CNN's Kyung Lah visits the town of Sequim, Washington, where Mayor William Armacost is under scrutiny by residents for his stance on QAnon.
#CNN #News #Politics
CNN's Kyung Lah visits the town of Sequim, Washington, where Mayor William Armacost is under scrutiny by residents for his stance on QAnon.
#CNN #News #Politics
He’s probably the leader.
Biden Died omg!’!!!!_
@Marc Celin Duck.
@FoulC Duck.
Lol. Politician, used car salesman, etc….
I cant believe trump said this
Qanon is the best
@Trump Reelected2024 The best pedophile institution.
Trump and his advisors will go to any means to make him a hero (which he is not) nd spread fake news that he is behind the entire conspiracy, he will go to any means necessary to stay relavent. Wait till this scandle comes to light and the “we the people” discover he was behind the conspiracy all along. He is demented, a true psychopath. He will be outed. His best friends are putin and rocket man and pillow man. Those 3 tells us all we need to know about this traitor benedict arnold.
@Trump Reelected2024 Thank you trump for exposing the Republican party as bunch of circus clowns. A new series of x-files is coming soon in the Republican house of representatives
This guy’s cup holds no water
@Joe Sniffs Kids don’t you have q coup to plan?
@James Williams so true
@Joe Sniffs Kids Fossil fuels are the past and so is your thinking. I bet the oil executive saw this transition coming and fatten their pockets. If left up to you and the republican cave men we would still be investing in the pony express. It’s time to think retraining for the jobs of tommorow or sit at home and collect a welfare check. You decide
@James Williams I don’t think anyone would disagree with you on the greater point that fossil fuel is privative. I drive an EV myself.. Because it’s fast!
The point that you seem to be missing is that killing jobs and creating international dependence does not magically reduce the need for fossil fuel. Homes still need heat / EV’s are still cost prohibitive / solar jobs in the US are still rare.. The least we can do is produce the energy independently and responsibly while we continue to double down on the shift to renewables.
Another sick person in a position of power.
@Far 2 great Duck.
@Far 2 great maga loser

@Far 2 great shh
@Danny Camacho hey China bot
Sure like talking about it…A LOT
Making America stupider by the day.
I have a truth movement every morning after coffee.
Your truth movement has more substance to it though I’m sure. And probably way fewer nuts. But maybe more corn…
@Happy H. JoyJoy lmao
I’ll stay away from that town I will not spend money there
It’s our job to take this very seriously and shut it down.
So you support politicians raping children?
Vote him out.
Armacost says ” I don’t have the authority to denounce…” No one NEEDS authority to denounce lunatic conspiracies or lunatic groups. What you DO need is a grasp of reality, a sense of decency and a backbone. Armacost seems to lack all three. And now the world knows.
No authority to denounce it but full fledge authority to promote it over the air ways to the entire town. What a quack pot
@Jason Milton Majorie looney Greene has daddy issues. She needs attention from the camera. She nor the other right wing nut jobs can produce a shred of evidence to the contrary. The Republican party is dead. Thank you Trump for destroying this circus ring of clowns known as the Republican party.
@James Williams and you are ill informed ..
Why doesn’t someone tell CNN to actually read the Q POSTS? It certainly would help them not look so stupid.
Wow – I just don’t get it. This mayor is nuts.
Most retards don’t
@Chris Urlaub What jobs would that be?
Are you saying exposing evil and corruption is a bad thing? Are you saying it’s a partisan issue Sen?
@TheBase1aransas What evil and corruption are you referring to
@James Williams Have you read the Q posts James, or are you just a mindless bot to add views to the failing CNN propaganda network?
The mayor utilizes prevarication as if it were a martial art. If only I could dodge parking tickets the way this guy dodges questions.
He’s trying to avoid the guys in the white coats.
@R. McBride You know it would be self fulfilling prophecy if the white coats come after QAnon believers. The Q people will say “oooh I told you they would come for us and send us to re-education/concentration camps”when in reality their dangerous psychotic episodes warrant time in a padded white room.
That’s called ” wow I didn’t know how stupid I sound so let me just deflect.”
I didn’t know “I’m bonkers” was a good platform as a mayor. But hey, maybe his voters like it.
Don’t forget about the Jewish Space Lasers!
This man is a absolute disgrace and Beyond insane
So you support politicians raping children?
Stop letting these crazy, demented, conspiracy theorist, history revisionist, get in positions of power.
“God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion. The
people cannot be all, and always, well informed. The part which is
wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of the facts
they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions, it is
lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. … And what
country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned from
time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let
them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to the facts, pardon
and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The
tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of
patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.” ~ Thomas Jefferson
If Q’s goal was to destroy the GOP, he’s doing a pretty good job.
No it was to hide the Epstein story. See how you forgot that epstein flew politicians to his island.
@Chas Burns Epstein did not kill the Lincoln Project, but I wonder if they were connected?
This Mayor needs to recalled immediately!
That dude is high. That’s the only explanation for that tinfoil hat talk.