get impeached.. Such a weird government we have here in the US. Thank you Robert Mueller for your amazing testimony and proving Trump is a complete liar and literally insane.
Sometimes saying less is more, refer to the report…
Yes, a great tactic to sway the American public. “Read these hundreds of pages in legal jargon, instead of me telling you exactly what all of this says in plain words.”
Proves Trump lying. Witness tampering. Obstruction. Constant interference. Let’s see,, wht else. Ignores congressional authorities. Breaks laws constantly/ immigration laws at BORDER. List go’s on and on. At this point the question mow is wht laws has he not broken? Congress move. Act. Tommy Becker’s comment
Silly liberal. Lol
Trump and his daily mantra of FAKE NEWS is his ONLY way of answering questions from the reporters
IT is his way of
Well ..Mueller spoke the truth but jeez was like pulling hens teeth! ..agonizing to watch!
Every time I hear Trump speak I suddenly have a strong desire to start cussing
Mark Sanders, You are not alone with those feelings. I am Canadian and you would not believe the arguments my husband and I have over that clown in the White House. I hate that poor excuse for a human being but my husband thinks hes great. trump has a cult grasp over a lot of people but they don’t recognize it.
The FIRST thing trump did after the hearing.
Was FILE to block his tax returns. DEVIOUS & SCANDALOUS…
Vote him out 2020!