Meacham: Biden’s Running For President, Trump’s Auditioning For FOX News | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Pulitzer prize-winning presidential biographer Jon Meacham, who was one of the few in the room during the final Biden-Trump debate, reacts to the two different performances from the two candidates. Aired on 10/22/2020.
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Meacham: Biden's Running For President, Trump's Auditioning For FOX News | The 11th Hour | MSNBC


    1. Ian T, the Wall Street Journal in last nights issue had an article dispelling the accusations. Hardly a “liberal” newspaper.

    2. ​ @John DiGiacomo No the Wall Street Journal found that there were no corporate records linking Joe Biden to the company which of course is not a surprise and why all the emails have the “big guy” and the “chairman” and don’t mention Joe by name and other messages say that Joe shouldn’t be mentioned by name in emails. We only know that it is Joe because Bobulinski tells us that it is and he has first hand knowledge. The financial linkage will be behind the scenes in offshore accounts.

    1. Trump will win! WATCH and SHARE:
      The American people know and are awake. Are you? Are you awake? Are you woke? Biden shouldn’t even be a candidate! He is a liar, and has been for years! Stop analyzing…it’s easy! WAKE UP AMERICA!!! We are being censored! MSM isn’t sharing everything. Beijing Biden has been selling us out over the years and this is why China has been controlling us and our military has suffered. Do your research! It is obvious and easy to figure it out! *This should be all over the news. *This was announced just before the debate last night. *Why isn’t this being aired?
      WATCH and SHARE:
      FROM A DEMOCRAT, walked away and now VOTING REPUBLICAN!

    2. I’d like to see your reaction during election day when everything you predicted doesn’t happen LOL. 3 years ago history will repeat itself.

    3. @diane frady Hunters laptop and Tony Bobulinski will show who the real traitor is. Traitor Joe sold us out to China and Russia. He’s going to be indicted soon. MSNBC and Commie News Network are burying the story. Wake up sheeple!!!

    1. Isn’t that the only direction that he can take his “brand”. More than half the country would have no interest in ever buying any of his branded items or places. So doesn’t he to rely on his base for future financial support, given his massive debts? Would he go back to playing the outsider? Would he have to go deeper down the Q’anon hole?

    2. “Leadership: Whatever happens, you’re responsible. If it doesn’t happen, you’re responsible.”
      ― The Donald @ Twitter, November 2013

      “You can’t con people, at least not for long. You can create excitement, you can do wonderful promotion and get all kinds of press, and you can throw in a little hyperbole. But if you don’t deliver the goods, people will eventually catch on.”
      ― The Donald @ “The Art of the Deal”, 1987

      “I’m gоіng tо tеll yоu whаt I rеаlly thіnk оf Dоnаld Trump. Thіs mаn іs а pаthоlоgіcаl lіаr. Hе dоеsn’t knоw thе dіffеrеncе bеtwееn truth аnd lіеs. Hе lіеs prаctіcаlly еvеry wоrd thаt cоmеs оut оf hіs mоuth… а nаrcіssіst аt а lеvеl I dоn’t thіnk thіs cоuntry hаs еvеr sееn… Wе аrе stаrіng аt thе аbуss.”
      ― Tеd Сruz @ prеss cоnfеrеncе, mоrnіng оf Indіаnа Rеpublіcаn prіmаry, Mаy 2016

      “Givе me ten years, and you will not recognize Germany anymore!”
      ― Adolf Schicklgruber @ election slogan, 1933

    3. I’ve been pondering what Trump will do after he leaves office. I’m thinking he can’t do the traditional speaking engagements, so he will put some sort of WWE-ish rally type twist to it. I guess a show on Fox is a possibility, but what time slot would he get?

    1. @Elcrypto Canada stop interfering in our elections. I’m just messing with you. Rather you than Russia. But why trump? He’s no friend of Canada is he? He’s certainly not a friend of most Americans.

    2. @John DiGiacomo You are entitle to your opinions, no to your own facts. Repeating that lie won’t make truth…Somebody is going down and IS NOT TRUMP….

    3. Julio Poland, I have no problem with facts, but there are no facts presented here. The Wall Street Journal article refutes the allegations made by the former partner of Hunter Biden, and the laptop story is beyond suspect. If the technician “found” the laptop, and turned it over to the FBI, then how did Giuliani’s lawyer obtain it. Where has it been since January, when he allegedly gave it to the FBI during the impeachment hearings? If it were crucial evidence in a corruption case, how did Giuliani obtain it three weeks before an election? The FBI doesn’t reveal evidence of an investigation before an indictment. Do you see the dilemma? The technician is an admitted Trump supporter, and sorry, but released emails are a tactic Trump’s tried before. If there were child pornography on the laptop, that is a federal offense, and the FBI would not have released the evidence. Finally who would leave a laptop at a repair shop with that evidence on it, and you definitely wouldn’t forget it. Sorry but none of it is believable.

    4. @Jim J. Calling BS. Trump’s classic move is to criticize and lie about everything he has done wrong by saying someone else did it. Not going to work, nobody is buying it. Trump is going to lose because he is running against his worst enemy….himself.

    1. @Seth Vale Good for the Democrats, they must be invisible taxes, or better yet, from their anonymous sources, the non-existent ones. On the other hand we have a VERY SOLID LAPTOP, with the most hideous and insidious incriminating evidence…SOMEBODY IS GOING DOWN and IS NOT TRUMP….

    2. @Julio Polanco You mean some random laptop that has Hunter Biden’s name on it? I have 5 of those in my basement!! You are absolutely right that Giuliani is going down for fabricating this hilarious and non-substantial evidence. I mean the entire laptop hoax is f***ing hilarious! You think we are THAT stupid? But it’s ok, the Right is THAT dumb! LOL

    3. Dementia Joe is the Black Plague. Joe will take America back to the dark ages. Beware the DARK WINTER OF CREEPY JOE!!!! ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️

    4. @joboygbp How terrible of you to bully someone with a stutter. Go back to killing kittens, you disgusting sycophant.

  1. I just heard someone say, that Biden didn’t seen to have it all together, and they are leaning toward Trump, I thought to myself, WOW,! Biden was more together then Trump, it just amazes me, the lack of good character judgement.

    1. @Kalin Loyd Yawn…….it is so tiring….. yet more fake news from fake accounts on Fakebook!
      Please just take your Typical trumptydumpty lies and idiotic statements to Fox comments section where you will have an admiring audience of Q nutjobs.

    2. After the last 4 years, I’ll never be shocked again by peoples’ ability to make poor character judgements and wear their gullibility and ignorance as a badge of honor

    3. Biden shouldn’t even be a candidate! He is a liar, and has been for years! Stop analyzing…it’s easy!
      WAKE UP AMERICA!!! We are being censored! MSM isn’t sharing everything. Beijing Biden has been selling us out over the years and this is why China has been controlling us and our military has suffered. Do your research! It is obvious and easy to figure it out! *This should be all over the news. *This was announced just before the debate last night. *Why isn’t this being aired?
      WATCH and SHARE:
      FROM A DEMOCRAT, walked away and now VOTING REPUBLICAN!

    4. @Kathleen Barrett Whoaaaa!
      Another ‘Q type’ came out of the woodwork.
      Your cult delusions don’t work on sane rational people.
      Your dear dumb donnie is losing, AND, will lose awful Great Bigly!!

    1. That’s why I say I hope he drops the soap, so he can get screwed the way he screwed America. But with no Vaseline.

    2. @Investigative Audit Check out Hunters laptop and Tony Bobulinski’s statements. Joe’s a proven liar and crook. Don’t vote for a lying, hiding, money laundering con man.

  2. I heard the President say that only low iq individuals would return for a court date to become LEGAL citizens. Say what?

    1. That’s not it,,,they are not returning to receive punishment from the court for breaking our laws from sneaking in our country….I hope MSNBC viewers understand

    2. @RealDjToddThunder like talking to my dad, he wont acknowledge a damning direct quote. Instead dad says I think ipotus meant something else, therefore he said something else. Like he’s brainwashing himself when forced to see reality

    3. @Just a PuP trying to Hit 5k Subs I laughed and I’m not racist. I was laughing at how Trump is so stupid he could say that in a presidential debate.

  3. Couldn’t overcome the contrast between Trump’s light pink pig ears and his Jack o’ lantern face. What a freak!

    1. Trump is like a halloween pumpkin, orange on the outside, hollow inside and gets thrown out in November. And the light inside never came on

  4. At this point i don’t care if he goes to prison or not…. just get him out of the Oval Office for god sake…
    Trump is the wrong man for the job

    1. @Verruca Then like a medieval king, if Trump is convicted of crimes then all of his assets and properties should be seized by the government.

    2. @mechaman13 Certainly any money he’s embezzled or obtained by fraud and any tax evaded should be extracted. I doubt that there would be anything left after that. It’s pretty obvious that he’s been living on credit for a long time.
      The trouble with someone like that is that he’ll have hidden much of it overseas in banks and properties and as company assets in different names. It will be hard to trace.
      That’s why I’m inclined to think he should be jailed for the rest of his life. His kids too should see a long stretch inside.

    1. Trump will win! WATCH and SHARE:
      The American people know and are awake. Are you? Are you awake? Are you woke? Biden shouldn’t even be a candidate! He is a liar, and has been for years! Stop analyzing…it’s easy! Joe is a liar, and has been for years. It’s all a scam. Obama is too! TRAITORS!!!
      WAKE UP AMERICA!!! We are being censored! MSM isn’t sharing everything. Beijing Biden has been selling us out over the years and this is why China has been controlling us and our military has suffered. Do your research! It is obvious and easy to figure it out! *This should be all over the news. *This was announced just before the debate last night. *Why isn’t this being aired?
      WATCH and SHARE:
      FROM A DEMOCRAT, walked away and now VOTING REPUBLICAN!

    2. @Kathleen Barrett If you watch youtube and all the garbage they allow, you’d go crazy, like you are. No matter what, I don’t think anyone is as corrupt as trump. Youtube didn’t show you the video, where trump was the deciver in the garden of eden, yes, girl…he was that old devil that cause all this problem.😂😂 Get outta here, with ya bull. Your choice to switch, don’t expect others to follow you. Follow the pied piper.

    3. Keep Obama name out your mouth. He’s not president anymore. No matter how you try, that name is in the history book.

    4. @Mable Cox Thank you Mabel Cox! Couldn’t have said it better myself! I can’t believe the ignorance of some if these folks. They are probably just Russian trolls.

    1. Trump will win! WATCH and SHARE:
      The American people know and are awake. Are you? Are you awake? Are you woke? Biden shouldn’t even be a candidate! He is a liar, and has been for years! Stop analyzing…it’s easy! WAKE UP AMERICA!!! We are being censored! MSM isn’t sharing everything. Beijing Biden has been selling us out over the years and this is why China has been controlling us and our military has suffered. Do your research! It is obvious and easy to figure it out! *This should be all over the news. *This was announced just before the debate last night. *Why isn’t this being aired?
      WATCH and SHARE:
      FROM A DEMOCRAT, walked away and now VOTING REPUBLICAN!

    2. @Kathleen Barrett

      Oh dear insult dems and spout bile.

      But be clear many conservatives and independents will deal the cult it’s death blow.

      God bless John Mc Cain

      God bless Lincoln project & Republicans against Trump.

      My enemies enemy is my friend …

  5. DT, said that only low IQ individuals would return to court. The narcissistic and disrespectful response is difficult to watch.

    1. Jared Kushner has been shopping around a Trump branded news network since Donnie’s numbers started tanking this Fall, so Meacham was right on the money. I’d say it’s gonna be like OAN, but at least OAN is somewhat solvent. The last time Trump tried to launch a media company (Trump Magazine) it went bankrupt and crashed like a North Korean rocket. A former magazine employee wrote an article about it before the 2016 election and “shockingly” a bunch of her pay checks bounced around the time the business was imploding. Apparently he still owes a bunch of employees back pay.

    1. He is light years more advanced than any of Trump’s apologists. Can you imagine a conversation in which Donald Junior or Rush Limbaugh are trying desperately to keep up?

    1. Mel C.,
      The sad part is, the other half of all Americans wants that Criminal (Trump) to get away with his crimes.😡

  6. Biden is running for the presidency while Trump is running for his “POOR BOYS” audience. There is nothing proud to be proud about the proud boys, POOR BOYS.

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