Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Tuesday that he has enough Republican votes to start the impeachment trial of President Donald Trump without the support of Democrats, who have been demanding witness testimony. Sen. Richard Blumenthal joins Chris Jansing to discuss. Aired on 1/7/20.
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McConnell Says He Has Votes To Set Impeachment Trial Rules Without Dems | Katy Tur | MSNBC
The cover up is always worse than the crime itself.
The Dirty Democrats have dug their reelection graves with this SHAM IMPEACHMENT!
McConnell/ Republicans are wicked!
Yes. The Clinton campaign had Brennan begin a frame up of Trump. It was keystone kops time and the FBI/CIA/DIA/DOJ/STATE DEPT hacks screwed up the FISA stuff and everything else. Now the Clinton cover-up goes into high gear. I don’t think it will work.
What cover up? The left doesnt have any evidence
mitch just got himself voted out of the senate watch for it.
If I were a citizen of Kentucky I wouldn’t want him back!! TRAITOR.
Why don’t the American people do peaceful but massive protests like they did in Hong Kong. They didn’t fight, they just brought the city to a standstill day and night by coming out in force. No march. Just staying still in the rain. China had no answer to it and gave in as it was so vast.
God bless Mitch McConnell and his brilliance! Nancy Pelosi and the Dirty Democrats have dug their reelection graves with their Sham Impeachment!
McConnell’s popularity in Kentucky is at an all-time low right now. His RCP Average as of 12/31/2019 is: FAVORABLE 26.7%, UNFAVORABLE 47.7%
Yeah and Hillary has it in the bag 98% for the 2016 election. LOLOLOLOL
That is why Nancy won’t be turning over anything to that corrupt senate.
@Leonie Romanes Well even if your senate dream came true their is a time limit for Nancy to turn over the articles. If the articles are dismissed you cant use the same articles of impeachment again!
@Kevin Mcneil
Clinton lied about an extra marital affair
So has tRump…and paid for a cover up
Nancy has enough trouble keeping her dentures from flying out of her mouth.
Do as trump would do. No collusion No obstruction. Jus say guilty as charged the jury is poisioned. Conspireing to aquit before hearing STAR WITNESSES. IS A CRIME ITSELF
@Jerry Vaughn Do you know how really stupid and inane your comment is? It makes no sense.
Trump is beating you and we Deplorables love it. Ya hoooooo
Moscow Mitch is a traitor he needs to be impeach also
Him and his corrupt wife should be arrested.
The only thing Mitch is guilty of, Hawi Jack, is remaking the judiciary in a conservative way that will last for decades. Ha! Winning!
He will get his turn, after the election.
Wrong, MSNBC fake news along with their zealot cult viewers are traitors.
Trump 2020
@Hawi Jack Sorry hurting your feelings is not a crime!
GOP = Government of Putin. They no longer represent America or Americans, that’s for certain.
@Leonie Romanes
The USA was founded on land theft and genocide. It was built on the back of 240 years of slavery followed by decades of Jim Crow and for the last fifty years has spent trillions of dollars on bombing the third world. You don’t get off that hook by simply pointing a finger at some other shithole country.
Perfect! GOP government of Putin
That red R in front of their names stands for RUSSIAN. STALLIN STYLE
You have to admit it, Trump keeps exposing the criminality in the democrat party over and over.
Then AMERICA became a Dictatorship
I think it is already well on its way
To Moscow Mitch: Corruption in the open is still corruption. At the end of the day their legacy will be judged harshly.
when your dead your dead,who cares what the living thinks about what they did WAKE UP 45 and many member’s of the Republican party have one foot and a leg in the grave
Moscow Mitch in action covering up crimes. Hope to see him voted out. Then the real investigations begin.
McConnell’s popularity in Kentucky is at an all-time low right now. His RCP Average as of 12/31/2019 is: FAVORABLE 26.7%, UNFAVORABLE 47.7%
Putin poured 150 million dollars into the Clinton Crime Family Foundation after the Uranium One theft. Well well
The Republican senators know Trump is qulity has charged
McConnell and Graham are two of the most vile human beings on the planet.
You left one out.
Stephen Miller would like a word.
There is one thing we can all thank Donald Trump for: he has forced the Republicans to fully expose themselves as the party of sadists, racists, amoral pigs and total slimeballs.
You’re bitterness at losing the 2016 campaign will be nothing compared to what will be in the Barr indictments.
By the looks and sounds of it Mr. McConnell is in dire need of a little impeachment himself.
@Gene Bohannon You mean Biden doing his job?
Shoken was fired for his failing to investigate Burisma.
@Gene Bohannon
Biden did his job, seeing as Shoken was fired for his failure to investigate Burisma.
@Robert Allen … Actually McConnell Can And Should Be Legally Removed By EXPULSION from the Senate or The Vote of Kentucky Citizens. Just so long as it is legal and McConnell is GONE is the criteria.
Frankie Dawn That would be lovely.
We need to vote Trump out!
If you are opposed
to a War in Iran
There is a petition
This shell of a man had better not utter another word about the constitution
Trump saved the economy from financial suicide brought to you by Obama. He shredded Obama’s policies and regs. He killed Obamacare. He got oil moving again. And unlike Obama, never violated a single law or para of the Constitution.
@Trump is an awesome President Oh dear, someone left the gaslight on again.
@Goya Solidar
Oh dear,
Who’s flying AIR FORCE ONE? Not Hillary.
@Trump is an awesome President What’s the national debt up to now?
@Drew Goin Dunno. I stopped looking after Obama added $17,000,000,000 making it $22,000,000,000.
With the awesome economy Trump has given us, we can at least keep our chins above water.
How can he change the rules for everything in government I don’t fckng get it
Cisco Hidalgo The same way Schiff changed the rules in the House. It’s funny to see the democrats cry and whine about “fairness” now. Pizz on ‘em!
So the defense is taking instructions from the guilty and they say they love AMERICA , exile all of them to daddy putin
ralph…screw that…send them to the firing squad! period!
Gotta love how Republicans cried about how the House’s Impeachment trial wasn’t fair yet they refuse to subpoena 1st hand witnesses for the senate trial. Traitors with agendas no doubt.
Its not rocket science. Republicans complained that there was not enough evidence because first hand witnesses didn’t testify (Sondland was a 1st hand witnesses lmfao) so you put “”””EVEN MORE PRESSURE”””” on the senate by bringing in the same people who Trump “KEPT FROM TESTIFYING” Bolton, Pompeo Pence etc. (The ones who know the most) These witnesses add “ADDITIONAL” evidence (for the stubborn people) that not even a blind deaf or dumb person can ignore. If the public sees this and the Senate decides to acquit trump then many Republicans will lose the trust of the people and lose their seats along with tons of money. That’s why Pelosi is holding the articles. She’s waiting for a fair senate trial. Too bad some ppl are incapable of drawing up their own unbiased conclusion because an innocent President doesn’t block emails & people from testifying lol

Nope. They just held Schumer to the same rules Schiff held the House GOP team had to work with. You don’t like it, do you?
@Trump is an awesome President I thought trolls lived under a bridge!? Your youtube name pffffff ha ha ha

@wally vee Nah….we come up to laugh and gloat at how our wonderful President is running rings around the State Dept hacks, the CIA, the FBI and the DOJ crooks who tried to frame him.
He dared Nancy ‘clacking dentures’ Pelosi to impeach him. Twice!!
Does he act scared? The Iranian general is unavailable for comment.
@Trump is an awesome President whiney “Fact less” sand in your Vagina rants lol

my gut! please stop it it hurts lol
Life is over for Moscow Mitch as he knows it, he should prepare.
McConnell’s Legal EXPULSION From Office Is Near. Either by VOTE of American Citizens, Or VOTE Of The Senators in 2021.
Yeah……..and Strozk told his lover that he had an insurance policy. LOLOLOL
Mmmmm…Who is he? Is he part of Trump’s Infamous List? Roger Stone, Micheal Flynn, George Papadopoulo, Rick Gates, Michael Cohen, Paul Manafort? Is he one of Rudy Giuliani Ukrainian associates, Jeffrey Epstein associate?
the guys around McConell cannot look in the camera, without shame, let alone in the mirror
and without handcuffs which Brennan, Clapper, Strozk, Page, Comey, Weismann, and McCabe will be able to say soon. Remember how long you pined for the Mueller Report to give you what you dream of? what happened?
The orange felon can’t win without cheating no matter what the game is.
V, Felon? LOL! Just because your feelings hurt does not make your lies true!
V The Democrats have been after Trump for 3 straight years and he makes them look like fools at every turn. It’s become comedy. Democrats are the Keystone Cops of Congress. “We must impeach NOW because the President is a threat to National Security”! Oh wait….let’s hold on to these articles.

What a bunch of clowns!
OrangeManBad keeps outsmarting and outmaneuvering the criminal DNC crooks. Drats! Foiled again!
V…the whole republican party can’t win an honest election since ronald reagan so they gerrymander, fix the voting machines and do whatever they can to suppress the african american voters. they put all kinds of stumbling blocks in the way to encourage people to give up! i can’t wait to see this criminal in prison!!
@Richard Henry Sr
Suppress the african american vote? You mean the Jim Crow laws? The ones that the dems created to keep negroes from voting? Those voter suppression laws?
Black are being replaced by Mexicans buddy. Soon you won’t be needed.
Just saying I wouldn’t mind seeing Mitch McConnell dead on the news
I get up every morning and hope the fake president had a heart attack.
Everyone of these GOP traitors should be charges with treason
Just can’t handle the Trump Train, can you?
…. “Cant handle the Trump Train”..
Do you means the one boarded by Roger Stone, Micheal Flynn, George Papadopoulos, Rick Gates, Michael Cohen and Paul Manafort; That Train?!?! The one Rudy Giuliani and associates are about to board. Didn’t Jeffrey Epstein have a ticket and OUSTED Secretary of Labor Alex Acosta?