McConnell Claims Senate Will Tackle Stimulus Payments And Issues Trump ‘Has Linked Together’ | MSNBC

Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., spoke on the Senate floor about plans to address issues President Trump "has linked together" such as an increase in stimulus payments, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and election integrity. Aired on 12/29/2020.
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#MitchMcConnell #Trump #MSNBC

McConnell Claims Senate Will Tackle Stimulus Payments And Issues Trump 'Has Linked Together' | MSNBC

McConnell Claims Senate Will Tackle Stimulus Payments And Issues Trump 'Has Linked Together' | MSNBC


    1. @Pamela Schobelock So..what do u actually think about all the spending in foreign aid? Do u think it is all for the “greater good & humanitarian” reasons? All spending wanting to be spent by Dems. Do u get that? Not to mention the spending for “gender programs” …do u really, as a person claiming to have a brain..go along with that!???

    1. @Russ well from the cries of fear I’ve heard from Republicans. I’m assuming the USA definition of socialism is basically having free healthcare, free education etc.

  1. The one that veto this for 2000 is a jack azz the American people needed that,,what will 600 do..that won’t pay all the bills

    1. @Andrew Isenberg You have just hit upon the problem. Our government, republicans AND democrats do not care about the people. They care only about lining their pockets.

      Ask yourself _why_ these people cannot find jobs. What party is in control in such places?

      Do not blame me for idiots refusing to see that the people they vote for (and don’t vote for, because it no longer matters) are the ones causing their strife.

      So I say “get a job” and they say “I can’t”.

      This enables me to ask them why, and then to show them why.

      These lockdowns are detrimental to our nation over what amounts to a bad flu with a survival rate above 99% for everyone except the elderly. These lockdowns are unconstitutional and are the vehicle used to make you into a new serf class.

    2. @Devan Shelvy I would rather our government were servile to us, and not the other way around.

      No, I do not want foreign aid to be laundered directly into the pockets of our “elected” officials. Neither do I want to give people free money.

      What I _do_ want, sir, is for our traitorous government to cease with the lockdowns and open back up. I want everyone to have access to their jobs, to any and all jobs.

      What I don’t want is for you sheep to continue allowing them to break you in such a way.

      “Get a job”
      “I can’t”
      “Why not?”
      “Lockdowns cuz of our elected leaders”
      “Sounds like your beef isn’t with me, then”

      My point is that your own officials are strangling you on purpose. Get mad, because you should be.

    1. Tim Smith I don’t like Biden either. But McConnell sucks! Trump literally proposed a stimulus check and McConnell isn’t helping him! Screw him

    2. @what? oh! Really? Read every comment and you will hear ” I HATE TRUMP” MOSTLY FROM THE LIBERTARDS! YEAH ! ILL TAKE YOU ON AND YOU ALREADY LOST THE FIRST ROUND!

    1. @Ryan H Nothing in the world change for the SSI recipient. Those who live off the government handouts already they didn’t have to stop working why are we giving them money that makes absolutely no sense in you have to admit that if you reasonable

    1. @habirton Just like New York is too far gone because Chuck Schumer. People are moving out of New York in droves. So case on point.

    2. @Demetrius Greer unless democrats have 60 votes in the senate, republicans can fill buster. Additionally, senator manchin of West Virginia said he will be a moderate and not a rubber stamp for chuck Schumer.

    3. a lot of media are doing a good job of not highlighting what is in the current 900bn stimulus bill and the current omnibus bill which passed, the stimulus bill and omnibus bill, which was written by both the DNC AND GOP, intentionally falls short for poor, working class, small business communities. Btw, im happy trump is gone. Dont get it mixed up.

      And, with the passing of the current bills… The continuation of neglecting poor, working class, small business communities through willfully negligent allocated funding continues. Good job america for focusing on rich folks.

    1. You are right on the money 535 crooks in washington get paid with tax payers money they don’t care about Americans hurting or not unhumain

    1. @President Joe Biden Makes Trumpanzees Cry Really ? Winning by fraudulent votes isn’t winning either! That’s called cheating!

    2. @President Joe Biden Makes Trumpanzees Cry Trump just won the most admired man in the world ! I LL bet that eats you up! I’m waiting for the HATE! LETS HEAR IT!

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