Former Democratic Senator from Missouri Claire McCaskill blasts the Republican party’s hypocrisy to push for a Supreme Court justice with only 43 days until the election, when in 2016, the Republicans refused to vote on Justice Scalia’s replacement with nearly a year before the end of Obama’s second term. Aired on 09/21/2020.
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McCaskill: Republicans Will Continue The ‘Ongoing Circus’ To Fill Justice Ginsburg’s Seat | MSNBC
This headline literally reads like an Onion headline. A circus? Like the ones the Democrats orchestrated with the last nominee? That’s rich
Anthony Alvarado DemohoodRats are Nazi’s of the uterus. Their concentration camps are set in woman’s womb.
@davids11131113 Obama proved that this country could survive 8 years without a president.
@Peter Dragon Zit Bandwagon is merely a troll on his knees for very little pay . Once they smell trumps butt they will fly to the food source . Its like a herd mental thing .
@Keith Johnson – Shelby GT500 conspiracy theories! Actually read Biden’s plans then come back and say this. Oh wait we are still waiting on plans from dtrump. Where is his health care plan it will be on a few weeks since 2018.
@Macdaddypimps for putin
@kemolowlow Liberal tears is where the salt will be mined.

And this my fellow americans is the face of the elitest this is your enemy
@Eric w That is another Republican lie. Show where the Constitution says anything about doing it one way if it is the same party and doing differently if it is opposing parties. Save you the trouble, IT DON’T.
Isaiah 5: 8
Woe to those who join house to house;
They add field to field,
Till there is no place
Where they may dwell alone in the midst of the land!
In my hearing the Lord of hosts said,
“Truly, many houses shall be desolate,
Great and beautiful ones, without inhabitant.
For ten acres of vineyard shall yield one bath,[f]
And a homer of seed shall yield one ephah.”
Woe to those who rise early in the morning,
That they may follow intoxicating drink;
Who continue until night, till wine inflames them!
The harp and the strings,
The tambourine and flute,
And wine are in their feasts;
But they do not regard the work of the Lord,
Nor consider the operation of His hands.
Therefore my people have gone into captivity,
Because they have no knowledge;
Their honorable men are famished,
And their multitude dried up with thirst.
Therefore Sheol has enlarged itself
And opened its mouth beyond measure;
Their glory and their multitude and their pomp,
And he who is jubilant, shall descend into it.
People shall be brought down,
Each man shall be humbled,
And the eyes of the lofty shall be humbled.
But the Lord of hosts shall be exalted in judgment,
And God who is holy shall be hallowed in righteousness.
Then the lambs shall feed in their pasture,
And in the waste places of the fat ones strangers shall eat.
Woe to those who draw iniquity with cords of vanity,
And sin as if with a cart rope;
That say, “Let Him make speed and hasten His work,
That we may see it;
And let the counsel of the Holy One of Israel draw near and come,
That we may know it.”
Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;
Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness;
Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes,
And prudent in their own sight!
Woe to men mighty at drinking wine,
Woe to men valiant for mixing intoxicating drink,
Who justify the wicked for a bribe,
And take away justice from the righteous man!
Therefore, as the fire devours the stubble,
And the flame consumes the chaff,
So their root will be as rottenness,
And their blossom will ascend like dust;
Because they have rejected the law of the Lord of hosts,
And despised the word of the Holy One of Israel.
Therefore the anger of the Lord is aroused against His people;
He has stretched out His hand against them
And stricken them,
And the hills trembled.
Their carcasses were as refuse in the midst of the streets.
For all this His anger is not turned away,
But His hand is stretched out still.
He will lift up a banner to the nations from afar,
And will whistle to them from the end of the earth;
Surely they shall come with speed, swiftly.
No one will be weary or stumble among them,
No one will slumber or sleep;
Nor will the belt on their loins be loosed,
Nor the strap of their sandals be broken;
Whose arrows are sharp,
And all their bows bent;
Their horses’ hooves will seem like flint,
And their wheels like a whirlwind.
Their roaring will be like a lion,
They will roar like young lions;
Yes, they will roar
And lay hold of the prey;
They will carry it away safely,
And no one will deliver.
In that day they will roar against them
Like the roaring of the sea.
And if one looks to the land,
Behold, darkness and sorrow;
And the light is darkened by the clouds.
@Raging Monk Still waiting for you to show me where it says the Senate MUST vote on a nominee, in some kind of time frame. Please cite it, thanks.
@Raging Monk There have been 37 unsuccessful nominations to the Supreme Court of the United States. Of these, 11 nominees were rejected in Senate roll-call votes, 11 were withdrawn by the president, and 15 lapsed at the end of a session of Congress <-- Emphasis on lapsed.
A new study from the widely respected
(the official arbiter of U.S. recessions)
released this week has confirmed beyond question that the left’s race-baiting attacks on the housing market (the Community Reinvestment Act–enacted under CARTER, made shockingly more aggressive under CLINTON) is directly responsible for imploding the housing market and destroying the economy.
The study painstakingly sorted through failed home loans that caused the housing market collapse and identified an overwhelming connection between them and CRA mortgages.
Again, let’s review:
– President BUSH went to Congress repeatedly for years warning them that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were going to destroy the economy (17 times in 2008 alone). DEMOCRATS continuously ignored him, shut down his proposals along party lines and continued raiding the institutions for campaign contributions on their way down.
– JOHN McCAIN also co-sponsored urgently critical reforms that would have prevented the housing market collapse, but DEMOCRATS shut that down as well, along party lines, and even openly ridiculed anyone who suggested reforms were necessary…to protect their taxpayer-funded campaign contributions as the economy raced uncontrollably toward the cliff.
– No one was making bad loans to unqualified people until DEMOCRATS came along and threatened to drag banks into court and have them fined and branded as racists if they didn’t go along with the left’s Affirmative Action lending policies…all while federally insuring their losses. Even the NEW YORK TIMES warned in the late 1990s that DEMOCRATS continuing to force banks into lowering their standards would lead to this exact catastrophe.
– OBAMA himself is even on the record personally helping sue one lender (Citibank) into lowering its lending standards to include people from extremely poor and unstable areas, which even one of the left’s favorite blatantly partisan “fact-checkers,” Snopes, admits (while pretending to ‘set the record straight’).
– Even The NEW YORK TIMES admitted that there is “little evidence” of any connection between the “REPUBLICAN” deregulation measures OBAMA blames, like the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act (signed into law by a DEMOCRAT), and the collapse of the housing market.
But non-Fox media have spent years deliberately and relentlessly inoculating people against the facts, training them to mindlessly blame BUSH for being in charge when DEMOCRAT policies destroyed the economy. So here we sit, to this day, still watching OBAMA excuse and shrug off endless economic failures, illegal government takeovers and utter national bankruptcy with zero accountability.
Whining when the shoe is on the other foot. Perhaps they shouldn’t set precedent for abhorrent conduct in the first place.
That’s moronic! Democrats know when there is a united government which means the senate and the White House is controlled by the same party you nominate when the government is divided like it was when Obama was president and the two parties were different you wait! The media and Democrats are LYING once again!
Uri Gressel We don’t burn cities.
What is this, “The View?”
@Grateful Fredly Joy Bitter?
Great question.

let it flow!

@LennonForPresident I would hate being reminded how wrong I was all the time too.
“Turtle McTurtle”…

McCaskill is still bitter the people of Missouri tossed her out of the Senate.
DemoHoodRat Fooh
There is No God
Biden said Barry was one of the clean ones that spoke well. Remember that? Pepperidge Farm remembers.
@Hoosier Ed That was actually Jean Carnahan, who was sent packing by then Senator Talent. McCaskill only squeaked in by 1% in a bad year for Republicans in 2006, then won reelection by engineering Todd Akins’ primary win in 2012. Akin was not up to the task. But faced with a smart, conservative in Josh Hawley (who is still doing Missouri proud) she was sent crashing on her ample rear end. Unfortunately, like Hillary Clinton and Stacey Abrams, she hasn’t taken the hint and we are cursed with her bloviations from here on out.
McCaskill is a butt’r’face. And dumb, …so, so dumb. Just a terrible person, actually.
The fingerpointing and name-calling these days has gotten totally ruthless.
@phillup space God. The name you atheists hate the most. And you hate everything that is God. And you think you are God. No God is the singularity responsible for the Big bang. and that singularity according to unbreakable scientific laws called the laws of conservation says did the singularity had to be equal to or greater than all of the mass energy and information/intelligence in the universe combined and since things are neither created or destroyed only transferred or transformed this means God became the universe. But that’s the whole point is that atheism is the true problem here. That is the source of the entire problem we’re having here. This is why the sides are being starkly drawn more so all the time. And it will finally converge once it crests.
@Davy Crocketeer
when you have no facts to support your failed beliefs you accuse me of not being a “sage”.
I’m not the type to be a conservatives role model.
@Archangel Uriel
God and conservatives ?
now explain why the conservative Supreme Court has kept abortion legal for 40 years and why conservative gun owners shoot 50 Americans every day
@John Roberts no, I’m not and it still surprises me that Democrats cannot grasp the concept that some non- Republicans do not believe that all whites are racist. Democrats seem to have no other arguments than calling names. It’s even worse when combined with an inflated ego.
@Davy Crocketeer where did I say all whites were racist?
Turtle McTurtle
LOL. I’m guessing she never thought very highly of her former colleague of 12 years
2:56 Mitch McConnell is going to be the face of the Republican party *_HARSH!_*
DemocRats failures are their success stories.
@Randy Fuentes Lol, we did that in 2016. You are confused. Btw pumpkin you might want to go to Wallyworld before November 3rd and get you some more crying towels and butthurt cream before November 3rd.
@Marco polo blessed Relax I like The Hill
This will be the most remarkable Presidential Election is US history.
@Rising Phoenix “Remember, Miami Cubans gave me the highly honored Bay of Pigs Award for all I have done for our great Cuban Population!” (Trump, in a tweet)
No, they didn’t give him that award. There is no “Bay of Pigs” award. It doesn’t exist.
That’s okay now the Democrats are going to have to act just like these Republicans. I know it’ll be hard to do but we need to put our knees on their neck and Crush their windpipe so they can’t breathe.
@Tony Hovgaard Choke ’em with FACTS. Just remind them of what they said 5 minutes ago and watch ’em flip out!
@Rising Phoenix Aren’t you going to defend your Marmalade Messiah from this unfair avalanche of liberal lies?
@Rising Phoenix “I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will have Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words.” – Donald Trump, promises not kept
Look at all the thumbs down. MSM is over. The people are hip. Prepare for your advertisers to bail after next election
Haven’t seen a rise of paid bots in a while. Welcome back.
Youtube is promoting this video on their front page under “top news” so there will be a lot of non-subscribers showing up.
Yeah the fbi must have shut em down for a week,but putins fluffers are back
Lol…it’s on the front page of YouTube.. At least us bots can read a teleprompter if we held a fake “interview” unlike sniffing Joe….
Did McCatskull have to call Mitch Turtle LOL?!
*”Boy, that escalated quickly. I mean, that really got out of hand fast.” — Ron Burgundy*
Why are people abiding by law when we watch these DEVILS break it daily????
An ongoing circus? Would you prefer that they burn it all down like dems have been screaming about?
“Looks Like Democrat Meat’s Back On The Menu, Boys.”—-Mitch “Uruk-hai” McConnell