Mayors across the country discuss why reparations are important and what outcomes may emerge from their collective and individual efforts.
RELATED: Elijah McClain: Aurora police, medics indicted in death of Black man
A quick Amazon search reveals thousands of books written on slavery in America. Going all the way back to Booker T. Washington's "Up From Slavery" – published in the early 1900s less than 20 years before the former slave and founder of the all-Black Tuskegee University died – there is no shortage of scholarship on the atrocities faced by Black people during this country's beginning.
Yet so few Americans really know much about the history of towns like Tullahassee, or that Native Americans owned humans. The town was built (and has nearly died) out of struggle.
Few Americans also know how much of a money-making enterprise slavery was in both Southern and Northern states.
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#slavery #blacklivesmatter #reparations
@ANGELINA ANGELINA do you think you sound smart?
@Jarhead4life I wouldn’t put much trust in google at this point.
@No Country for Ados Men That is a lie. You are extremely ignorant when it comes to history!
@EternitysRose prove it
@No Country for Ados Men Prove that you are ignorant when it comes to history? I don’t have to, you have done that all by yourself with every statement you have made. The Chinese built the railroad which is a proven fact. The Italians built roads, dams and infrastructure and the Irish built canals and sewers. These are all proven facts and real history. So no, this country wasn’t built by blacks.
Reparations? How many were actually slaves?
@Rosie Her that land mass wasn’t even named when they left across the bearing straight over 10000 years ago. wtf is wrong with you?
@No Country for Ados Men
Go do some research!
Let me update you on some science: the oldest body found in the “America’s” continent was 10,000 years old and from Asia.
@No Country for Ados Men Really? I told you what my grandfather was and you ask me that? I also informed you that your ancestors, the Buffalo Soldiers, killed my people. You are seriously “without “!.
Being in the land of their captivity under their enslavers is slavery.
@Red Caucasians Sunburned In Africa Egypt we are persecuted and held under different rules. they would never let their family be robbed but we must accept it happening to us.
Reperations for all the lives given in the civil war to end slavery..
@Rosie Her is that a rule you made up or is that an actual law?
@Rosie Her there has never been de jure slavery in Africa. only random warlords doing defacto slavery. do you realize the massive difference between the two because you come off as a dishonest person trying to minimize your crimes.
@No Country for Ados Men
It’s reality for normal people but the delusional ones, have their expectations in their own tiny heads.
@No Country for Ados Men
You enslave yourselves in your own little tiny brain. Get an education, work hard and you can get what you want. Crying, won’t get you anywhere.
@No Country for Ados Men
Well, move to Africa. You will be a lot happier there cuz everyone wants to be there and NOT here.
With the direction this administration is headed they might as well ask for a Lamborghini and 10 mil each.. Old Joe will probably have them fire up the assembly line immediately

As they should
@Mel D who should? Descendants of slaves? All black people?? Please explain this ridiculous idea that would be impossible to implement..
@Mel D funny how I have asked that question many times to many people and not one time have I received an sensical response..
@Mel D I’m Native American, I don’t owe blacks anything!
@Horton13 If America can pay 300 million dollars a day to Afghanistan it can pay the descendants of slaves
Correction:Democrats across America discuss division and victimhood as a tool for manipulation
Accurate correction!
They already got it last summer??!! Doesn’t anyone remember?
Doesn’t anyone remover? Lol
@Mister Wiggles yeah had to fix that one lol
At this point, victimization seems to be an addiction.
They’re just trying to milk it… they’re notoriously lazy and greedy with no shame.. a dangerous combination
Definitely a profession.
Really? Give a fish to a man and he will have a meal but teach him to fish and he will have a meal for the rest of his life ( something like that).
Dave Chappelle said it first but its true

gee whiz, if you are against reparations for black americans, who do you support reparations for seriously? you robbed these people for centuries and expect them to let the law over look all that? why?
Seriously, no one owes blacks anything. Time to stop playing victim and the race card!
@EternitysRose you don’t understand basic law if you think you don’t owe us. native Americans had just arrived in the Americas before Europe. you have no claim to land you lost in battle. furthermore real native Americans know that their people turned down the reparations offers made to them. you are a joke.
Yes sheila jackson lee was studying reparations too, but only got 5 million richer!
Good grief…. everyone wants handouts.
Forcing the innocent to pay nonvictims for something that happened to neither of them is not reparations.
They’re just trying to milk it… those are notoriously lazy and greedy with no shame.. a lethal combination.
Reparations nd separation now.