While testifying to the Senate Judiciary Committee, Highland Park Mayor Nancy Rotering pleaded for a 'combat' weapons ban to make communities safer.
RELATED: Kamala Harris addresses Highland Park shooting
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#highlandpark #massshooting #guncontrol
Let’s ban criminal activity too
No one is safe outside in this crazy world I’m sorry she speaks on safety but in reality it’s just dangerous outside your own home!!!
Because of nutty folks with assault weapons are you one of them ? sure sounds like it
Nah I run a 300 WinMag. vaporize a head…AR15 is junk
I AM in TOTAL Agreementwith you .
We need better stricter gun registrations..
And AR 15’s and other such guns need to be banned from civilians.
There are so many states with strict and relaxed gun laws from highest gun violence and homicide to lowest and yet here we are ignoring that strict gun laws do jack. Both strict and relaxed have high to low gun related homicides so strict isn’t useful.
Only for the public or free American citizens which will take more freedom away from us
Coming from a lady who probably has her own private security
Hunker down. Things are getting weird.
Every weapon is a “combat weapon”
Yes! Let’s do this, USA!!!
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