1. Step by step the transformation might have to be taken out in some. Specially the ones who look like kids but then again it might not be that difficult!

    1. @King OfTroy when rethuglicans can bring no valid argument, they ask people this question. Quite predictable already.

    1. Tes Truelove
      They depend on Trump supporters being dumb. The Trump supporters are making them very happy. How humiliating for them not to even know just how stupid these Republican leaders think that they are.

  1. Here comes the real snowflakes saying “he’s just a child!”…
    If I named my child Prince, why would I care if someone said he’ll never be an actual prince. Talk about fake outrage 🙄

    1. @Frank Volz EXACTLY……FAKE OUTRAGE on the part of those Republicans. Where are they when Trump hurls insults at ordinary citizens.

    2. @Bellezza Catenaro You are going down, you vitriolic morons, dragging woman and children into your vile games is not acceptable

    3. Hey Baron is fair game just like other political kids who have been bashed by others so stop acting like he’s untouchable cause he is not

  2. She apologized, nuff said, move on. Sending all of you lots of good and positive vibes. Happy Holidays to you and yours ❤️🙏🏼🤗

  3. They’re getting triggered happy over a clever word play ? They just want a excuse so they would use the victim card again.

    1. If you take the first 5 words which Melania said in her tweet “A minor child deserves privacy.” and rearrange the letters a little, what she was really saying was “Please everyone, help me leave so I can divorce him”.

    2. Not a racist she’s very ugly unattractive grotesque and she’s Jewish what’s the problem truth hurts

    1. @Shaun Campbell your “knowledge” is obviously limited. He doesn’t mention their kids….if they haven’t aborted them.

  4. So Melania is hurt because the professor burst her bubble about Baron never being able to hold the title of Baron?


  5. Seriously? Coming from someone that did a photo op with a newborn baby who’s parents were slaughtered in a mass shooting. Both her and trump stood there grinning like imbeciles while trump gave a thumbs up. THAT is outrageous.

    1. Gaetz is an undisciplined child who cannot function without daddy propping him up so you cannot expect any more from him.

  6. Wow just for mentioning his name, I like that but what about you’re HUSBAND making fun of a handicap person

  7. Typical bully’s. They can dish it out and can’t take it. No need to apologize to a criminal family. Trumps hired hooker is upset. We don’t care.

    1. Man do I hate this idiot Gaetz. Why who she contribute to has anything to do with the impeachment. This is an impeachment of the president. Take this seriously idiot.

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