McCabe: Biden’s team is ‘stuck between a rock and a hard place’

Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, former Obama adviser and CNN senior political commentator David Axelrod, CNN legal analyst Carrie Cordero, and CNN chief political correspondent Dana Bash join CNN’s Wolf Blitzer to discuss the latest on Biden’s classified documents saga. #CNN #News

McCabe: Biden’s team is ‘stuck between a rock and a hard place’


  1. I think Sloppy Joe should not be impeached or step down, we should push on with him, as bad as it is, because the alternative is a disaster.

  2. Someone got paid A LOT of money to come up with these “missing” documents. Always follow the money baby. Always.

  3. And I ask again why didn’t the archives know these were missing I think some fingerprints needs to be taken up those documents and from what I’ve been told it was one document Found 14 things and only then was the highest

    1. Lol he kept them he has dementia so he says he has no idea how they got there lmao. That’s y’all president. Weak af

    2. Gonna cry,complain and try to defend these facts snowflakes? 😘😂. If Biden needed over 25,000 troops to guard him from the people, then it’s clear that he wasn’t elected by the people.😜😘🤣😎

  4. C’mon, man. Can’t you all just make up some stuff, like you did with Russiagate, Covid origins, the laptop, the border crisis, inflation, and almost everything else since 2016?

  5. Joe Biden on Trump’s trove of classified documents: “How that could possibly happen, how anyone could be that irresponsible.”

    1. Gonna cry,complain and try to defend these facts snowflakes? 😘😂. If Biden needed over 25,000 troops to guard him from the people, then it’s clear that he wasn’t elected by the people.😜😘🤣😎

    2. @The Northern Spinozist Disinformation and conspiracy theories is apparently ok when it’s time to cope. Reminds me of the russian collusion debacle.

    1. @Yolanda Creag Trump could declassify these documents as President, Biden couldn’t declassify as vice president, Biden broke the law, Jail time for Biden 😂🤣

    2. Gonna cry,complain and try to defend these facts snowflakes? 😘😂. If Biden needed over 25,000 troops to guard him from the people, then it’s clear that he wasn’t elected by the people.😜😘🤣😎

  6. Biden should come out and say,,I
    Should have been more careful
    With the TS Documents. I put them away but forgotten them…others
    Matter became priority..I were wrong
    I am giving the FBI authority to go
    And do a security check of every
    Placed I have,,I take full responsibility.
    I am sorry. You know the mind..

  7. I’d like to hear from the national archives director. Why didn’t he notice his archives were missing for so many years?

    1. maybe they weren’t missing for all those years, might have disappeared with dumpty and got planted by deep state SS agents – hey, less crazy than have the qtard stuff

    2. Gonna cry,complain and try to defend these facts snowflakes? 😘😂. If Biden needed over 25,000 troops to guard him from the people, then it’s clear that he wasn’t elected by the people.😜😘🤣😎

    3. I knew Democrats would find someone else to scapegoat, LOL.
      “After” someone leaked the story to CBS news, the White House press said that Biden was keeping the TOP SECRET documents FOR SIX YEARS at the Communist Chinese funded think tank (University of Penn, Biden Center) so that Biden could write his memoirs.

  8. A President can declassify, a Vice President cannot. That’s illegal under the US Constitution. 💗🇬🇧

  9. Kudos to you Mr. Biden. You’ve won the two-faced so-and-so of the year award. I’ve gotta say: CNN is showing me a degree if integrity that I didn’t know they had.

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