1. That is amazing! Now make the other Barbies look like human women too! Like a variety of sizes?

    1. @Linda C Why would they make a super obese Barbie ? Obesity is not something to be proud of or look up to .Obesity is unhealthy and anyone that says otherwise should seek help .

    2. @Sass every body should be represented. No body shaming. (Little girls shouldn’t be made to achieve an unattainable goal).
      If I follow your logic, then no ethnic girls, girls of brown , no anerexuc nor bulimic girls should be included . No ignoring a demographic will help these girls who feel so orrsucuted and think they wrevunwirthy if live and the world would be better off dead.
      Suicide it the leading cause of death in
      Teens and into their 20’s.
      Please stop body shanung

    3. @More than meets The eye Every body should be represented but obesity should not be promoted. That’s not healthy and nothing to be proud of.I’m not saying the original Barbie is the goal but obesity shouldn’t be either .

  2. Many do not realize how wonderful it is for a child to have a doll that they can relate to. This is awesome. ❤️

    1. I’m not against there being a Barbie with Down syndrome buuutt I don’t really see the point😐. STILL if it makes some little girl (or boy) feel more accepted or seen FINE🙃

  3. Now do clefts please! My daughter was born with a unilateral cleft lip and palate and I think she would make an absolutely gorgeous doll ❤️❤️❤️

    1. @Shane Lavender I don’t think a YouTube short qualifies as a field day. If Carlson hadn’t gotten his a$$ fired, he would have talked about it for a week. Lololol

  4. I can’t tell the difference. I don’t have my glasses on, though. But I’m glad she did and that it made her happy. Seeing her joy made me smile.

  5. Totally unrelated but im dying laughing at the memories. years ago went last minute Xmas shopping. I had already gotten all my gifts but I decided to help my sister w her shopping and she asked if I could buy a couple of barbies for my nieces. The youngest one we always would joke w cause she was darker. I saw there were no regular barbies only black ones left and busted out laughing holding 2 boxes on my way to pay. Wrapped them up and when she opened it up everyone had a great laugh. Fun times

  6. Fucking awesome!!

    Way to go, Mattel, (is something I never thought I’d say)!! This is going to be a toy industry game changer. Nice work!

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