Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) is speaking with Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), and attacking Paul Ryan before Ryan's speech urging the party to move away from Trump.
#CNN #News
Matt Gaetz attacks Paul Ryan ahead of speech

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) is speaking with Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), and attacking Paul Ryan before Ryan's speech urging the party to move away from Trump.
#CNN #News
What did Bush do? Is it because they consider him an “old fashion republican”?? Or because his views don’t line up with what they stand for now?
@Sandy Gan I just thought I missed something lol
John McCain was a real Republican who actually fought for this country. When did Trump fight for the country? Oh that’s right he didn’t. His “bone spurs” and daddy’s money
@Johnathan Leonardo just like his buddy Gaetz smh that’s why he’s a trump guy his daddy gets him outta trouble too
@BigBadJerry Rogers “mildly rational” and “not a pos” is not a compliment! Lol!
@Sassy L huh lol sorry I’m confused. Gaetz wasnt there when McCain was in office?
Stop giving Gaetz and MTG air time, that’s how we got Trump.
No no no….give them air time. Which proves to America the lunacy that exists within the gop.
Amen, thats all is needed. The media created these monsters and they to end these monster.
It’s a bit different now, but you have a valid point.
@Jeff Davis over-medicated?
It’s something seriously wrong with Americans!
Less than half of them, but yeah. Beware world
The proliferation of predicates without subjects? That is indeed effed up, and it extends far beyond America I’m afraid, so much so that communication is hampered globally…
I wouldn’t generalize like that, makes you sound ignorant.
@Baracus Obamus god forbid a country of immigrants should take in immigrants.
@Baracus Obamus At least you tried, you either that one dumb troll bot like usual.
Jesus why haven’t they locked him up yet..
Which one???
@Susan Teeter Margerine Taters Green, that dude needs to back off on the steroids.
Paul Ryan never shared pictures of naked women with other members of congress or sent money to a sex trafficker via cash app.
@Mogirl YES….Gaetz DID show naked pictures of women he had “bedded” to his colleagues in congress….several congress members have attested to this. There are reciepts showing GAETZ DID pay for sex. AND HUNTER NEVER DID BECAUSE HUNTER HAS NEVER BEEN IN CONGRESS!!!!!! You are delusional!!!
@Pete Hoover Paul Ryan is not and NEVER was a doctor………you are confusing him with Rand Paul…..two different people!!! As for Rand Paul stopping and giving aid at a traffic accident??? PROOF please because he is an eye doctor……
@Ellen Casteel You go find your proof you need on your own dime. You remembered enough of it, including why I got confused, and I DO remember the part about him being an eye doctor. Even an eye doctor has to staunch blood from time to time.
@Hunter Roberts like Don Jr
@Pete Hoover Are you thinking of Rand Paul?
[Gets Popcorn]
Love it when the GOP eats their own.
@Mr A I keep hearing “wait a week” since uh…. December last year. Still waiting lol
@James N how did Russia turn out to you? James Comey lied, did you watch anything besides CNN?
@James N Do you like being lied to, Mr fauci gave you advice that put your life in danger. He knew what he was doing.
@James N wasn’t it the GOP mantra to wait a week or two and we’d see their new healthcare plan. It’s been a very long week or two, hasn’t it?
@Jav did you ever think the GOP constituents don’t need a hand out?
@edward cunha This is a message to all my fellow Democrat friends. We all voted for Joe Biden. And now we all know it was the biggest mistake we ever made after just 100 days.
Even my fellow Democrat friends are pissed. And I’m still a registered Democrat myself. And I’m pissed.
Inflation is rising, cyberattacks on our infrastructure, jobs report was a disaster, Middle East is in shambles, gas prices skyrocketing, working class can’t fill up their gas tanks, an invasion & crisis is on our southern border and the Biden Administration’s leadership is nowhere to be found…. this is ‘build back better’ ?
If Trump had been re-elected NONE of this would be happening –
America is sinking faster than the titanic
@Steve Austin the only mistake is Trump is not dead or in jail
That is true all you Qanon-ers lol I suggest you look at the arrest and conviction rate of Republican politicians for pedophilia if you REALLY want to save the kids. If you need a starting point Hastert ( the old republican speaker of the house) and ask me for more. I got lists of them lol at least a hundred, not counting the staunch right wing priests that were hidden by the church AND republicans.
@Steve Austin Solarwinds hack was while Trump waa in office. ME has been in shambles since the Ottomans started declining. If you switch from low to high demand you get inflation. Keeping people poor isn’t how you beat inflation isn’t how you do it unless you want a Great Depression that killed inflation 90 years ago. Let supply chains catch up to let prices settle down. Remember how demand for toilet paper skyrocketed when people stayed home last year instead of sitting at the toilet at work, school, or a sports stadium? The gas thing would have happened because the pipeline company chose to turn off the lines to avoid losing money and people panicked. Trump wouldn’t have changed that.
Gaetz will claim he was only supporting his local businesses in Florida with a minor purchase
@Cody strong What does that make you? A puppet stalker?
@Cptlsthipi I think Donald Trump will be on probation during the next election I wish he could run again what a joke that would be
@Steve Austin Yes, PLEASE run the crackpot Trumpist ticket! Please!
I’m not sure that paying underage hookers counts as a purchase, though.
His argument will be 17 is legal in Florida. He already started setting up that defense when he went on Tucker Carlson. The girl/woman in question is almost certainly the same girl/woman that Gaetz referenced as having dinner with Gaetz, Tucker, and Tucker’s wife (allegedly).
Republicans: the election will be turned over when you have proof it was stolen. You never will because it was not stolen.
You LOST. Get over it.
Run him in 2024 and we’ll beat him like a drum … AGAIN.
@Brian Jones
Illegals can’t even vote for presidential candidates
@stacey marshall They’ve always been out. They just ditched their robes and white hoods for expensive blue suits and foot-long red ties.
I’m certain that Democrat states beat them to the punch. The republican are just fighting for election integrity, the dems just try to make it easier to cheat. Mail in, no voter ID and no signature matching sounds like its way easier to cheat. Change my mind.
@Brian Jones a significantly higher number votes for Biden. This is how democracy works
But you know that, because you kept telling us in 2016 that ‘trump won, get over it’ we are saying the same to you. Who is the
@William M Real funny Boy
Sounds like Matt is speaking in a empty room i am betting there is less than a hundred people there what a clown
Yes they bare filled the seats !
Maybe 40 I reckon, certainly doesn’t need a microphone

But w media coverage, millions, WHY???
@Karen Cote We like to point and laugh!
This is what it looks like when the Republicans don’t send their best.
@infinitytoinfinitysquaredbitch We will take the risk and did when we voted that lunatic out. Good riddance and Thank God for his mercies.
Hey Hairy Nosepicker,
Yes. Modeling is a side gig: I work as a surgical and ICU nurse . As an RN working in critical care,
wear a mask! Otherwise, I’ll be seeing you or your parents in the I.C.U.@Green party of Wakanda
I calls ’em likes I sees ’em, and EVERYONE can see Old Joe is a doddering old fool. Democrats don’t even try to defend him. They just deflect to Trump like a TDS twitch.
Hey Jax Onlytogaiboyporn,
Oh, your feefees got hurt by my post. So sorry for you. Love your channel image; is it by an Impressionist? Is it by Monet, titled ‘White non-college educated male’? Or is it abstract, maybe Pollack’s ‘The Imbecile’? (snickers and sincerity,;’= )
@Green party of Wakanda
@Green party of Wakanda You guys tied to ELECT an obese beta male…
republicans want to divide the country so much, they are dividing their own party in half
@colonel 100When was that it will be helpful to know when Because Trump and his administration visited the border and actually did things about it like building the wall which biden is resuming now, hypocritically, he funded border patrol to get 5000 border patrol members by executive order he cared about our border there was no catch and release . You aren’t so different than the Trump cult because Biden agrees with the wall now and it’s ok to CNN isn it???
@colonel 100 Sound like what you heard CNN say about Trump and the virus no original thinking.
@colonel 100 Tell me that CNN did not say what you are saying about the virus and Trump you did not think about that on your own. Did you research any thing that trump did to stop the virus no because you don’t like Trump so he can only do 100 percent bad things CNN CULT
@Juan Geez well Trump did admit to journalist that he purposely downplayed the virus, even though he knew it was going to cause serious problems. And he’s on tape doing that. There’s also that time he promoted Hydroxi, knowing full well it was good for treating the virus. Does that count.
@Juan Geez it doesn’t take original thinking TO STATE THE OBVIOUS.
But hey enjoy your bs conspiracy bs you qanon goons keep screaming about
Gaetz and MTG have become the biggest traveling carnie act in America.
@toy bonnie the bunny This is a message to all my fellow Democrat friends. We all voted for Joe Biden. And now we all know it was the biggest mistake we ever made after just 100 days.
Even my fellow Democrat friends are pissed. And I’m still a registered Democrat myself. And I’m pissed.
Inflation is rising, cyberattacks on our infrastructure, jobs report was a disaster, Middle East is in shambles, gas prices skyrocketing, working class can’t fill up their gas tanks, an invasion & crisis is on our southern border and the Biden Administration’s leadership is nowhere to be found…. this is ‘build back better’ ?
If Trump had been re-elected NONE of this would be happening –
America is sinking faster than the titanic
@Barbara Ferrara This is a message to all my fellow Democrat friends. We all voted for Joe Biden. And now we all know it was the biggest mistake we ever made after just 100 days.
Even my fellow Democrat friends are pissed. And I’m still a registered Democrat myself. And I’m pissed.
Inflation is rising, cyberattacks on our infrastructure, jobs report was a disaster, Middle East is in shambles, gas prices skyrocketing, working class can’t fill up their gas tanks, an invasion & crisis is on our southern border and the Biden Administration’s leadership is nowhere to be found…. this is ‘build back better’ ?
If Trump had been re-elected NONE of this would be happening –
America is sinking faster than the titanic
@Barbara Ferrara the left isn’t behaving like the left anymore. Must be another party switch.
nah, carnies need to have something people want to see, the majority of Americans would not pay a red cent to see the two of them. I will agree that they do have the minority crowd pretty well covered for interest though.
A pair of proverbial snake oil salesmen hawking conspiracies, peddling lies and spewing hate, solely for personal gain, at the detriment of democracy. As members of the GOP Freak Show, Matt “The Head” Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor “The Mouthpiece” Greene mesmerize the loyal masses of their demagogue with their verbal “smoke and mirrors” act. The America First “dog & pony” show is akin to a train wreck; as it draws in debased individuals, who relish the fiery rhetoric, and stuns disbelieving outsiders, who cannot turn a blind eye to the metaphorical carnage. True American Carnage.
So they forgot to bring out the golden statute of Trump, hilarious.
Those two personal ambitions have already left trump behind. They’re just using the emotions now.
No they didn’t…they have the golden idol behind the curtain where they gladly burn off all their brain cells as they bow to it.
The only President to be ever impeached for Incitement of Insurrection against the United States of America.
Think about that for a second.
Remains of 215 children found at former residential school in British Columbia.
The school operated between 1890 and 1969. The federal government took over the operation from the Catholic Church to operate as a day school until it closed in 1978.
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission issued its final report on residential schools more than five years ago. The nearly 4,000-page account details the harsh mistreatment inflicted on Indigenous children at the institutions, where at least 3,200 children died amid abuse and neglect
one funny thing about that thing it that it was made in China
for trump supporters. Like his MAGA hats…etc… so much for that tariff/trade war lol and China being the biggest threat ( I still support Russia for that. I think XI is rational at least, although he wants an empire. I think Putin is a Murderer who is cunning, but unhinged and wants an empire(but he is very very competent when compared to trump))
These people don’t realize they are in a cult. America used to be looked at with honor but now we are turning into a joke.
Look at the rise of the NAZI Germany and Hitler
1. Trying to rid of the other parties
2. Abolish freedom of the press
3. Claim that there’s a rise of a type of government of the opposition
4. Claim the leader is law and order
5. Create Paramilitary groups (proud boys, Oath keepers, Boogaloo Qanon) to fight the opposition
6. No more free elections (1 party, 1 man)
Make no mistake, the people at these rallies represent the dregs of American society.
@Angus D Whenever one of them starts, I imagine they’re actually on the floor in the corner, self-hugging, and rocking, and repeating “Trump won! Trump won!”
@Uriah Heep one long run-on sentence there, buddy!
@Brian Jones …but Republicans hate people…its just in you guys nature.
@Brian Jones You have no point you are a troll.
@Green party of Wakanda ? !LOL!
“Srop the steal” was a third-rate featuring Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump, Peter Navarro and Kay-Lie McEnemy in the starring roles.
don’t forget the cigarette chewing Kraken lady and Mein Pillow
Stop the steal now actually applies to Trump & his zombies , stop them from stealing everything including democracy .
I’m glad Matt is doing a lot of bouncing around because there’s gonna be a lot of bouncing from his backside when he’s in prison .
“If Raegan was in that rally, he would be booed” – flawless!!! Time to vote every republican out next year
Time to shun the ones you know , make it known . Besides republicans are the remaining carriers of the virus most likely .
“…it’s too big of a crime…”
The crime is what Dump and the GQP has done to his brain.