Meacham: Trump Declared War On Decency, Democracy Last Night | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Historian Jon Meacham assesses Tuesday night's debate, saying that Trump declared war on decency and democracy during the debate. Aired on 9/30/2020.
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Meacham: Trump Declared War On Decency, Democracy Last Night | Morning Joe | MSNBC



    2. @Christine Sortino – I know right! I watched it a while back. Such a sad little toddler pouting that he had to be there. Soooooo weak!

    3. @Christine Sortino There’s a transcript of it floating around. I remember it being covered during the election in 2016 on some network (NOT Fox News obviously). We all saw how quickly he shut up when a black lady asked him to let her finish her question. He has to be put in an environment where he can’t make himself command attention but is forced to share it with others (like a court room, or a townhall debate).

    1. @Sun dial
      Barack Obama is BELOVED the world over. Only racists and the obsessive jealous dislike Obama. His record as a politician and statesman speaks for itself. You are a jealous racist.

    2. You are despicably stupid! President Trump is the best US president in USA history! You are blindly stupid! You think Biden gives a shxxxt about you or your family? He is a waxwork!

    3. @Trump sux2020
      BLM are Marxists that have been EMBOLDENED by Democrat States and Cities..because they defund police and do not support law and order …LAW AND ORDER PREVAILS IN RED STATES…..if Biden wins then no one will be safe…GOD HELP US ALL…😣

    1. And in a second term there is nothing to stop him from selling American (Our) interests to highest bidders and our enemies

    2. @Trump sux2020 actually he may even be eligible for third term because of falsehoods of attempted unconstitutional impeachment..see supreme Court gave him three years for this..or so a valid news outlet said.😚 Well see.

    3. @Trump sux2020 I’m hurt my fellow Americans could be so evil as to allow infancide..if Trump’s taking down that source of income and andrenachrome as his intent shows..unlike Biden..than I’ll support his right to be respected for that..the rest seems like a good show but he gets to the quick of this serious American tragedy..please support all heartbeat bills for our future as America.💓yours mine future generations if the Lord wills continued life on Earth.

    1. @Anastasia Isabella
      Keep drinking the prog koolaide. Also…..’playing’ his taxes? Huh?

    2. @Trump avoids paying Taxes! Awesome! Oh my bad ! Oh it the keyboard mistake ! You needed to stop drinking the orange clown kool aid or inject beach ! 🐒😂😂

    3. @Trump avoids paying Taxes! Awesome! Learn some grammar and sentence structure. ” which the demented one will be ” does not make sense.

    1. And today he’s trying to pretend that he has no clue who “the proud boys” are. Seriously, how much does he have to do to wake up his ignorant supporters and make them see the lying, despicable person he is?!

    1. @PATTY PERRY He would have been totally right but I expect that it would have gone totally out of hand. Even more than now. With all kinds of yelling but Biden, but the Dems and all kinds of other stuff that my brain cannot think of.

    1. As some posts in this thread indicate, it’s not only trumpitler that is a very bad joke, his supporters are the results.

  1. He’s president to only red states and one group in particular. That sums up his 4 years as President. But he serves no one but himself. Who does he care for? No one but himself.

    1. Norma I disagree strongly with your last statement. It was all the Evangelical Christians who voted for Trump that got us in this situation. Believe what you want, I don’t deny you that. BUT when a Democratic Republic society like ours allows religion to become the primary influence then we are no better than the Islamic states we oppose. We need to bring this nation under the majority of the people and their beliefs (meaning separation of Church and State) in order to regain our decency, morality, and standing in this world. Most of the Founding Fathers were Deists, and not specifically tied to one religion or belief set. The set forth to create an equal and secular society. And being Secular does not mean religion free, but that it is the laws created by the people that are primary, not the “laws” of a religion. This way anyone of faith, or not, has equal protection under the laws of the country. That is what this is all about. I do not want to live in a Theocracy.

  2. Good quote: Joe Biden is not on the ballot, WE are. The election will be a reflection of America, and the whole world is watching and waiting for decency , stability and normality to come back.

    1. It is important to bring back the League of Women Voters (or another nonpartisan public interest group) to handle future debates. They did an outstanding job up until about 1984 (if Orwell just entered your brain, well…) when the candidates decided to write rules favoring themselves and not the public. No more Commission on Presidential Debates run by the two parties. No more Anheuser-Busch, etc. sponsors. (BTW: The CPD still hasn’t revealed the 2020 debate sponsors – How many more people died during those horrible 90 minutes of COVID-19… Sigh…Vote (, complete the census ( and help two people outside your household do the same.

  3. What saddens me most is that deceased Americans due to a president’s incompetence will number as much as nearly 208,000 tomorrow!

    1. It is important to bring back the League of Women Voters (or another nonpartisan public interest group) to handle future debates. They did an outstanding job up until about 1984 (if Orwell just entered your brain, well…) when the candidates decided to write rules favoring themselves and not the public. No more Commission on Presidential Debates run by the two parties. No more Anheuser-Busch, etc. sponsors. (BTW: The CPD still hasn’t revealed the 2020 debate sponsors – How many more people died during those horrible 90 minutes of COVID-19… Sigh…Vote (, complete the census ( and help two people outside your household do the same.

    2. @Nine Fools Wise The problem was not the moderator. If one of the candidates goes rogue as Trump was doing now not much will help. Maybe a mic that can be muted or a sound proof booth where the candidate has to sit until it is his turn. You start normally ut if things get out of hand you change to obe of these systems.

    3. @Okkie Trooy Agreed. But for future debates it is something to work towards including a new Lewis Voting Rights Act, election & campaign finance reform along with so much more.

    1. He pretends to be a gangsta but really he’s a Bloody Coward with a big mouth but don’t worry he’ll be out of the people’s white house soon and hopefully straight into handcuffs to jail then PRISON.. America will then Party and the World too.. 🙏🏾

    1. INDEED. , . because thats where the Dems, and their totalitarian leftist loons, want to take it in double quick time.

    2. @danny moon The funny thing is, it is not the dems sucking up to Putin. It’s that orange clown you worship. You can’t blame the opposition, when it is your man in office. Dasvidaniya comrade.

  4. Don the Con doesn’t care; he’s not embarrassed. He does what he wants to do and there’s no consequences for his actions.

    1. @CLAW CUZBRO He lacks competency on every level of international relations. He has betrayed allies like the Kurds, praised enemies like Putin. The whole world cannot take him seriously. A buffoon, a wannabe king.

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