Eugene Robinson, Matthew Continetti, and Betsy Woodruff-Swan join the panel on MTP Daily to discuss the implications of the impeachment hearings both on the president and on the 2020 election. Aired on 11/14/19.
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Matthew Continetti: The Goal For Both Parties Is ‘Keep The Trial Short’ | MTP Daily | MSNBC
One thing nearly every American agrees about. Trump is by far the most corrupt and criminal POTUS in American history.
@Halina Bemben I agree with you but you just can’t reason with these “people”.
@Sean Steele what?
@Sean Steele What did Mueller convict him of? O…I forgot..that would be nothing…
@888strummer was there a reason why you addressed me and wrote something?
@Sean Steele I responded to YOUR dumb post to ME, that convicted criminals can’t run for president. And I reminded you that just as Mueller came up with nothing against Trump; this silly Ukraine phone call will also be a nothingburger.
So, the only guy capable of defending Trump enough to be on the Intel Committee is also the guy who thinks it’s A-OK to molest teenagers.
Jordan, I know. but what about trump himself ? video of trump and Melania with Epstain and some girl. it is worth investigating . Maybe Melania was one of Epstain s victims ? you never know !
Just as evil trump mostly molested young girls, not so much boys.
@Len Ovo Republicans support pedophiles. I agree with you.
My goal would be to hear a Republican ask a relevant question and not push debunked conspiracies.
@Dave Ponsford is it possible Trump is releasing the transcripts of his calls with Ukraine just so he is able to release Obama’s transcripts with Ukraine leadership later?
@Mark Haddox so what if Biden is corrupt. But with that said its monumental daft for Trump to make that call as we don’t even know yet if Biden win is the nominee or not.
Great point! I think they did okay at first but dumbo really hurt himself with that tweet and after that it seemed that they were scrambling to figure out what to do and where to go because the ambassador was really above reproach and was not even ‘in country” when this phone call went down. Of course, I cringe everytime I have to hear Devin Nunez drone on and on about crap that has been proven to be untrue and ridiculous but they have no other leg to stand on.
@Mark Haddox a relevant question regarding trump’s impeachment trial. Good try kiddo
Having spent my years of my youth in the US, I realize the problems with a 3rd of Americans
are they are just simply uneducated and stupid. General civics and social understanding.
They believe a president have all the power in the world. They don’t know anything about
checks and balances. They have no clue about the constitution. No wonder Trump gets this kind
of support. The problems for Americans are deep and huge! And due to the US place in the world, it affects all the rest of the world.
Norman Mortensen I find that Americans put their presidents on a pedestal, they seem to revere them, unlike in the U.K. where we don’t. To be honest we just don’t respect our MPs or Prime Ministers. A lot of people are Royalists, then again it’s only the Queen that gets any respect many can’t stand the Royals and call them parasites, many people resent paying these privileged people tax payers money to keep them in the comfort they are accustomed to. We have a healthy way of disrespecting anyone who is in power.
Norman Mortensen
Yep. Their idiotic celebrity-glorifying culture.
tRump doesnt have a faithful bone in his body, ask his wives and girlfriends, what makes anyone think he would be faithful to the country?
unless you’re Ivank…

i take umbrage with trump’s sneaky widespread conspiracy approach to getting what he wanted. he is an arrogant, thuggish, ‘take what i want’ pos. he has no right to break every & any law to get what he wants. he thinks the world revolves around him, & we are all here to serve him. this may be ok in another galaxy, but not in our wh.
I don’t believe it was a “draw.” The Rethugliklans made no sense in their defense at all.
Was there any concern for the people of Ukraine expressed during the call? I would think that a person concerned with the well being of another nations people would have gotten into how is it they are suffering to better align their needs with help being given. I haven’t reviewed the call…
Where’s the TRUMP TAPES of the INCRIMINATING PHONE CALLS? Colossal classic COVER-UP!!!
These Republican senators think that trump is incompetent , committed these crimes, but does not meet impeachment but they think lying about a BJ is.
Jordan was screaming as if people would be afraid of his agressive way! But he did a fool of himself!!
When did democrats ever continually say quid quo pro, it was a republican talking point, endlessly.
send a subpoena to the phone of Trump: you will see that he was correcting the perfect call with a sharpie
Rep. Denny Heck: “Using Latin, PER SE is not something I tend to do, Hallie”
I hope he was trying to make a funny. “Per se” is Latin for “in essence” Hahaha
Heads Up America
It takes a Village and we are all REAL AMERICANS.
it almost make me think …Trump the colt leader …. because . . if economy didn’t really improved like he claims .he did it by himself . .lol….then why he still has supporters ? he brainwashed them. they believe him and are willing to follow him no matter what.. that to me is a Colt leader.
The GOP only recognizes corporations and elite 1% and always trumpets as REAL AMERICANS.
Nothing can delete the reality that Trump tried to bribe/extort a foreign leader for personal purposes. Period.
“Using latin, per se, is not something I tend to do.” – this is the most hilarious thing I have ever heard
7:43 “Using Latin per se is not something I tend to do…”
LOL, this guy is joking in Latin!
Priceless: The Republicans want to argue the whistleblower’s state of mind… go ahead!
Yea that’s the way he rolls, well let’s roll him to the back forty and end his suffering