Savannah Mayor Van Johnson (D) tells Andrea Mitchell "we were absolutely blindsided" by order from Georgia Governor Brian Kemp (R) to begin reopening businesses as early as this week. "We realize here in Georgia that we were still increasing cases daily," Johnson says. "Certainly we were not prepared for this." Aired on 4/22/2020.
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Mayor Blindsided By Georgia Governor's Order To Reopen Businesses | Andrea Mitchell | MSNBC
As a responsible business owner you don’t have to open. Stay home your hairdresser is.
Yeah yeah, don’t come outside until you’re able to get your hair did. That’s how you judge when things are OK.
@Ronda Leistiko Good, the weak people should decently stay home or retire.
@Ronda Leistiko Gave up on your staff, You’re a real leader. Thanks god your time is up.
Ronda Leistiko So you are shutting your business down and firing 10 employees? Hope it was worth it
@MrJr yep that’s what I did except they leased station’s and nail table’s from me I freed them of their lease. There happy they have their client’s names and numbers.
Governor has a racist agenda.
Like your mom??
@FateAndFurie yes so they let the city’s economy crash and increase the “poor” population all while the mayor begs the feds for handout$ that these “poor” people never see or benefit from. But keep following your npc programming be sure not to use any of this evil money to eat or keep a roof though…don’t wanna be a hypocrite do you
Angelaina Marie why would be open those type of businesses first?
Two Plus Two Is Five yep
My thoughts exactly

I don’t live in Georgia but this may be the reason to prevent people from claiming unemployment.
Nobody has claimed anything in Texas ……6 weeks and still waiting
USS Pandumbic you’re not allowed to vote twice…… the only natural thing is to take your name off one voter roll……..and put it on another……….the victim olympics is strong in you
@Ralph Sims – Really? Better tell that to the Republicans since it appears that whenever there’s any kind of voter fraud, it’s perpetrated by their ilk.
BTW, WTF is up with random over use of Ellipses? Are you being paid to use them or what?
USS Pandumbic OR the media misled you and made you believe that these types of actions are illegal and not good regular practice.
Ralph Sims Are you white?
This administration keeps making one bad decision after another. The majority of the country doesn’t agree with this BS!
Well we don’t have a government anymore so.
This administration is criminally inept.
What did veteran White House reporter John Roberts say about the response to this virus in the Hot Mic video below? “It is a Hoax.”
Didn’t this governor just find out that you don’t have to have symptoms to be infected? Wtf?
@Seth Albert : Is the cure actually worse than the disease, though? Odd how people who see coronavirus deaths *up close* (family members, friends, health professionals, etc.) are not seeing things the way you are.
@JJoe : Are all Georgians planning to confine themselves permanently to the state of Georgia?
didnt you just find out that if we keep businesses closed for another few months we will be in a depression?
Lol yes, yes he did.
@Arizona Brandon I’ll agree if Dr. Fauci agree
Savannah Mayor Van Johnson has my respect and my prayers!
Birx and Fauci have to constantly tip-toe and hint or Dump will scold them for being straight forward.
No , not true fuckstain .
because Fauci, Bill Gates, WHO, UN are all part of those people who want to destroy America.
Kemp turned Georgia into a coal mine…& us into the canary.
delritmo la clave hopefully it works better than Trump’s malaria drug…
In the UK we’ve hit the peak. That’s not the beginning of the end it’s the end of the beginning. We cant rest on our laurels. Its crazy to me that people want to open up nail bars, hairdressers or have a massage! I totally get that people need to work but theres no economy if theres no healthy people.
@Dee-Di Hsi “I am so surprised…”
Yes, well being out of touch with the reality of most people’s lives will leave you ‘surprised’.
@Emma Jayne Well….yeah.
Shannon E good to hear that!
Arthur Walker in a few weeks after opening you will see the curve go up
@T Electronix that’s because your federal government never issued a Nationwide lockdown.
They stopped after declaring a National state of emergency.
Using people as lab
rats. Never would l travel to a hair salon, nail shop, or movie during this time. Is this governor freakin crazy 
@Jeffrey Vaughn You sound smarter than the rest of the people in this thread.
@indiglo1971 We’er all typing and texting here so if you’re” hearing” things you might want to get that checked.
@Jeffrey Vaughn
I try to complement you, and you treat me like this?
@indiglo1971 oops i must have “misheard”
@Jeffrey Vaughn Jesus was prophesied in the Old Testament. Micah 5, Daniel 9, Isaiah 53, Psalm 22.
Why would a governor decide this reopening without talking to any mayors of his state? Even if you do it, doesn’t it make sense to have some plan with the other leaders of your state?
the black communities can stay closed, i think the white areas will reopen so everybody is happy
I think someone is paying or forcing them to do this. My own governor is trying to force reopening. Meanwhile the mayors aren’t reopening.
America, where money means more then people’s lives

Other countries where they hide in fear and starve to death.
Ramp Shark …You think the dictator in North Korea or China
is poor??
Ramp Shark,what “fantasy place”
do you want to live in,Xanadu?!
As an outsider looking in, you don’t appear to be the “United ” states of anything.
Yes we are no longer United states or a democracy.
@Mondin von Diex He already is here.
Uniting Stupid Americans
Hypo reLaxa the threads are coming undone it would seem.
Pretty much
Yeah lady from the White House.. if you really think Georgians know how to self distance then take a trip to Walmart and see just how social distancing works the GA way!!

@BlackWolf Rage What’s that supposed to mean?
Democrats don’t like lakes and bonfires?
@Keith Bardwell most of us do not wear masks
Panola rd!
@Uck Fe Ou Ye Why call people who want to stay safe communists? I don’t like being locked down but I recognize why businesses are closed and people are encouraged to stay in until this situation stabilizes or ends.
@Uck Fe Ou Ye People are killing me talking about Right !!!! You have a right to Die your way ,Same for your entire family ,when you get Sick ,your child ,your mother ,DO NOT seek medical help, you have NO RIGHT to place others in danger ,please Buy a heavy duty shovel ,and I hope you have insurance ,it would beLow for your people to set up a Go Fund Me account ,Go Home !!! watch your relative Die and Remember it was your Right !!!
This mayor looks tired. I would be too if I had to deal with a governor like that all the time
@Arthur Walker Rule of Law??? Actually, the governor said he’s not forcing businesses to reopen. They have a choice. While I think his decision to reopen the state is dangerous, illogical, & greed-driven, business owners aren’t bound by law to reopen. Therefore, the mayors aren’t breaking any laws by advising against it.
@Arthur Walker BTW, it’s interesting that you pretend to know anything about this mayor’s personal life.
Maybe YOU have an “agenda”. 
@Arthur Walker maybe he doesn’t agree to reopen all the way in his state right now is kinda dangerous
stay in your homes them. When you run out of money and food don’t loot, go knock on the door of this mayor and ask him for food.
@Arthur Walker oh silly man, you live in the country with one if if not the largest economy in the world but yet you don’t think that your government is capable of taking care of you. Especially during a pandemic.
I’m praying for Georgia.
Thank you, we need it
They’ll be fine.
Sarah Sims I am praying for Georgia as well!
i get it you don’t know that!!
No need we good

Unless you’re 70-plus years old your chances of death are slim to none
@Rick Botkins dont use facts on morons
I can bet you don’t know anyone who has covid19 much less died from covid19. No one can cure mental retardation in the mainstream plandemic.
Any person, including governors that want wreckless reopening should sign a form saying they will not expect heroic first responders to waste precious resources on them when they get covid. There. Idiots solved.
Totally agree!
Absolutely. They should instead be moved to enclaves where they cannot infect others. Like leper colonies in the past
Idiots solved
Should someone driving a car sign they don’t need medical assistance if in a accident?
angela merkel ??? If they disregard the rules, definitely
I choose LIFE and being unemployed; I’m staying home to protect my family.
I have the right to complain.You just jealous I got a tax cut.
Going for the food stamps and welfare.
@The Blue Wave There are people who want to live..Staying alive is their priority. I’m sorry that you’re losing money but there are people losing their lives .
Living with your parents must be a blessing.