Mayor Bonnie Crombie: Teachers, essential workers need to be vaccinated ahead of schedule

Bonnie Crombie, mayor of Mississauga, Ont., calls for essential workers and teachers to get vaccinated ahead of schedule.

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Mayor Bonnie Crombie: Teachers, essential workers need to be vaccinated ahead of schedule


  1. Of course, it is government employees telling everyone that government employees are essential.

    1. Notice how they (teachers) demand to be considered essential when it comes to getting vaccines before everyone else, but when it comes to them constantly going on strike for weeks and weeks on end, they say no way are they essential workers (because then they would not be able to strike). It appears they only want to be essential when it suits them.

    2. If you have values and work hard you don’t need a union. They are all corrupt. The union officials. Thieves!!!!!!!!!!!

    3. Sandy G okay, you don’t have to worry about, teach and babysit your own children. Oh, and wake up, it wasn’t the teachers, it’s always been the union lol. Teachers are just an easy pawn to use in your argument. So let’s forget about your ridiculous statement and we’ll all move on.

  2. Two things: 1) It is worth reiterating that these are unbelievably challenging times. We all have to do our part. Kudos to our frontline workers. 2) Interesting how the interviewer addresses the mayor, an elected official.

  3. A virus so extremely “deadly “they must “ CONSTANTLY “ remind you or you will forget…🤦‍♂️

    1. Children do get the virus and die. There are documented cases in other countries plus I think a couple in Canada also.

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