Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms joins Ali Velshi to discuss the new voting law signed by Governor Kemp and MLB’s decision to pull its All-Star Game from Atlanta. She says the governor signed that bill, “and now we are all suffering the consequences.”» Subscribe to MSNBC:
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Mayor Bottoms Says MLB Pulling All-Star Game From ATL Is The "First Of Many Dominoes That Will Fall”
Its time for corporation to stand up for the United States citizen, they can’t do it alone. Thank you.
Lol, wow… you’re a loser
Corporations are easy to take down
No coke n my frig, and I wouldn’t let my dog fly on a delta flight, what once was wrong is now right and now you gotta be ashamed if your skin is white. Somebody write a song about common sense going to the wayside in America!

Nah, I think corporations should look out for the financial interest of their shareholders but recognizing from where do their profits come. Side note – does anyone think that globally people would which to Pepsi over voting. This what CEO salary is about.
@Reg U That is the mental level he/she/it is trolling for.
Great to see.
Her first point was excellent . They really used the economy as a reason to open. Now every corporation will leave
@II nosferatu II no they aren’t
So many corporations have fled California and yet you don’t see MSNBC highlighting how California needs to change direction in their political actions.
@Michael Morningstar Yes, Joe Biden said this is “Jim Crow on steroids.” And you just blindly believe the words of a rich elderly white man who has a long history of racism himself? Remember when Joe Biden said during the campaign to a black man that if he doesn’t vote for Biden then “he ain’t black”? I read through these msnbc comment sections and no one actually says anything meaningful, just “that’s racism!” without any indication they have any actual knowledge of what the legislation is, what the situation was in the elections, what actual racism is, what actually happened in the Jim Crow days.
@Treetop 1214 BLM is a terrorist organization!!!
@Kenneth Heern so those proud boys with their blue lives matter flags who literally killed a cop are what? Those wannabe soldiers who you couldn’t pay to enlist but carry ar15 to protect freedom lol . Never seen a soldier walk outside in full combat gear and run in the capitol yet some cod trump fanboys are “patriots”
Atlanta had enough challenges without adding in the Georgia Governor’s SELF SERVING STUPIDITY.
We are praying for your well being Atlanta! Atlanta…You have tremendous courage!
Another racist troll? (Account only a day old. His previous accounts must have been banned for racist threats.) Let me guess, he’s going to claim to be the least racist person on here while defending his trash post. Seriously, only children use all caps, so let’s see how this new troll will do under pressure.
Come on kid, show us your wit. Tell us how you’re not racist while denigrating a whole race. Square that logic pretzel.
@FENTENAYL FLOYD You may need to get your _Racist Insult Game_ on point. Consult your local KKK family & friends. You can do better than THIS

*Stay healthy but DOUBLE UP on the **_Fentanilo,_** CletusKaren!*
Wow, “FLOYD” was out of here fast…
@Chewie Knievel Saying that George Floyd died on opoids is not racist, thats just what happaned.
@Solstice of Snow, you obviously didn’t see his post. That wasn’t the worst part, not by a long shot. But don’t you have a secret Q meeting to get to? I mean you need to discuss the legitimacy of killing people on prescription drugs. (If everyone on prescription pain killers was dangerous we should be going after soccer moms. Sorry, not an excuse. He needed rehab, not a public execution.) He wasn’t fighting back and never presented a danger. Is that your defense? Any black person is fair game if they are high? Are you?
Why do conspiracy nut-jobs always come up with illogical arguments that wouldn’t fool a kid? Oh wait! I just answered my own question. You’re Crazy!
Businesses may hurt for a while, but they will hurt even more if the very foundation of democracy is destroyed.
@WSOX Man traitor
Nice contents you put up always
.BTChits a new bullish price as people increased their bids in hopes of making huge gain from the rise but as we can all see now the market is very unstable , the truth is that you can always make more profit from tradln rather than just hodlin and waiting for the price of BTC to skyrocket . Indeed its a tough decision for both old and newb!es whose intensions are just to hodl and sell but rather the potentials of tradln. I wept deeply and prayed after the last time i had much loses, my Uncle introduced me to Garric Norman who i started tradln with since late last year, i’ve covered up and made over 11B T С with 2.7B T C even with the ups and downs since the journey With Garric counsel I no longer have to worry about the rise and dip ofBitcoin. For prof!table tradlng guidiance, You can easily get to him on ͲҽӀ ҽցɾąʍ @garric_norman_fxt cheers.
If you don’t have to have an ID to vote how do you make sure everybody that votes is a legal American citizen?
@wcjcnc State issued ID’s DO NOT prove citizenship. Non-citizens here legally are allowed to obtain them.
@John Woods So why would anybody be against having an ID to vote. It could be used to make sure the same person doesn’t vote 50 times.
Vote those men out of office. Can’t ga impeach the governor
not without two thirds of the legislature.
He’s been firing all the decent people he can, and attacking the ones he can’t. He’s got the whole state torn up like ATV’s in a meadow.
BOYCOTT ‘The Masters’ What a name for a Sports Event, eh..?
@Mike A weren’t you one of the insurrection fools begging for forgiveness and blaming your treasonous act on Trump? Pride Boi

Do you have any idea how many people are hired temporarily or get many more wage hours during the Masters? Why would you want to deprive people of income and a lucrative venue? Harming many to get an anticipated end result is not an acceptable tactic.
@Acme Inc. That’s so idiotic! You’re such a moron. LOL
@Earl Larson The fact that you think folks are too dumb to get an id is 1000000x worse than asking for id
@Ray Cann there was a 1981 film, ‘Polyester’ and it featured a technological wonder called ‘ODORAMA’ which means moviegoers received a numbered scratch-n-sniff card, with a warning not scratch until they were prompted.
A number would pop-up on the movie screen to tell viewers which scent to scratch-n-sniff and that scent would correspond to what was happening in the movie
That Gov. Is living in the past. I stand with the good people of Georgia. Love from Texas.
He’s living in the present – Republicans who want to get elected w/o much of the vote – cause they have been disenfranchised.
@LJ Dude, they’re disenfranchising THEMSELVES. They’re the only ones taking the right to vote away from people.
Phoney! Yuk! Eek! Eww! TEXAS SCUM
hey ray your state changing rules too so’s mine A Z
@LJ No. They have not been disenfranchised. They have shown america their true colors. They have openly displayed their racism and hate. The Republican party is dead.
It took a while to pile up the backlash from American consumers who hate the voter suppression bills nationwide. These “business leaders” are not courageous people. They need to know they are speaking for the masses, rather than themselves. Now they are speaking for the masses but only for as long as they feel the pressure. Don’t let up!
@Crystal Knott And btw the ID is free. More talking points to move a herd of sheep.
There is no voter supression in Georgia.
@SteveKY Sorry but the racists are winning across the nation. The white supremacists are winning. But what you have failed to realize yet is those who call themselves “anti-racist” are the actual racists and they are the ones turning this nation more and more racist.
@rob gpm
Yeah, that’s not going to happen, because it’s only Trumpublicans not Republicans who don’t want to allow all Americans an equal right to vote their voice. You trumpers continue to think you speak for all the American people, but you’re a minority sized group! And especially after January 6th when many disgusted and disenchanted Republicans changed to Independents, because they don’t agree with dismantling the U.S. Constitution, voter suppression, conspiracy theories, QAnon or electing fake power whoring politicians to win elections!!!
@A H
Troll, just go and play in Russian traffic like a good lil skin head, because your lies don’t work here! God, you people need to realize we’re not stupid!!! Keep your hate in the Kremlin where it belongs!
Thirty Fortune 500 Atlanta based companies are facing the threat of an economic boycott. They’re paying attention because they get it that consumers will not be paying for their products. The people win when those in power are made to feel the impact of our values. There’s no better place to make an impact than their bank accounts.
They do not care how this affects those things. They only care about legislative control. It does not matter to them how they get it.
blah blah blah
@Paul Wilson you are full of yourself, go read books
stay away from internet
Shut Georgia down. Lets see the list of companys again. Dying for a coke, But I will not be moved.
@Chuck Schenck THE GOP IS DOA….
@Ernie Simms what does racism have to do with getting an ID?!?!?!?!? If anything, it shows YOURE the racistfor thinking POC arent capable of doing such a basic task. You people live in such a bubble
@sk8queen like what? What is so bad that everyone is so outraged about? What racism’s should i be aware of?
@Licia Williams prove it. Tell us exactly how this is attacking POC.
The right to vote for all Americans is more important than the right to make money
@K S “our”
@Rod Just read the bill you are being lied to
@Lee Spoon the drop boxes were created because of covid 19, prior to we dint use drop boxes and now the democrats are trying to keep them like its something we always had and thats not true. We tried to make it easier for people to vote because of the pandemic,
Nice contents you put up always
.BTChits a new bullish price as people increased their bids in hopes of making huge gain from the rise but as we can all see now the market is very unstable , the truth is that you can always make more profit from tradln rather than just hodlin and waiting for the price of BTC to skyrocket . Indeed its a tough decision for both old and newb!es whose intensions are just to hodl and sell but rather the potentials of tradln. I wept deeply and prayed after the last time i had much loses, my Uncle introduced me to Garric Norman who i started tradln with since late last year, i’ve covered up and made over 11B T С with 2.7B T C even with the ups and downs since the journey With Garric counsel I no longer have to worry about the rise and dip ofBitcoin. For prof!table tradlng guidiance, You can easily get to him on ͲҽӀ ҽցɾąʍ @garric_norman_fxt cheers.
Did you read it…..35 other states have stricter guidelines….LYING JOE BIDEN
What about film industry in Georgia, when are they pulling out? They need to stop all filming right this minute and pull out of Georgia NOW!
Right. They should leave and take Coke and Delta with them.
Lol what ever will you do if they make one of your movies of tv programs in georgia

They are not pulling out and neither is Major league baseball. They will still play all year and the Braves will not be affected at’s all symbolism..Coke or Delta will change the good old boy network? Good luck. The photo of the Bill being signed into law..all white guys.
Things can only go a few ways..Dems will keep saying that a picture I’D is harder to get than a Masters degree from Havard for anybody black. Republicans will keep saying why is a picture I’D,what you need to drive,cash a check,go to the airport,get into most government buildings,VA, town hall events,hospitals,lots of school systems..requiring a picture I’D..or the Democrats can mobilize,not break the law and get mobile services to affected communities and get philanthropy orgs getting people the identification they desperately need..even listening to Democrats say how hard everything is makes the Republicans win the debate wo trying..soon,they will rename the parties..the party that has iID and can ride the bus on election days and the other party in pajamas marveling at all those smart rich people who figured it out..
@A T
Then how would California pay for the welfare in your state? California has the WORLD’S 5th largest economy. Sorry to disappoint you, but California under Brown balanced the state budget. It’s states like Kansas and Oklahoma that are insolvent.
@Randy Callow
Is that supposed to be a logical argument?
And Georgia did this because of the BIG lie.
No they though the bg lie would be cover but is was voter suprestion why they did it
What lie? Oh trump! There’s still people out there that believe in him? That’s sad. Write him a letter once he’s in jail. I’m sure he’ll read it it
Just read the bill stop listening to lies
@Shednut it lowers the number of polling places in Fulton county in half for starters. IDs take drivers license and passport. Passports start at over $100 and there are some older voters that have never owned a car! Your turn!
@Gerald Grenier, yes, that is the excuse.
May all the Fortune 500 companies follow suit. Money talks go Keisha, go Atlanta, fight Georgia Bulldogs, fight! Americans and our democracy owe you tremendous gratitude for bearing the weight to save our constitutional rights and democracy for all
@Ray J. It’s racist to assume they can’t get an id! We are all Equal
@Bill Whitis notice these clowns can’t answer
@Cameron Pangborn lol now the left likes large corporations.
@David Galehouse read the bill if you are literate. It addresses your question. Do your own research.
@Tony Smith A pathetic response.
They underestimate the power of the people.
Um, Um, Um, Um, Um, Um

That GA governor is something else. He only represents a small portion of his state, and that’s pathetic. You’ve got this Georgia!!
Simplistic! The law doesn’t suppress anyone’s right to vote! It EXPANDS voting! READ IT!
Echos Paw Kemp is pathetic, but we will fight for democracy and our right to vote!
It may hurt the People for a short time. The bill over all will do much more harm to them more to allow it to stand!