Mayor Pete Discusses The Importance Of Faith In His Life | Morning Joe | MSNBC

2020 Democratic candidate, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, discusses his personal faith and what faith and God means to him.
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Mayor Pete Discusses The Importance Of Faith In His Life | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Mayor Pete Discusses The Importance Of Faith In His Life | Morning Joe | MSNBC


    1. Not surprising, he has been attacked constantly. A great candidate and human, but people are so filled with hate.

  1. Ones faith has no place in American politics. Way back spouting what religion you were was the deathnail to a political career. Now the wackos want to hear it.
    Buffoon trump and his TWO bibles at his inauguration. The biggest joke and theatrics ever. If trump is a man of even a little “faith” then the rest of the world are demons.

    1. If one’s faith has no place in politics one’s lack of it will.

      Take your pick.

      But not all of either are of the same level.

      Frauds and inepts give both “politics” and “faith” a bad name.

  2. Mayor Pete is such an eloquent and hopeful candidate. He is a scion of hope in this world. Americans would be lucky to have a president who cares for and loves all people. Make America Moral Again 2020

    1. Red Eileen it is amazing how much this topic dominates US politics. Remember born again Christian George W. Bush, how many people actually swallowed that BS.

  3. He’s welcome to practice whichever faith floats his boat, as long as he keeps it to himself and doesn’t try to force it on anyone as so many Republicans do.

    1. I don’t think Mayor Pete is the type of person that will try to force his religion on anyone. And to be honest, a true Christian doesn’t need to do that. I was raised Catholic and I now call myself a recovering Catholic because religion is not my cup of tea. I can respect the fact that he is religious but understands that he needs to respect those who have different beliefs or no beliefs.

  4. Astonishing discussion.

    Harvard social ethicist Jonathan L. Walton observes that the opposite of faith is not doubt but certainty.

    Sixteenth Century theologian Jehan Cauvin observed that sanctification is not complete before death of the flesh.

    Whatever Mr Buttigieg’s prospects as a candidate he just might be getting some things right to evoke such hostility.

    1. grammaticopedanticus: Well, the dictionary definition of “faith” is “belief without supporting evidence”. However, if one asks most “christians” if they are positive that God exists, they will answer “yes”. Most “christians” are guilty of what you are accusing Buttigieg of.

  5. Common decency should be enough, it is certainly missing in the WH and among Republican “so called” Christians.

  6. According to Christ you have to believe in the prophets. Buttigieg is not living in accordance with their teaching. Believe what you want and practice what you want. The WORD is what it is. Do not add anything to it or take anything from it.

    1. JAY JAY: No one lives in accordance with the teachings in the Bible. Every “christian” ignores several of the teachings. Assigning different degrees to each violation is a bit hypocritical, don’t you think?

  7. I see a lot of hate on Pete’s faith. I have been a militant atheist for 2 decades, and can still appreciate his position of it being his faith and not expecting all to follow it. Even more so when he is pulling the items from the Bible about caring for one another instead of the items pushing hate. I still want religion educated out of existence, but we won’t get their by assigning the label of enemy to every believer. Learn to develop friendshios and allies instead of lashing out at everyone. Tired of the divcive bs.

  8. The answer to what a person’s view of God and religion should be, “That is between me and God.” There is a separation of church and state based off of the 1st Amendment because how can you have freedom of religion if there is no separation of church and state? It is impossible. Separation of church and state is to protect the state from religion, to protect religion from the state, and to protect religion from other religions.

  9. Poor Buttigieg. He doers know that the Democrats are the party of separation of Church and State? That the Democrats foam at the mouths when any Republican mentions God, faith and prayer? He should avoid this topic.

  10. Why all this talk about Jesus and Christianity. Religion and faith should be out of politics. There are terrible people using God as their excuse and kind people with no religion.

  11. I dont give a crap if you believe in a 2000yr old jew. Tell me about climate change, the economy healthcare.

    Your fairy tales are your business

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