Mayor Pete Buttigieg Rises To First Place In New Iowa Polling | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Mayor Pete Buttigieg has surged to first place in Iowa, according to new Monmouth University polling. The panel discusses. Aired on 11/13/19.
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Mayor Pete Buttigieg Rises To First Place In New Iowa Polling | Morning Joe | MSNBC


  1. I still remember the first time I listened to Pete give an interview. I had to stop what I was doing and just listened in shock as I felt an unfamiliar wave of calm wash over me.

  2. I would be so proud to vote for Mayor Pete. My first choice is Senator Warren, but I would be perfectly satisfied with either of them.

  3. Let’s be honest: The point of this video was really just to fool you into thinking Amy Klobuchar was somehow in the top 5
    Pretty sure Richard Ojeda is polling higher than her, and he dropped out a long time ago

    1. I like her–I’ll be voting for Pete but if, hopefully he wins, she’d make a great VP. I’d take it vice-versa as well..

    1. @Rafael Rodriguez Agreed most people that age stick to one source, like my mother who’s 60 and only watches fox news. Most younger people have multiple news outlets to turn to which is why mainstream media is looking biased more and more these days. I listen to both right and left news outlets to get a clearer view of politics.

    2. @OutsideMax You are so way off the mark Max (or should I say, ‘whippersnapper’). WE ‘people that age’ still read newspapers–yes, the printed word, where you get more in depth coverage with one place to read multiple views, and have more time to take in the on-line media as well. The 70’s and ’80’s were not the stone ages. Tech had already gained momentum and we ‘grew up’ with it (or in to it) as it grew. BTW—I know plenty of ‘snappers’ that voted for Trump & get their news from Reddit and other sites that just want eyes. They take ‘opinion’ (term loosely used) as fact instead of using common sense. I’m voting Pete in the primary.

  4. He’s had my vote for a while now and I’m happy to say I’ve inspired my family and friends to feel the same way. Love Pete Buttigieg and excited to see the direction he takes our country in. He is top notch.

    1. ​@Paulo Carpenko “The Obama Era Was Not A “Golden Age” β€” Cornel West,
      Obama proposes cuts to Social Security.
      Obama Willing to Consider Cutting Social Security and ’The most important liberal you’ve never heard of: Frances Perkins’.
      Obama “cannot gurantee” social security checks.
      The Woman Who Was the Force That Made Social Security Happen: Frances Perkins: Part 2.
      Why We Need to Expand Social Security,
      Legislation Proposed to Expand Social Security.
      Voter breaks down during discussion on social security.
      Cut Social Security Over Our Dead Bodies. and
      Sanders Calls Out Clinton on Social Security.
      Cardi B Is Right About About Social Security.
      Social Security: The Largest and Most Successful Government Policy in the History of the United States,
      Franklin Roosevelt on Social Security,
      Franklin Roosevelt gives a speech after signing the Social Security Act,
      FDR Fireside Chat 7: On the Social Security Act,
      “Social Security” – Richard D Wolff, Feb 25, 2011,
      Social Security Is Not an Entitlement!
      β€” Debbie Dingell, Sept. 20, 2018,
      Republican Mitch McConnell Wants to Go After Social Security to Pay for Tax Cuts, TYT, Oct 17, 2018,
      Trumpland Voters To Democrat: Save Our Social Security! The Republican Party’s determination to cut benefits, Oct 31, 2018,
      Trump’s Disastrous Pick for Social Security Commissioner, Oct 9, 2018,
      The Republican Party’s 4-Step Plan to Cut Social Security and Medicare, July 20, 2018,

    2. Your’re Wrong about Pete!!! Pete is a Corporate Shill Who has over 32 Billionaire Donors, Pete Happily and knowingly went to work for One of the Worst and Corrupt Firm in the U.S and also wasn’t even a Good Mayor!!! There is Plenty of Proof!!! The U.S Corporate Media Lies, Misleads and Manipulate the Reality of Americans!!! It’s Unforgivable!!! I am Honestly just trying to Help People and pass on True Information!!! Your going to believe what You want but probably should take some time to look into Him more and at these Receipts!!!

    1. JamieLan2011
      Georgia poll completely contradicts idea that African-Americans would not vote for Mayor @PeteButtigieg πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
      Atlanta J C poll of Georgia shows @DNC candidates lead Trump:
      Biden 51% Trump 43%
      Sanders 48% Trump 44%
      Warren 47% Trump 44%
      Buttigieg 46%, Trump 43%
      Harris 45% Trump 44%

    1. @MICHGO1 constant pandering, he seems dishonest, if you ask a Pete supporter what they like about him, all they say is his message touched their heart or he has the look of a president or he has the composure of a president, no substance all style

    1. The ARROGANCE of people who can only speak English and expect everyone else to accommodate THEIR ignorance is often noticed and resented by people who are expected to have learned English just for them.

      That Pete would make the effort to have learned some Russian couldn’t fail to impress Putin, even though he does speak English, too.

      A multilingual leader is an asset — like Justin Trudeau who can speak to Emmanuel Macron and Christine Lagarde in perfect French, and can ALSO speak English to Trump in — whatever language that is that HE speaks……

    2. Jean Kennedy You sound knowledgeable but I’ve literally never heard Putin speak 1 word of English. Are there any videos?

    3. @Syclone0044 : There’s plenty of footage of Trumpsky meeting and chatting with his boss, Vlad Putin, which suggests to me that they must be speaking in English. Unless Trumpsky speaks Russian — which isn’t likely, when he barely speaks English.

      Putin also speaks German. Oh, I just found this clip where he starts speaking English at 0:16:

      And here he is singing “Blueberry Hill” in English, on The Voice:

  5. 46% of the people of Iowa have not decided who they are going to vote for: Thus polls are irrelevant. The four people in those polls could well end up in the election the other way round.

  6. *Joe Biden down _seven points_ since August
    “Joe seems to have stopped the bleeding.”
    Oh Morning Joke, never change.

  7. The boomer train has derailed for Bernie-Warren-Biden at the Boomer drop off! We need young leadership and vision! #Next-Gen!

    1. Paulo Carpenko I am a 71 Year Old Boomer, Episcopalian Republican from Wyoming, and I am 100% behind Mayor Pete. He’s a retired English Teacher’s Dreamβ€”smart, articulate, young, and fearless!πŸ™‹πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ

  8. Bernie’s the clear-choice candidate!!!πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Grass Roots, β€œWe the People for the People” ENOUGH SAID!!! BERNIE 2020 !!! πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

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