Neal Katyal, former acting U.S. solicitor general, talks with Rachel Maddow about how Mitch McConnell's proposed rules for the Senate's impeachment trial of Donald Trump is more designed to hide the facts of the case from the American people than to get at the truth in a fair way. Aired on 01/20/20.
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McConnell's Impeachment Rules Designed To Hide The Facts: Katyal | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
Making talk shows and listening to good, knowledgeable people without any impact at all is just about missing the point, isn’t it. People must take to the streets and get the Mobster out of the WH
@sk8queen America will never get free of people like trump and the rest of the Criminal Republicans unless the people start protesting. I have been posting this every day on here(MSNBC) because I cannot believe how you guys just continue to allow this to happen… Even now I am reading EXCUSES why they can’t save their country why they/YOU don’t fight for what you take for granted.
Stop taking this treatment by your Elected Representatives it is pathetic and shameful that the people of the US are not fighting for their country and to put people like trump McConnell et al back into their rightful place. Unless YOU do something it will only get worse. Especially now they know they can get away with whatever they want because they know noone is going to lift a finger and do anything.
@Rod Allen = TROLL
@Rod Allen Which Democrats are confiscating firearms?

I must have missed that memo.
The protest was about purchasing restrictions, not “confiscation.” No one is coming to pry your gun from your cold dead hands (and you call the left hysterical, smh.)
Also, three young men allegedly planning violence at that rally were intercepted by law enforcement this week. They were White Supremacists, like the ones at the Charlottesville Rally.
Gosh, why would anyone be wary of violence at this demonstration?
We’re all glad it was a peaceful event, but let’s not pretend there’s any valid reason to make nazi comparisons to Democrats. The first things fascist movements do are as follows: create distrust in the free press, spread disinformation, fetishize guns, and scapegoat minority groups.
Nice try.
Exactly what needs to happen now, cold and miserable as it is take it to the streets people!!

I like how t’rump’s defense to date has been “It was a perfect call” and “Read the transcripts” – and now that he has a legal team, none of them are willing to use them. Oopsies!

Ro G “The impeachment is a joke and shows the difference between Trump’s results and Democrats’ stunts”
@15k DOW 2022 which results? That he lower the taxes from the rich happy few? That the national state debt has been 10 doubled. He prints more money and says the economie is great. I would love that. Not enough money at the end of the month, so I print me some. Jobs how many fulltime jobs? Facts country! He pays no taxes, doesn’t pay his debts when he is on campaign. He has done a lot great things for himself and his family. Open your eyes and see what that man (I refuse to call him president) really is: the Berlusconi of the US.
Ro G I like how the House Democrats impeached because they said “the evidence was overwhelming”. Now they’re crying because they need more witnesses and documents. What a bunch of frauds!
@Rod Allen trump dummies calling people frauds
what’s next? You going to call them lying orange buffoons

If republicans go through with this farce, it will be remembered forever as the The Great Cover-up.
The great cover up was in congress bringing these stupid charges while obstructing any new witnesses
Using the same rules as they did with Clinton is ridiculous!!! That would make this look fair.
Dems covering up Hunter Biden’s Ukraine natural gas pipeline money laundering
It’s amazing how Trump sycophants flip reality to make it sound the opposite. I’m no Democrat and I’m no Republican, both have their failings – but any mindful person should be able to see where the real sham is here.
Most corrupt presidency Republican party in the history of America and that will be their legacy!
@Christina Denham Too much evidence to mention? That’s the way they want it. Dump a truck load of BS and hope that it smothers the fact that there is not a single credible allegation of a crime or misconduct worthy of impeachment. There is a reason the founders made impeachment difficult…so that it could not be used as a partisan weapon to overturn an election. This is exactly what the Dems are trying to do now. They will fail.
@Maharajji NKB you clearly have still not read the evidence. Watch the trial…that all I know to say you
Just be sure to get their names, addresses and phone numbers. We have to know who they are and where they live!!!!!! They will never get away with this, in their entire lives!!!
@15k DOW 2022 Then they will be included in the group that enabled Trump, and pay the ultimate price!!!!
If McConnell gets voted out in November, as he certainly should, he can always go to Russia where his tactics will better appreciated.
@Richard Darlington That’s not going to happen. Dems are already projected to lose 50 rep. seats in November. Any Dem Senate seats for the next few years are going to have even more trouble because the DNC has no more money. They’re broke with no backers giving to them.
@ruth depew The same opinion that you, sir, have against Mitch McConnell.
The Cult Members are going to try and Sweep it under the Carpet While your Sleeping, ! Time to stand up and Vote Blue
Rod Allen , there’s way too many Democrats, Angry Independents and disappointed Republicans that will vote Mitch, Trump and the deranged Republicans out of office. Far more than the crazy, delusional people that stand by Trump, Mitch and the crazy Republicans.
@Rod Allen Hale to the Orange Maggot King and all his Cult Members ,! Look at the Stats Rod,! Do you really think that after the Republican party Sham up this impeachment trial ,! The American people will vote him back in ,! Plank heads like you Wish ,! He would have to pull a rabbit out of his Arss first , an Orange Rabbit, !
You don’t vote until November, right? And this is only January. Right? What are you going to do between now, January, and November? Right?
Strong incentive to make another contribution to Moscow Mitch’s challenger for his Senate seat. “Bye, *itch”
BS remember Adam Schiff allowed the Republicans no witnesses and refused them the right to question witnesses, end this fiasco-farce of impeachment, the Senate is not responsible for the lack of the House executing its impeachment by failing to exercise its rights in the courts, this is not a legitimate inquest, Foot Note 505…….dragging this out allows the whole process to become nothing but political theater…amazing is it not that Rush Limbaugh on Nov. 11th predicted this Lev was being groomed by the Democrats to bring forth his lying fiasco, Parnas is not protected by executive privelege, Schiff never called him as a witness….another Avenatti, another Cohen, another Christine Blasey-Ford…the call for more witnesses is to cripple 4 senators in their re-election bid
@Bellicose Ataraxia you sound agitated…
We are witnessing the Death of democracy. People of America, for God’s sake rise up and protest against this blatant corruption of your great country. Residents of Kentucky should make it very clear to McConnell that you won’t stand for his continued blocking of justice. Do not let him get away with shielding this corrupt and criminal president. The United States is being flushed down the toilet. All your allies around the world have abandoned you. The Russians and the Chinese are laughing at you. If the people of America don’t defend your democracy, very soon all 3 global superpowers will be run by authoritarian dictators.
@CW043 –
Republicans to Democrats: “Be fair. Follow the rules” Democrats: “You’re right. Okay.”
Democrats to Republicans: “Be fair. Follow the rules” Republicans: “GTFO of here. Are you crazy?!”
Democrats looking for fairness in this broken democracy, are the same people who ask why Democrats always lose.
@CW043 – How do we become a functioning democracy? Fix this:
1) the electoral college, 2) plurality voting, 3) our broken Senate. 1 & 2 = broken White House.
Until then…stop holding the Democrats back with your purity tests.
Rachel: “I’m not a lawyer. I don’t even purport to play one on television.” Katyal “Neither is Dershowitz, so don’t worry about it..” Katyal just restored my faith in lawyers LOL SMH Dershowitz
Schif is just a sore loser crybaby with no facts to support his cause. Every one of his claims is somebody told somebody someone said something and they think they meant something.
Greytro, Schiff presented more witnesses than Trump (zero!). Which innocent person wouldn’t present witness with exonerating evidence in a trial? Trump’s guilty!
MaConnell is the worst of the low life politicians. He serves a dying party trying to keep them alive with immoral infusions.
end this fiasco-farce of impeachment, the Senate is not responsible for the lack of the House executing its impeachment by failing to exercise its rights in the courts, this is not a legitimate inquest, Foot Note 505…….dragging this out allows the whole process to become nothing but political theater…amazing is it not that Rush Limbaugh on Nov. 11th predicted this Lev was being groomed by the Democrats to bring forth his lying fiasco, Parnas is not protected by executive privelege, Schiff never called him as a witness….another Avenatti, another Cohen, another Christine Blasey-Ford…the call for more witnesses is to cripple 4 senators in their re-election bid you lose…2020 is in the bag Hag
15k DOW 2022 Trump will still be impeached. The hearsay came from hearing Trump and his team admitting it, plus the evidence that it happened and was illegal. No defense has stated otherwise.
15k DOW 2022 let us agree that nobody is above the law. I don’t care about people’s foibles, I care about right and wrong. Having a weakness isn’t allowing criminals to do what they want. What has been interesting is the Trump defense shows that the Clinton impeachment was illegal and therefore should be expunged from history.
@Dave Ponsford end this fiasco-farce of impeachment, the Senate is not responsible for the lack of the House executing its impeachment by failing to exercise its rights in the courts, this is not a legitimate inquest, Foot Note 505…….dragging this out allows the whole process to become nothing but political theater…amazing is it not that Rush Limbaugh on Nov. 11th predicted this Lev was being groomed by the Democrats to bring forth his lying fiasco, Parnas is not protected by executive privilege, Schiff never called him as a witness….another Avenatti, another Cohen, another Christine Blasey-Ford…the call for more witnesses is to cripple 4 senators in their re-election bid
@Dave Ponsford BS remember Adam Schiff allowed the Republicans no witnesses and refused them the right to question witnesses, end this fiasco-farce of impeachment, the Senate is not responsible for the lack of the House executing its impeachment by failing to exercise its rights in the courts, this is not a legitimate inquest, Foot Note 505…….dragging this out allows the whole process to become nothing but political theater…amazing is it not that Rush Limbaugh on Nov. 11th predicted this Lev was being groomed by the Democrats to bring forth his lying fiasco, Parnas is not protected by executive privelege, Schiff never called him as a witness….another Avenatti, another Cohen, another Christine Blasey-Ford…the call for more witnesses is to cripple 4 senators in their re-election bid
There will be an election in November, and we the people will have the last word, he will be gone. Moscow Mitch do your thing we the people will get the last laugh.
If we ever get another valid election again should he get away with this obstruction of Congress. When the Senate acquit Trump the precedent set will elevate the executive branch above both the constitution and Congress. Goodbye constitutional republic hello dictatorship. This is what is actually at stake here.
tomb613 The Democrat Party has been attempting to remove our duly elected President for 3 years. Their tyranny is the threat to our Republic!
@Rod Allen You’re delusional and seriously need help or a Ruski troll
Trump is going to roll in November. His base is motivated by this sham impeachment, and the Dems don’t have a single candidate who can compete.
Tony … I wouldn’t get too cocky the Repugs have shown they are willing to do anything to win…On the other hand the Dems and everyone who dislikes trump are not. They are entitled and expect someone else to do everything for them.
Unless you all fight for Right then you are going to lose ….again.
I hate to say it but, Unless you refuse to lose you guys will.
Republican’s are done if they keep up their dismal actions in supporting Trump, he is an imbecile and you all know it..
@Rod Allen Yeah the highest number of imbeciles are always watching faux, murdoch’s mass media manipulation machine!
Rod Allen or like you who watch and believe FOX NEWS
It’s as simple as it can be . have a fair trail with witnesses and the people will except the outcome. But with nothing of this all this TRANSPARENT PRESIDENT HAS SOMETHING TO HIDE. Why else would they fight to stop
Bolton to testify.
There will most certainly be a lot fewer Republicans in Congress come November!
The GOP paid for three cycles after Nixon and the Democrats paid for a couple after Clinton. Trump’s GOP will pay dearly for inflicting Trump on the US Electorate.
Trump’s going to win again and your heads are going to explode, AGAIN
your a fool!
Doug Collins, Susan Collins, Mat Gaetz, Lindsey Graham, Moscow Mitch, Louie Gohmert. Devin Nunes should be implicated in his role in the Ukraine scandal and when his time is up for re-election he should be voted out or removed from his senate seat.
Vote Democrat as though our lives depend on it…because they do.
Yeaaaa sure, so they can completely destroy the constitution, trying to remove the electoral college, 1st and 2 amendment, insert socialism, increase government, give free health care to non citizens and have citizens pay for it…..oooookk
Hide the witnesses. Hide the documents. Hide the trial. LOL.
We might as well hold the trial in secret, in a basement somewhere. It’s all good. The irony.
LOL these latest updates on rules for impeachment Trump
Inspector General Michael Horowitz finally damned the FBI during his testimony Wednesday when he said he would be “skeptical” that there was anything accidental in the egregious catalog of errors the bureau committed in its spying operation on Donald Trump’s presidential campaign. It took five hours of questioning about the FBI’s motivations, but Horowitz, prudent and impartial as he is, finally delivered the money shot. Asked by Republican Sen. Mike Crapo if the 17 “significant errors or omissions” he found in the FBI’s surveillance operation could possibly be “accidental,” Horowitz said: “I would be skeptical.”He went on to explain that “the answers we got were not satisfactory [so] we’re left trying to understand how could all these errors have occurred over a nine-month period on three teams hand-picked, on … the highest-profile case of the FBI, going to the very top of the organization, involving a presidential campaign.” The Justice Department’s independent inspector general, Michael E. Horowitz, and his team uncovered a staggeringly dysfunctional and error-ridden process in how the F.B.I. went about obtaining and renewing court permission under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, or FISA, to wiretap Carter Page, a former Trump campaign adviser. Most of those targets never learn that their privacy has been invaded, but some are sent to prison on the basis of evidence derived from the surveillance. And unlike in ordinary criminal wiretap cases, defendants are not permitted to see what investigators told the court about them to obtain permission to eavesdrop on their calls and emails.
so what we have are 17 egregious mistakes in the FISA, exculpatory evidence was suppressed as well as the fact, Hillary campaign paid Fusion GPS/Christopher Steel were paids for it….and no bias yet all 17 of the egregious mistakes were directed at only one target….President Trump…no bias there folks….no bias in 17…gross incompetence…aimed solely at President Trump….Democrats are incapable of Left-Brain cogent logic and reasoning…all 17 were Hillary donors….via NAACP…National Association for the Advancement of Confused People
“A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.
Marcus Tullius Cicero
58 BC, Speech in the Roman Senate
The chief justice should refuse to conduct trial because it makes a mockery of the American justice system
You’re blind, the Looney Tune Democrats already made a mockery of the justice system in the house.
The world is watching. If this turns into a rigged hicktown trail USA will never be taken seriously as a bastion of freedom and liberty.
100% Right. Well said.
republicans are communists, this is a communist court house run by communists, no evidence, no witnesses..all run by COMMUNISTS…
There should be more public outrage. They’re gonna get away with it because it appears the public doesnt care
I agree. It appears as though our citizens DON’T care; then trust to complain when things go bad.
JasThePhilo Forte
EXACTLY ! Well said.
It is sad to see a nation going down in such a shameful way, this is being watched by all countries in the developed world.