Senator Mcconnell is moving to begin the Trump trial and leave the witness debate for later, echoing the Clinton trial precedent. It comes as Trump is prepping his defense and key witness, John Bolton, agrees to testify if subpoenaed. Aired on 01/07/20.
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McConnell Rolls Out Trump Trial Plan Without Witnesses, Democrats Say It’s A 'Cover-Up' | MSNBC
He can state the trial plan.But he can’t have a trial without the articles of impeachment.He has no say in how or when that is supposed to happen.
@First Last Nor the House’s. But hey, YOU probably don’t see that as further evidence of obstruction.
Yes he can
Fine. Let Pelosi hold the articles hostage. It just makes the whole thing seem like a political stunt, which it has always been anyways.
First Last they didn’t forget witnesses. They were denied witnesses. You do understand that trump has been impeached on obstruction as well as abuse of office, right?
@Microdosing Reality How could they “collect evidences” if the president refuses to turn over documents and allow witnesses to testify? If any of us obstructed like Trump has done, we’d be under the jail. However, because he’s president and the GOP protects him, he gets away with it. That’s the joke.
I have NEVER seen a trial without witnesses
chad henderson No that’s a lie. They had 3 hours to present the witnesses that shifforbrains approved of. If YOU had paid closer attention to the details rather than the spin, you would know the truth. Obviously you didn’t watch both the Clinton and Trump house investigation thoroughly.
chad henderson Post the evidence. Not someone talking.
@Marine Corps I didn’t watch the investigation, however I got to see the impeachment trial, and I must say it seemed like the repubs were answering questions they weren’t asked.
@Marine Corps well, trump has to talk if you want evidence, becuase it is what he asked for that was illegal.
If only all mob trials would progress on the basis the mobsters have dismissed witness statements, evidence and have’persuaded’ a majority of the jurors to vote ‘not guilty’. America, land of the free… so long as you’re wealthy and corruptible.
Are we ever going to do something about how blatantly corrupt they’ve become?
Because, they’re clearly never going to play fairly, or, even within the boundaries of reason – and that means they’ll always win.
When do we care about having an honest government, with representatives *For the People* ???
@Mark Burch
I didn’t vote for Hillary. I voted for Gary
@Raider Legendary
What made it a sham you pathetic mouth breather.
@lelennyfox34 Glad you didn’t vote for the most crooked presidential candidate in history.
When we get representatives by the people and not corporations
Then the House should compel more testimony and then add articles to the impeachment charge.
The moderate dems are never going to go for that.
@dm gib Why? Bolton has stated he will now testify is subpoenaed, which he wouldn’t before. If they know that the Senate won’t call witnesses, then it is the House’s job to put as many people under oath as they can to capture the cluster we are living through and the resulting criminality.
Pel-loser’s power is limited to the HOR. Outside that, she’s poop.
Matt H I don’t know how it can be done and will it changing the outcomes? Looks like senate try to ignore the impeachment act no matter what.
@eyePERTURE If even the Senate refuses votes to dismiss out of hand, at least the testimony will be collected and recorded under oath. When all this clears, we need to make sure that the GOP can’t pretend they didn’t know what Trump was doing.
If this was all legitimate they wouldn’t need Leverage
Leverage and proof are two different things.
if there was proof of any evidence of wrongdoing Nancy Pelosi would’ve send the articles of impeachment along time ago ! Nancy Pelosi who is the leader of the house is trying to commit a quid pro quo to the senate leader Mitch McConnell, by not sending articles of impeachment to the Senate, unless the rules of the Senate is on her terms. Also what happened to the “vital importance” she said? Demagoguery at it’s finest.
Exactly! Are they not confident in the case they’ve made so far? This is a lot of political maneuvering for Pelosi, who has insisted this isn’t political.
why do we pay these people to waste our money as a tax payer?
Weak as republicunts…what are you afraid of…let me guess…the truth
Nah were just reversing that statement against you guys
Bring your whistleblower or quit your whining.
@Catherine Trammel The “whisleblower” was just a hot air blower–like a hair dryer.
@Josh Blair you russian paid Trolls like to expose yourselves. As an American I can see the corruption.
Is a cover up!!!
Agreed…throw enough $ and he will roll over.
Crack the shells first.
Did you WATCH the SWORN TESTIMONIALS of tRump staffers? Case is SOLID..without BOLTON.
AMERICA – How long are you going to tolerate unamerican representatives that choose party over constitution, country and duty?
Never imagined this type of corruption would every happen here in plain sight…
True, Vote the nasty democrats out. Real Americans need real Americans as leaders. No more leftist,
@IronSeaBee Lost you are choosing party over country, constitution and decency, you can not read or are just special. either way, you’re the problem.
@IronSeaBee Lost
@Keion Chase hey hey, none of that… knowing they are should be enough. You’re feeding the wrong dog.
Send Mitch to Iran as a peace offering
I seriously think we need an age limit in the government, these old people shouldn’t be able to make decisions for our generation.
@pkingpure100 True, true and in the supreme court.
Mitchy Pooh is playing “

Poor thing has dirty hands and fear the consequences if the flood gates are opened.
How many of Trump’s close associates and legal advisers are under federal investigation, awaiting sentencing, or in jail?
Mitch the
is trying to cover his own behind.
Moscow Mitch, roll that plan up and shove it up the back side of your turtle shell.
Misuse of power by McConnell yet again so insane so unreal
No it’s not. It’s a very good move that catches the democrats at the nasty crap they have be doing in congress!
“McConnell rolls out Impeachment rules the same as the Clinton trial where witnesses are voted on”
There, I fixed it for you.
When he and Lindsay say they’re coordinating with the white ,we definitely need to do things differently
Because having witnesses and not having witnesses are exactly the same thing. Just as the difference between a cannibal and a vegetarian is simply a matter of dietary preference.
John Bolton only offers to testify because he KNOWS he will not be called .. It is a hollow gesture.
At a certain point we need to see all the evidence…then we can get on with it. The Republicans are part of the cover up
Bolton: I’ll testify now
Moscow Mitch: we’re not calling witnesses
Bolton: exactly
The House Intelligence Committee should hold a new hearing starring J Bolton
Subpoena Bolton in the House and call more articles of impeachment.