Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) joined the House Intelligence Committee in 2008. Now he's leading the impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump. CNN's Gloria Borger reports on Schiff's political timeline. #CNN #News
Meet Adam Schiff, the lawmaker leading the Trump impeachment inquiry

He has excellent communication skills and great temperment that we all can learn from
Yes. Trump is the man.
truly this was sarcasm, please tell me it was. oh wait you are a google operative fake account
He just lies every time he opens his mouth . I would like to see what he has to say under oath .
Maryam Ali
You on drugs woman
Learn what ? To lie ‘’’
Majority of Americans support you, Adam Schiff!! God bless you!!
Hey CJ and Clinton was the answer really where are all her lies?
You are as delusional as Schiff. God bless America!
lol no he is a subversive lying JEW!
I think they should arrest anyone ignoring supeonas
@Dusty Rains Go jerk off to your Bernie Sanders poster collection you little twit.
@Born In Shithole Country smel like russian bot here?!
good idea, that will come really handy when the impeach hoax goes to the senate
@Ray Han the senate is corrupt.
@Baxter Powel There are no Russian bots you stupid pickle slurping sperm receptacle. LOL Oh lookie, Baxter (fhaggot name) has a troll account, big shock.
@Dicky Jones not likely at all, his legion of legal woes are going to be far to great by spring let alone November…
RNC will go completely different or Niki Haley, Will Heard etc & completely undermine the Dems
Ibot JR unconstitutional ways lol ya you are right , America didn’t vote for him , and fwiw he is easily going to win re election and that’s a fact , so good luck with that lol
@Robert Kurtz wtf try again in English there mumbles

Democrats have more in common with Russia!
@ConTroller Hey stupid, my screen name is a tribute to Obuttfuck’s place of birth you dain bramaged nitwit, not surprised you couldn’t figure that out.
@Born In Shithole Country they said you process information in your colon. Eew then where would your mouth be!
@ConTroller You Marxist Moonbat, you’ve tried so hard to be a man you’ve developed a male medical condition, ED of the brain. What are you, about 14?
@Born In Shithole Country just like Trump. Over estimate yourself and resort to name calling when you find out you underestimate others. You’re bipolar being a shithole from a shithole country. Listen Jackwit, I eat you and fart reconstruct your noodle to dissect on you tube. I’ll go get my Cactus derived gloves for your colonoscopy. Wait here. If a 102 lbs dog came and ate you, don’t worry, it’s my pitbull
*ABOUT RUSSIAN INTERFERENCE:* “The unfortunate truth is that Russia was _the_ foreign power that systematically attacked our democratic institutions in 2016.” – *Dr. Fiona Hill*
the people voted for what they wanted and believed in not who told them what they wanted or believed.that being how democracy works not the way you want it to work or believe that it must be your way or else it doesn’t count. explain that to the never trumpers anti democracy pro fascist crowd. growing ever thinner
Thomas delvin at least know what crime your impeaching him on lmao so it doesn’t look stupid
@mct _ ok and that’s your opinion..mine is you need to be saved…they lied about Russia Schiff made up a conversation and biden and his coke head son who denies his kid. Is guilty….those are the people you defend…remember that. ..

Rabble Wolf Trump has ties to many country yet you only single out Russia.
It’s because your a conspiracy theory nut case and you know I’m right.
@Flavius Stilicho how is exposing Biden’s corruption rigging anything ….hes the real criminal
Trump was caught trying to rig the election in his favor. *REPEAT THAT OUT LOUD:* _Trump was caught trying to rig the election in his favor!_
Nobody believes you dummy but you can babble all day long..
Lol now all you need is evidence right ? Oh wait that’s right assumptions and hear say are better than actual evidence lol
This will be the radical lefts final stunt , been crying wolf since Trump took office , and with the moron candidates they have it looks like Trumps staying in office lol
Dumbest comment today
Flavius Stilicho Trump was caught trying to rig the election in his favor. I’ll also add that Republicans can’t win without cheating, lying, and gerrymandering. All facts!
“Shifty” is a badass!!

thank you 
Kimberly michele Lmao! No wonder you love pencil neck so much. He has taught you to deflect when you can’t defend the truth. You made an assertion on your initial post about pencil neck, aka, Adam Schiff then so far you have countered with bringing up Trump and now Rudy Guiliani.
I can bring up random
politicians from the Left that have lied too. However, all these people are irrelevant.
Thank you though, for proving my point that pencil neck is a liar and an EMBARRASSMENT.
Hence, why you had to inject irrelevant people to your comment to try and defend him. lmao!!
@soli Sanchez Haha Exactly.
Kimberly michele
Oh and let me bring up one more LIE about your hero Adam Schiff not Joe Biden or any other politician from the Left as you have done to deflect about your hero.
He had also claimed that he had proof that Trump colluded with Russia. Guess what? He lied about that too!
Let me edit my initial comment. He is actually a DESPERATE UNDERHANDED LIAR!
schiff / avenatti 2024
Compare this intervju with ANY Trump intervju… Who comes out as the most human and warm?
My respect for Adam just grew
Neutrality angers them to end. He won’t join their cult to get their love, or condemn their cult and get their hate. It infuriates them and that’s delicious.
Thank you Honorable Adam Schiff. America loves and thank you sir
Ummm, not hardly!
I don’t think so
@Eddy alvarez me neither :))
He is the man no doubt! Of course you’re better than that
Meet a True American Hero – Fight the good fight Mr. Schiff
The heroes get the most rage from POTUS nd the GOP- ever notice that?
He lied to you 3 years about the fake Russia hoax which FBI and 18 democrat investigators found nothing burgers now you think with his hidden whistleblower you think he found the truth.
@Pewdiepie Travelling Man You sound nervous and like a drowning person grasping at ANYTHING to survive……and I like that!
schiff / avenatti 2024
Now they are second guessing this impeachment. They will get slayed when the Senate investigates.
The ” perfectly” constructed parody happened to be the only kind of language that Trump can relate to. That is why he is so upset.
Actually meet the second coming of Fidel Castro leading the communist coup attempt.
He’s professional, stoic and even tempered. And he can quote “The Big Lebowski.” I hope he runs in 2024!
Adam Schiff remains solid despite the GOP colleagues who attack him with nonsense and lies
Solid in lies you mean.Lying just like the media who serves him and his team 3 years now.
Schiff / avenatti 2024
“You should vote for Trump”
– Joe Biden