NBC's Sahil Kapur discusses how Sen. Mitch McConnell is tying together a plan to increase stimulus payments to Americans to $2,000 and demands made by President Trump for other legislation and how it could benefit Republicans in the Georgia Senate runoff elections. Aired on 12/30/2020.
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#MitchMcConnell #Trump #MSNBC
McConnell Ties Stimulus Check Increase To Trump Demands | Hallie Jackson | MSNBC
Ok, so we’re not getting 2,000 dollars, then? Thanks, Mitch.
Thanks Nancy
Awww… boo-hoo… “GIMME MA WELFEAH MONEE!!!”
I don’t think Americans should get tje $600.
Back in my day we didn’t have stimulus or food stamps
ITS TIME…. just doing MY part…….. eMail these https://www.mcconnell.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/contactform TRAITOR’S !!!!!!!
ITS TIME just doing MY part…….. eMail these https://www.mcconnell.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/contactform TRAITOR’S !!!!!!!
McConnell blocking a move that would help countless people? I’m truly shocked. Vote Georgians!
@José de Jesus it’s a trumpturd
@Ben Lancaster republican senators don’t agree to anything unless there’s something in it for them. Democrats want the increase in the bill and republicans always have strings attached. Nothing new. Those strings have consequences that are never for the good of Americans.
@Ben Lancaster And he did block it as a stand alone bill.
@Kamalla Hairass I guess you haven’t noticed or you just don’t care, some people don’t have a job right now through no fault of their own. Some people who do work and pay taxes all their lives need help right now. What a selfish piece of crap you are!
Is mc C doing this purposely along with the dems to help the dems to destroy reps in Georgia , as what he is doing seems so dangerous for his own party, forget trump , but for republicans in the coming years .

he is reps friend or foe !!!
Another excuse to keep money out of our hands
I’ve never relied on others putting money in my hands. That’s why I started my own business and I pay myself whatever I want. But I had a father growing up so…
Everyday another lie from Trump when it comes to his administration helping Americans via this Covid19 crises. Sickening.
@Remey Momma The Democrats lied to America so much about Russia “stealing” the 2016 election that HALF of Americans no longer believe anything they say…

@Thomas Armsworthy Jr regardless of what they spend it on, they spend it and inject it into the economy, and that is the REAL goal of the stimulus checks…the help the people, but to help the economy. With so many out of jobs right now the economy is suffering and could collapse, mitch is obviously NOT thinking of the US at all. One not thinking of the people it helps, but the economy it helps either. Then again republicans think trickle down works, and it never has…the only method that works is gather up…give the money to the lower income and let the companies produce goods an services they need and they will gather it up because the lower income will spend it like there is no tomorrow. They just need something to spend it on. Give it to the rich and they hoard it.
@#NOTMYPRESIDENT #RESIST you meant to say Trump lies so much right?
Flip the senate Georgia!
Flip you directly in the garbage.
Yes please!

@George W Biden The only boogeymen the Dems have are the imaginary ones Trump and his twits are brainwashing their worshipers into believing they have.
Republicans are running two inside trading felons. Criminals do very well in the GOP.
No they already elected a senile pedophile good God stop the madness
Georgia, you know what to do. Take McConnell’s power and watch him go back inside his shell
Further steps will be required. 40 years is a long time. It’s up to us to change it. Wake up call to all good Americans. Find yourself and move for what you believe in.
@George W Biden dont u ever get tired of being wrong, trumps a faliure who u probably voted for. McConnell is trash who u probably voted for, your credibility is 0 so who are you again but someone probably on welfare and foodstamps
oh wow
oh good
@George W Biden they have you convinced that giving us some of OUR tax dollars back to help us is bad but giving it to billionaires is good??
he only cares about that donor money. he needs to be locked up. lock him up!!!
He needs to be kicked out of that office..
@Reckless Gaming Balls too!Then finish him.
* just doing MY part…….. eMail these https://www.mcconnell.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/contactform TRAITOR’S !!!!!!!
@mike mann songs Good call…however the downside are the issue of past intel that could be used against us.
And the Congressional GOP has shown nothing but sedition and treason.
People seem to be forgetting all of the pics from Moscow showing Jared, Jill Stein and Kremlin Kevin…it seemed to be the start of the Mueller investigation.
And that clearly shows the culpable of our Nation.
The Don needs to re-educate Mitch and let him know who’s in charge. Where are those proud boi’s now? You see. Mitch has the real power here. It’s pathetic.
Trump overtakes Obama in Gallup most admired man poll
Mitch McConnell: selfless (LOL) work for suffering billionaire class for too many years. Kick him out.
Who’s going to kick him out? Poor Democrat voters? do you people ever think?
Unfortunately Kentucky is full of morons and they can vote.
* ITS TIME just doing MY part…….. eMail these https://www.mcconnell.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/contactform TRAITOR’S !!!!!!!
@V Kentucky is so full of morons, they voted for a Democrat governor…
McConnell is just trying to create cover for his coward Republicans from having to vote against the $2,000.
Bone spurs is the alpha coward.
ITS TIME……. just doing MY part…….. eMail these https://www.mcconnell.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/contactform TRAITOR’S !!!!!!!
ITS TIME just doing MY part…….. eMail these https://www.mcconnell.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/contactform TRAITOR’S !!!!!!!
@#NOTMYPRESIDENT #RESIST Two seperate issues. Dimwit
@#NOTMYPRESIDENT #RESIST What the heck does $2,000 checks have to do with China? Are you that stupid?
This is a power play, that affects the life of people.
And it’s just sickening!
Roh wow
oh good
No money for you. So Sorry!

It doesn’t have to effect the people. McConnell has offered the American people 2000 dollars a piece if the democrats will let him investigate the election. So let him.
Wealthy corporations need help.
No problem.
Struggling Americans need help.
Are you kidding? Where we gonna get the money.
Moscow Mitch : “The MIllionaire and Billionaire’s Best Friend”
Yup no problem with the massive tax cuts for him and his rich buddies.
Corporate welfare all the way!!!! To welfare for humans though.
Goh wow
oh good
Why? He’s agreeing to 2k checks
Beijing Biden: “The broke Loser’s piggy bank”…
McConnell have no Shame!!!, And zero compassion!!!, He truly is a Russian bot!!!
Why would anyone have compassion for you Liberal lunatics?
Marsha Marsha Marsha
Why does the American people aways , have to be in the middle of a political power struggle???
Mitch and most of the GOP care nothing about the American people.
Republicans always put party before country.
ITS TIME just doing MY part…….. eMail these https://www.mcconnell.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/contactform TRAITOR’S !!!!!!!
ITS TIME…. just doing MY part…….. eMail these https://www.mcconnell.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/contactform TRAITOR’S !!!!!!!
Autocorrect changed all to most in your comment. Weird.
@V Democrats put China before their own country…

Wealthy politicians playing games with people’s lives. It’s outrageous.
Toh wow
oh good
You won’t do Sh!@. You’ll just whine. they’ll just ignore you.
@#NOTMYPRESIDENT #RESIST kind of like you talking sh@t on everyone’s comments? I love it.
“They have money for war . But can’t feed the poor “..

The REPUBLICANS and Trump are America’s worst enemy . I think you went to Trump’s University- Trump’s warped politics has infected too many Americans. An educated person will know that it’s idiotic to blame rioting on democrats . There is nothing vaccinating about America’s tainted and blood filled history . Any fool can read and understand it ..
CAUSE ITS TIME… just doing MY part…….. eMail these https://www.mcconnell.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/contactform TRAITOR’S !!!!!!!
@Oxford Hall Actually. Communist China is America’s worst enemy. Their virus killed 300,000 Americans this year and the Democrats used it to commit mail in election Fraud.

@#NOTMYPRESIDENT #RESIST Trump killed thousands of Americans by being a Covidiot – downplaying the virus and having super spreader rallies .. Beside, he kissed China’s behind and asked them to help him win the election. When they didn’t he turned on them . What a traitor !!
@Oxford Hall China killed 300,000 Americans with their virus. Joe Biden used it to shut down our economy and create a mail in election.
Mitch McConnell is the reason why Georgia needs to truly come through by voting Osoff and Warnock into the senate.
Mitch said he would pass 2k doe, Dems didnt want stand alone bills before and now they do???
Jared Polis, a Democrat, literally advocated for and presented legislation as a former Representative, single issue legislation.
Then you can loot the treasury!
Biden is the best
Son of a mitch mconnel’s tatics to get his bills and agenda passed are pure criminal and evil.
About families who really needed ….does he think about the children…he is an evil man..