While millions of Ukrainians have fled the country amid the ongoing conflict with Russia, others choose to stay behind. CNN’s Ben Wedeman shares these stories. #CNN #News
Meet the Ukrainians staying behind

While millions of Ukrainians have fled the country amid the ongoing conflict with Russia, others choose to stay behind. CNN’s Ben Wedeman shares these stories. #CNN #News
we dont have space here in America stay whereever you want thats your right
It’s not necessarily a question of ‘not enough space’, it’s the supporting resources that are in jeopardy. Food mainly. People were starving around the world before this war started.
thats the most ridiculous statement I’ve heard, America’s got more space than anywhere else lol
ok we need to break the news to them finally, this has gone on long enough, stop playing games with Ukraine, sh*t or get off the pot.
Ukraine is toast
@Timmy Truth you say that, as the Frontline gets closer to Russia.
@Essence of Order It’s a bot. Just ignore. Same comment, different name.
May Ukraine overcome this war.
We in America support you.
“Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”
– Matthew 7:13-14
“Jesus said to her, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live.”
– John 11:25
“There is salvation in no one else! God has given no other name under heaven by which we must be saved.”
– Acts 4:12
“Jesus said to him, ‘I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”
– John 14:6
“And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul? Is anything worth more than your soul?”
– Matthew 16:26
“Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don’t understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God.”
– 2 Corinthians 4:4
Hai anna iam Nagendar Anna na age 42 Nelabarbyy.Uno qualification m.l.t medical lab technicianh ,Srpt lo jobs unte cheppagalaru anna.with govt Jobs
I pray for the victims of abortion every night
Brave stand your ground . The proud ..the evacuated. Wise…
Oh My God

As an American who came from Cuba I tell you defend the First and the Second Ammendment even if it cost you your life because living as a sheep, a slave of communism is worse than death.
Recently President Zelensky visited Ukrainian warriors on the frontline. Putin recently visited his plastic surgeon.

Glory to Ukraine!!!
If the president visited the military on the front line, risking his safety. it means that he is doing badly, and KMU needed to raise the morale of the soldiers. no president will risk his safety if things are going great
“The world is in more peril from those who tolerate evil or encourage evil than from those who actually commit it.” -Dr. Albert Einstein, 3/30/1953
“So long as there are men there will be war” (or violence) ~Einstein
It’s always the innocent people who suffer the most. Please support, and help Ukraine win the war. Putin needs to be stopped. It’s inhumane.
Sorry! but Ukraine is going to lose the war. God bless the people though
Hope this city won’t be bombed to the ground as other places over there.
Well, that would greatly depend on how soon Armed Forces of Ukraine will be receiving necessary weaponry and ammunition via lend-lease.
what’s the big deal? he was convicted, then pardoned
The World is a mess. We’ve had dark ages before in history, And I believe that’s where we are right now.
I just hope we are able to change. I think people want change but it takes action.
There’s too much talking about it but not doing some thing about it.
Putin has much innocent blood on his hands. How he remains popular in Russia is mind boggling.
Really makes one say, not cool and get angry seeing people crying such as this, in this time, in tragedy, in war. That and of course, upsetting.
Brave people
Glory to Ukraine and the Ukrainians!

The problem is not only guns. The problem is this nation is like a wounded animal. We have become so accustomed to death suffering and pain that we act out badly at one another. At anyone different not like us we fear. We are living in too much fear. We might be dead tomorrow so we do not see a future. We need leaders to inspire us and show us the way forward and we need hope no matter how hard that is. The world needs hope. We need to be the world’s hope. After World War Two we became that for a time to the world. We need to be United like never before because we are not going to last if we do not. At one-time this county was great. It had a great vision even if we fell short. We did not give up or into the darkness. We stood for what was right. We were the walking tall green giants of the world. Now we need to be that again. We lost our way in the darkness. It is time we bring this nation back into the light. You have to go through hell to get to heaven they say. We can get there to heaven in this nation together again. United like never before no matter the race color religion or creed. The only thing that should matter is we are all Americans and we all came from many nations. We are all emigrants. The great American experiment is over. We have proven in the past we can live in peace. We can work together for a better tomorrow. We have to do this or all is lost for our children. We lost our way in the darkness and it is time we shine that light once again on the world. We can do anything we put our completely United minds to. We can not let the leaders of darkness chaos and discord like Trump, Putin, and Xi destroy this nation. We must raise up to the light of Lady Liberty that she shines down on us.
A Tribute to Ukraine
The Fight
Where were you
when the walls came crumbling down.
Fearing for our lives
In our home towns.
Where children once played
Laughter was everywhere
We now find graves
Seems like only…we care.
But now,
We’re standing side by side
Defending arm in arm
Praying for our lives.
And now,
We’re standing toe to toe
Fighting hand to hand
Dying for our nation’s soul.
If we lose.
If this was our last fight.
I promise you
We didn’t run and hide.
Only one way to live
Head high and full of pride
What we would give
Our blood and tears we cried.
But now,
We’re standing side by side
Defending arm in arm
Praying for our lives.
And now,
We’re standing toe to toe
Fighting hand to hand
Dying for our nation’s soul.
A burst of lightning
coming from the morning sky
confuses all
We will not run and hide.
But now,
We’re standing side by side
Defending arm in arm
Praying for our lives.
And now,
We’re standing toe to toe
Fighting hand to hand
Dying for our nation’s…..
And then,
There’s one thing that remains.
Fight until the death
Fight for our Ukraine.
But now,
Our prayers were not met
By those who stood by
By those who would forget. .
By Humble Driver
Данина поваги Україні Битва Де ви були коли стіни розвалилися. Страх за наше життя У наших рідних містах. Де колись гралися діти Сміх був скрізь Зараз ми знаходимо могили Схоже, тільки… нам це не байдуже. Але зараз, Ми стоїмо пліч-о-пліч Захист рука об руку Молитися за наше життя. А зараз, Ми стоїмо ногами до ніг Бій рукопашний Вмирати за душу нашої нації. Інструментальний
Якщо ми програємо. Якби це був наш останній бій. я обіцяю тобі Ми не тікали і не ховалися. Лише один спосіб жити Піднята голова і сповнена гордості Що б ми дали Свою кров і сльози ми плакали. Але зараз, Ми стоїмо пліч-о-пліч Захист рука об руку Молитися за наше життя. А зараз, Ми стоїмо ногами до ніг Бій рукопашний Вмирати за душу нашої нації. Інструментальний
Сплеск блискавки що йде з ранкового неба збиває всіх з пантелику Ми не будемо тікати і ховатися. Але зараз, Ми стоїмо пліч-о-пліч Захист рука об руку Молитися за наше життя. А зараз, Ми стоїмо ногами до ніг Бій рукопашний Вмирати за нашу націю…. І потім, Залишилося одне. Боротися до смерті Боріться за нашу Україну. Але зараз, Наші молитви не були задоволені Від тих, хто стояв поруч Тим, хто б забув. . Автор Humble Driver