Rachel Maddow outlines how Mitch McConnell first stalled the Senate to keep it from dealing with the article of impeachment against Donald Trump while Trump was still in office, and then voted with most Senate Republicans to say that Trump shouldn't be impeached because he's already out of office. Aired on 01/27/2021.
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#McConnell #GOP #MSNBC
McConnell, GOP Eager To Let Trump Off The Hook For Seditious Role In Deadly Capitol Raid
To call McConnell a snake would be a disservice to snakes. Nothing so evil as McConnell exists in the animal kingdom.
I believe snakes are very offended by McConnell is being equated with them
@Mary Metto Trump IS Satan, you f-ing imbecile. Go back to worshipping your evil devil.
@Mary Metto Yepp, and you are one of the folks leading the institution. Do you really think God cares about politics? Sort of an insult to God to imply it I think. You are from the deep South aren’t you? Of course you are!
@Sentinel Primal He sure is!
LMAO!!!!!! U took the words right out of my mouth! This is the reason why he get’s chased out of restaurants and his home gets vandalized.
They are always sorry. They need to explain how the panic buttons for Democrat members of Congress were torn out before the assault on the Capitol by Trump’s deranged supporters…
Your deranged
That’s how it is in all of politics it seems. Obama with the Dallas shooting in ‘16. Bernie Sanders with the GOP shootings in ‘17. I doubt there was any nefarious plan on the part of politicians. It’s just a small minority of crazy people in all parties/ideologies
Were they?????
@Erik O sh!t stain alert.
Their fear of having a lifelong target on their back is overshadowed by their towering political greed to stay important and powerful. HISTORY WILL REMEMBER.
@Swift Gigz history is written by winners. those who did not win were marked if they went to war and forgotten if they became slaves
5G mm waves are a threat to our health.
Those who fail to learn from their mistakes are doomed to repeat them. These people full of hatred for this country who belong to chumps cult MUST be held to account! They must! Otherwise this behaviour will only become progressively worse! Huge fines and jail sentences for all of them…. Had it been you or I, we would be serving 20 years.
@Joshua Derstine Those riots were started by *The Boogaloo Boys* posing as BLM protesters. *THEY* started the fires, *THEY* encouraged violence, because *THEY* wanted to start a race war. I’d also like to point out that it was the *POLICE* who escalated the violence, *THEY* are still doing it in Tacoma.
The voters will remember as well.
Well in this case, every president can do exactly what Trump did and even worse and get away with it and America will be a country without law as third world countries.
as long as they’re a republican president
Yep. Biden Administration should take off the gloves and play as dirty as the GOP does!
Why because he put America first God bless trump
@Erik O For Trump its always Trump first. And followed by 30000 lies.
“We did not do enough.” As an apology, the understatement of the century [no hyperbole]!
@jee jee My anthem: “We tried too hard.”
@MoonInSun108 to bad you all follow the wrong signs.
@randolph garrison Non-partisan, unaffiliated, iconoclastic, neither advocating nor antagonizing, I can never be defined (as pro or anti any thing). The signs to which you allude, like all signs, are illusory in nature. Beware!
So do you think this was Mitch’s plan all along to let Trump off the hook. It makes you wonder what HE’S getting out of it. Doesn’t it?
@Marian Lincoln Full disclosure: I do not trust Mitch McConnell. I find him duplicitous, machiavellian, and hypocritical. I cannot claim to understand his motives. I only know that I do not trust them. To join in a strained metaphor: Lucy has snatched the football away once too many times.
”When stupidity is considered patriotism, it is unsafe to be intelligent.” Isaac Asimov
@Drake Fire Social security, public systems etc aren’t socialism. Those are basic Civic values basically started in Romes Republic public bath houses, public libraries, public festivals, gladatorium, areana and hippodrome for the public entertainment, public roads etc way before socialism was ever launched. Augustus gave Roman citizens free grain and was apart of the Roman principate and alot of modern Republican values came from Civic Republic Rome. Modern Dems can’t take claim of Civic policies when they have created wars on their hunt for social justice reforms all over the globe..That’s not fair and it’s disingenuous..
Republicans have gave more than family seperating dems ever have by freeing the slaves and they were supposed to have 10 acres and a mule that was never given to them the dems owe them.
@Jewel B So you aren’t aware that Dixicrats left the Democrat party after the passage of Civil Rights? Or that Nixion welcomed them with open arms?
www youtube com/watch?v=xgeT0Klkqug&ab_channel=JesseDollemore
@Jewel B about the 72 trillion dollars or the fact that their lefties. Rural areas are predominantly Republican so your whole comment contradicts itself. Do you realize 72 trillion hasn’t been spent on anything.
@Drake Fire Mis- and disinformation can undermine public confidence in the electoral process, as well as in our democracy. Elections are administered by state and local officials who implement numerous safeguards to protect the security of your vote pursuant to various state and federal laws and processes.
@咪咪小黑猫 Maybe it’s the rights brains that are fuzzy due to all of that disinfectant they were told to inject – by their leader
They have created a monster that their scared of .. Making a fool seem like he’s untouchable is a disaster for the country next time he may succeed in killing them.

We can only pray he does!
House Bill 1359, otherwise known as the Texas Independence Referendum
Act, would let residents vote on if the Texas Legislature should create
a joint interim committee to create a plan for independence for the
In a press release provided to The Gateway Pundit, the Texas
Nationalist Movement explained that “the bill would give Texans an
opportunity to head to the polls in November of 2021 and start the
process of reasserting our status as an independent nation. If the
people vote in favor, the bill provides for the establishment of a
committee to begin …
@randolph garrison indeed. We must not compromise with the left, we all know what must be done
Dems started slavery, took a war to free them! Dems loved Hitler, took a war to stop them. American Dems right now are the same Nazi’s.
@john lerner

Communism is worse. Dont play the you are the ra^c^is^ts not us game. Its lame
If Mitch had mentored Alexander the Great, then Alexander would never had accomplished anything. “Dr No” doesn’t ever get anything done!
Exactly what a wise person would say.
McConnell needs to just go away. He’s done nothing for this country except get rich selling us out
So true!
You mean every politician ever
They’d like to impeach
Lowering cost of MEDICINE
Helping our VETS get better service
For THESE reasons, you’re IMPEACHING Donald Trump!? REALLLLLYYYY??? Even though he’s now a PRIVATE CITIZEN!!!
This is not a country any more. They’ve turned it into an insane asylum!
@Mary Metto Trump university wants YOU BAD
i cant believe we Democrats didnt rig the election against McConnell, no more counting any Republican votes! Democrat Party rule = perfect Anti American Socialist Government!
Trump will release a load of dirt on Republican Senators if they don’t do his bidding.
Please don’t forget about the people that lost their lives!
Please don’t forget all the people who lost their lives during the entire summer riots and all the people who lost their businesses due to looting and burning.
I hope you mean the 40+ killed by BLM and ANTIFA.
“Problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them.” – Albert Einstein. This is why we have this problem in the first place.
*Please tell me if there is one Democrat left that believes one “word” that comes out of any republican’s mouth anymore! If so can you verify why and how you could believe such a thing!*
By this time the Democratic Senate must know that nobody can trust or take McConnell or Lindsey at their word !!!
Not surprised that McConnell did that. He’s pure evil and only interested in serving himself and hoping people will forget his complicity. I cannot understand how Kentucky voted to keep him in office.
Kentucky rates low in education and I’m from Kentucky. They vote against their own interests.
Him and Rand Paul. THERE must be some serious GOOBERS down there.
They’re free to do whatever they like. Unfortunately, sooner or later, they will pay the price. Cowards.
They are not cowards. They are after those missing billions. WORSHIPPERS OF Money and power.
Trump will have them assassinated anyway.
This was someone who lost an election fair and square. Claimed he won by a lot and could not verify his claim, refused to concede and mobilized insurrection. They were all seen hiding under tables and chairs. Still, you’re clapping for him?
If they let him off the hook it won’t STOP! And than seeing the National Guard everywhere we go will become the new norm.
Nobody wants to see their children die of skull cancer.
Trump has changed the way, the world looks at USA now… ” In a very bad light”.
Dems started slavery, took a war to free them! Dems loved Hitler, took a war to stop them. American Dems right now are the same Nazi’s.
Of course McHimler would stay a Trump stooge.
Republicans have let Trump run wild for over 4 years. Why would the impeachment trial be different?