1. @Robert Teague HAHAHA You’re seriously linking infowars!? the purveyor and originator of Grand Conspiracy’s and the original Fake News… you poor thing, you got it bad….

    2. Timothy Ruch Liberals are anti American? We are not the party who is covering up abuse of power. The republican trump campaign colluded with foreign governments. Not just foreign governments but adversaries. Russia is and has never been our ally!

    3. @Timothy Ruch that’s realllll rich coming from a hyper partisan traitor who sides with party over constitution and country in favor of unfounded and/or debunked conspiracy theory’s and actively call the consensus of the international news community fake news all in favor of a very well know actual fake news outlet, fox news and Infowars.

    4. “Democracy is dead. Welcome to the Totalitarian Republican era. Get over it.” – Trump-GOP strategy decoded

    1. dragonborn thuum Not so. We will have healthcare. Instead of paying 800.00 a month and 10;000.00 deductible for crappy high deductibles insurance we will have healthcare!

    1. dragonborn thuum if you have a brain in your head, you are not a sterling American. You have been watching too much Bs

    2. acting like it was something other then a circus in the first place this isnt like the other impeachments. during those there were republicans and dems voting for it, during this its just one party just voting they dont like thier political rival.

    3. facemite well, Trump blocked all the witnesses. What do you expect!
      I have a feeling that your party has changed character and it is no wonder that the democrats are naturally cautious and absolutely not impressed.
      Btw. 3/4 of Americans are perplexed as well. Your country is in crisis, a crisis totally to be put on the shoulders of trump and corrupt republicans. It is hard to believe how shamelessly corrupt the republican take party before country.

    4. facemite That isn’t true the president did abuse his power. Sunderland (a trump nomination)testified that there was a quid pro quo. Republicans don’t care they are protecting the president. They are suppose to be separate and impartial from the White House but they are coordinating with them.

    1. @savannah505 – Lmao. You get dumber and dumber with every angry rant. LOL!!! I suggest reading my previous posts for some clarity, loser. I still think it’s wrong for Hunter to get a job because of his name, but at least his father was pushing for investigation into that very company? What you fail to realise is that Hunter ISN’T and wasn’t a government official and his father couldn’t stop him from taking a job, that might hurt him politically? On the other hand Jared Kushner and Ivanka ARE appointed officials and have gotten Hundreds of millions from the Saudis through illegal back-channels and licenses from the Chinese government, which goes AGAINST the emoluments clauses? You don’t want to discuss that though, do you? Even the courts are sanctioning the Trumps for corruption.

      Show me where Obama, or even Hillary has been charged and found guilty of that, Trump colon-dweller?

    2. @Catherine Trammel – LOL! That is NOT not the verbatim transcript of the discussion. It’s a rough memo prepared by Trump’s handlers. Even the White House says it isn’t verbatim. Why lie? Thing is, even Trump’s appointees and people who witnessed the call and the actions FIRST HAND say there was a quid pro quo deal in effect here. You sorry souls.

    3. @savannah505 Unfortunately for you, I’m quite physically active. Yes that will shock you, an American who actually exercises wow!

    4. “Democracy is dead. Welcome to the Totalitarian Republican era. Get over it.” – Trump-GOP strategy decoded

    1. Damn, I’ve been thinking that too! He might end up swimming with the fishes, if you know what I mean! Wouldn’t surprise me!

    2. @brio ​ brio I’m guessing you get a kick out of that huh? Yeah sure, she’s a criminal that’s murdered people because they’ve had dirt on her. At least you admit that. – I’m guessing you get off on being able to say that “shEs yOUr sHADow preSIdenT”.

      Hillary has as much power as anyone with a a cult-like following and the ability to make people dissapear, – which every politician has.

  1. He brings up Clinton impeachment that’s tells me he’s been there way too long. Congress should not be a lifetime job.

    1. Pretty hilarious comment when Pelosi has been in the Congress since the 1980’s. Adam Schiff since 2001. Jerry Nadler since since 1992. There needs some younger congressmen and women to be elected. See

    1. His ego. The only reason he said he would testify is an attempt to give Dump a black eye because Boltons ego is crushed. Bolton wanted to make the call on Iran and his ego is severely bruised

    2. @tractor Trump is impeached in the house no matter what. How can Trump be exonerated with no trial. No one is buying that bullshit and he can’t continue without the Articles of Impeachment they have to be delivered. A lying fool;

    3. @Trump 2020 all we need is four senators to say they want witnesses. Klobachur, Romney and a few others do not support Trump . It will serve Tennessee Turtle right to take the vote and lose! Lol!

    1. @mrmatalino Sorry trailer trash, not here to educate you. If it has to be explained to you then you lack the basic morality and comprehension skills needed to understand.

    1. “ The senate shall have to sole power to try impeachments “
      The constitution
      It is up to congress to call all the witnesses they need to prosecute the charges , if the congress wanted more witnesses , they should have called them , democrats in congress didn’t , so to fucking bad

    2. @OceanFragments your dems refused witnesses in the houses attempt to impeach the president. So your crying that the Senate is doing the same????

    3. @OceanFragments how can the Presidents appointees be biased and unfair dumbass. These are people he put in office! Most people have better sense than to lie and perjure themselves in front of Congress. You do know that’s why Trump wouldn’t let his men testify or turn over documents because he is guilty as hell!

  2. Republicans: This isn’t fair! They won’t let us call our own witnesses!

    Also Republicans: We don’t need any witnesses!

    1. Republicans don’t need witnesses because they are coordinating with the white house. How strange? But their base will not notice.

    1. @Edward Baladinakis
      Did you not see McConnalls intention to fail to be impartial? Pelosi is doing the right thing! He too should be impeached.

    2. @Praeliora T Pelosi and Mitch belong in an old age home ,🍺🍺🍺😁 Blow Jobs for world peace🍺

  3. I had to stop eating literally when his face came on the screen, he looks like a creepy creature slob or something, disgusting.

  4. Kentucky voters, we’re counting on you to save this democracy! For the love of country…remove Mitch McConnell!!!!🙏🏼🗳

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