McCaskill: McConnell Made Courts ‘Partisan’ | MTP Daily | MSNBC

Former Sen. Claire McCaskill explains how Sen. Mitch McConnell made the court system in the U.S. more partisan. Aired on 10/14/2020.
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McCaskill: McConnell Made Courts 'Partisan' | MTP Daily | MSNBC

McCaskill: McConnell Made Courts 'Partisan' | MTP Daily | MSNBC


    1. @Pamela Mattox that is not true. The Russian mob does buy real estate in the usa. But Mueller and the irs have trumps tax returns. And they found no criminal activity.

    2. @David Sk8er I guess you missed the IRS hearings, Fast and Furious , Beghazi hearings, Solyndra hearings, Clinton email hearings. Now that isn’t even mentioning the currant investigation on the scam investigation of the Trump campaign in 2016.

  1. She knows that she is lying. The court will have to be “packed” to reflect society.
    This action is the beginning of big problems!

    1. @DarthMacchio You are absolutely correct. This is why the cultists ignore tRump’s grotesqueness (a very ugly or comically distorted figure, creature or image), they know he is how they can legally bully those who don’t share their “christian” values.

    2. ELECTION DAY WARNING for……MICHIGAN—MINNESOTA–PENNYSLVANIA–WISCONSIN–NEVADA–TEXAS–GEORGIA & FLORIDA. There may be others, but these 8 states are definite targets.

      In all of these ‘swing’ states, Trump is organising a Militia to harass people at the polls on November 3rd. They will be breaking Federal law, but in many areas, the police will do nothing to stop them. It’s also estimated that up to 50% of votes cast in this election, will be made on November 3rd. That’s a LOT of votes, they can try to interfere with.

      PLEASE pass this message on to anybody you know, who might be wanting vote in person, but also might feel threatened by Trump’s hired thugs.

      ‘IF you feel threatened by the thought of Trump’s hired thugs on November 3rd, wear a small item of red clothing when you go to vote. A simple plain t-shirt, a neck scarf, wooly hat etc….anything that will throw Trump’s rabid dogs off the scent.

      P.S. To any snowflake Trump supporters who read this, gets triggered & wants to respond..
      Do you REALLY think that I give a f*ck about your opinions..?? Yeah, right.
      Bunker Boy’s going to jail. 😂🤣😂

    3. @DarthMacchio Then why is the Government involved with the Church and the teachings of the Bible? I see more involvement from the Democrats into the Church than I do the other way around. Americans have rights according to the Constitution. Freedom of Religion and Speech. Yet the Government , Democrats mainly, works to interfere with that. SO those voters who have Christian and Jewish values have EVERY right to base their vote and even petition the Government on issues that conflict with their Religious values. Just as those Democrats on the Court use their political affiliation to influence their votes, others have the right for their Religious values to influence theirs. Thank you

  2. Donald tRump is a weak man’s idea of a strongman. Pls. if you respond to me be sincere & not one of these weaklings I reference. Thank you & have a happy tRump Free day!

    1. I have to agree his cronies look pretty weak some wickedly weak.
      Sad that ONLY 25% of the eligible vote and millions of non voters gave him a win. Now a LANDSLIDE loss and maybe a court battle will be necessary. But if a majority votes the Court will laugh at him. His hands are dirty in Court already with voter suppression attempts. Whining won’t get him anywhere. A trial is next in January. This should make you smile. Americans..YOU GOT THIS !.

    1. @Teresa Ellis meanwhile poor Trumps younger son has Covid. So sad. Worry about that and his irresponsible family giving that poor child Covid. DCF should be involved. We have all the evidence to prove child endangerment. Careless behavior and super spreader rallies. 🤯 💥

    2. @Rebecca ..I heard that..I think he is doing good..I sure hope I would anyone’s child that gets sick…

  3. Moscow Mitch hasn’t put Americans first ever. It’s just to obvious what they’re doing, they’re even laughing about it. BYEDON 2020!!

    1. @Rocky Rock Now you were being just silly and making absolutely no sense. Remember we already had one corrupt FBI official plead guilty to lying to the FISA court. Very likely there will be others because I think this young man grabbed a dime on higher ups.
      Innocent confessions are becoming more and more of a serious concern for law-enforcement. For decades the Reid school of interview and interrogation what is considered a standard operating procedure for interviewing and interrogating suspects of a crime. If the rules are followed the Reid method can be very productive. Unfortunately at the local level and at the national level politics can enter into pressuring investigators to violate the rules. A skilled investigator can generally elicit a confession out of an innocent person.
      No physical torture is used, no bright lights, no ‘Third Degree’ are employed. The Reid technique involves breaking and individuals will by using psychology. I know some people who could probably get you to confess to a crime.
      I’m glad you think you are so confident. Politics can sometimes be a very hard lesson and confident people can crumble as a result. But, I appreciate your enthusiasm and thanks for the post.

  4. She has been a travesty, but she’s going to be confirmed. As the daughter of a judge, she makes me sick. She has sold her soul.

    1. @Richard Whipple , RBGs last wish was to hold out and screw the American people as much as possible. She lost and Trump won!!!!!!!

    2. She doesn’t deserve it and I don’t care who’s daughter she is we don’t need one more REPUBIXHAIR near our Government offices

    3. ELECTION DAY WARNING for……MICHIGAN—MINNESOTA–PENNYSLVANIA–WISCONSIN–NEVADA–TEXAS–GEORGIA & FLORIDA. There may be others, but these 8 states are definite targets.

      In all of these ‘swing’ states, Trump is organising a Militia to harass people at the polls on November 3rd. They will be breaking Federal law, but in many areas, the police will do nothing to stop them. It’s also estimated that up to 50% of votes cast in this election, will be made on November 3rd. That’s a LOT of votes, they can try to interfere with.

      PLEASE pass this message on to anybody you know, who might be wanting vote in person, but also might feel threatened by Trump’s hired thugs.

      ‘IF you feel threatened by the thought of Trump’s hired thugs on November 3rd, wear a small item of red clothing when you go to vote. A simple plain t-shirt, a neck scarf, wooly hat etc….anything that will throw Trump’s rabid dogs off the scent.

      P.S. To any snowflake Trump supporters who read this, gets triggered & wants to respond..
      Do you REALLY think that I give a f*ck about your opinions..?? Yeah, right.
      Bunker Boy’s going to jail. 😂🤣😂

    4. @Holdyour Plums what authority can this be reported to because I knew he was up to something & this must be stopped

  5. THERE’S a reason they call McConnell, “Moscow Mitch”….guess who’s been bankrolling his campaigns for years? ASK McConnell’s wife….she’s as crooked as he is!! And that would be hard to do! ASK McConnell what he was worth when he first got into the Senate, and what he’s worth NOW!!! Moscow Mitch STOLE the SC pick from OBAMA….that is the facts, Folks!!!

    1. @R Wags We are seeing what happens when a presidential democratic republic becomes corrupted, checks and balances disregarded. What is even more repugnant is the Republicans overt and covert attempts to suppress a fair election and now promote herd immunity as a way to cull that “herd”. It is difficult for any thinking individual to understand these cultists, my simple explanation is, tRump makes them feel good about themselves. It’s far more complicated than that, but I believe it is the one common thread.

    2. @R Wags Were you just as stunned when Democrat Harry Reid did the same when the Democrats had the Senate? I’ll wait for your reply.

    3. @Alex Hamilton … ahhh. The old “whataboutism”.
      Time for some inner soul searching in America… instead of looking for others to blame.
      It appears quite childish. Little Johnny gets caught lying and claims it’s ok because brother Sam also did it.

    1. Eddie Thunder
      he wasn’t elected to be good for the Country he was elected to be good for the voters who voted for him in Kentucky 😀

    2. I love it bedbug Mitch McConnell fumigate him vote him Out and don’t be scared he is on his last leg 🦵 with his evil heart during COVID

    3. Mitch is really a corrupt human being and if people don’t see that it is because they like bending the truth to fit their alternate universe.

  6. I’ve been saying that on so many programs. She claims not have heard Trump has been saying it over & over he wants to get rid of the ACA. PLEASE 🤦 even people that don’t follow Politics heard him.

  7. With so many evil people in the Trump* administration, it’s hard to pick the worst one. Trump* himself, Bill Barr, Pompeo, Stephen Miller and plenty of others. But for sheer undiluted evil, carried on for many years, and with the sole aim of keeping power and stopping any chance of liberal progress, the champion has to be McConnell. He doesn’t even try to hide his agenda any more, which is to turn America back to the 1950s, a racist, conservative country, ruled by white men. The Obama presidency, unfortunately, is what galvanised him and Trump*, and now America is down on its knees. Vote Blue, if you don’t want to be ruled by McConnell and the stooges in SCOTUS.

  8. I personally think Biden should add 6 new justices to the Supreme Court
    3 liberal and 3 centralist
    Depoliticizing the Supreme Court

  9. I don’t know why they even have these hearings. Their going to put
    her thru anyway. Fed up is my name,
    I don’t like this feeling.

    VOTE BLUE 🎓🎓🎓…….

    1. Marguerite..hearings are significant
      for later use in Court because what they can get her to say is on record !
      Just like questioning Barr and Dejoy under oath. Could be handy in Court in Jan.

    1. I think that would be too hard. I think requiring either a 2/3 or 3/4 vote for confirmation of a justice would do a great deal to clean up McConnell’s mess. It might also be good to have an intervention and require a reconfirmation to weed out the overly political or compromised justices. Clarence Thomas was appointed to replace the seat left vacant by Thurgood Marshall. The only thing those 2 men have in common is that they are both African American. Marshall was principled and believed the Court should represent all the people. Thomas is a far right Republican who believes only Republicans should benefit from the Court’s rulings. Ruth Bader Ginsburg was one of the premier representatives of the people on the Court. The current nominee was afraid to say that polygamy is illegal in the United States. She is an example of a judge who has preconceived ideas about how the Court should rule. She is anathema to a country which espouses justice of the people, by the people, and for the people. Because of the power and corruption pervasive in our government today, this bigoted, unqualified by her bigotry, will be confirmed by a corrupt Senate. This is another chapter in the implosion of American democracy.

    1. I voted for Amy, but it’s dificult to oust Mitch. He has a lot of connections and money behind him. Instead of working for Kentucky and the US, Mitch has been accumulating enormous wealth and power and that seems to be addictive for a lot of people. No values at all.

  10. The GOP wants the SCOTUS to be an Evangelical Inquisition. They will succeed even if they have to destroy themselves in the process.

    1. The absolute irony is, look at the POS who nominated these judges, hand-picked by Moscow Mitch. I don’t believe I have ever seen Sweet Lindsay more unctuous than at this hearing.

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